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Labitat is a Copenhagen-based hackerspace/fablab situated at H. C. Ørsteds Vej 5 in central Copenhagen. It can be debated if it is the first initiative of its kind in Copenhagen (with the now gone 'Lab' at Vesterbrogade 107 being one of the first - if not the first), but it is most likely to be the first in Copenhagen to wear the title hackerspace. The organization was founded June the 14th 2009, and acquired its current location in early December 2009.

The organization is strictly non-profit and there is no salary for any of its members. The economy is based upon paying members, funds and whatever products the members of Labitat voluntarily can make a profit of. The maintenance of the physical space is also solely also based upon voluntary effort.

The member count grows steadily and, as of April 2010, Labitat counts 80 paying members. The members fee is a minimum DKK 150 per month (in late April 2010 very close to €20), but there is no maximum fee. The surplus money goes into utilities needed for projects and general tools/utilities for Labitat. Yet, for the most part Labitat relies on donations and bin-scavenging to get the materials needed. Most of the members take great pride in recycling.

The people committed to Labitat are for a large portion computer-programmers and engineers, but artistic skills and craftsmanship are highly regarded in the community. Thus the members also counts people from a wide range of craftsman trades like watchmakers and prosthetists. One of the founding principals of Labitat is to bring art and technology closer together. As a consequence, a lot of the projects are made in a conjunction between physical space and software. One example is the RepRap.

It is possible to be a non-paying member, the down-sides being that you do not have 24/7 access like the paying members.


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