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2014/7/24 —Human development persist, but less rapidly in various regions of the world, and provided unbalanced. this report by the human development index of UNDP in his report, issued today in 2014.

The report says that human development was improving in Arabic, but large differences between countries, some in the high human development group, while the whole region faces enormous challenges hindering development. This report by the human development report in 2014, launched by the United Nations development programme today in Tokyo.

Arabic States resolved the second highest proportion of the total population, and many potential future depends on investment in early childhood care and nutrition, health and education.

It depends upon the area of complex Arabic, because of conflict, youth unemployment and inequality. The risk, if not addressed, can disrupt the process of human development now and in the future.

Said Helen Clark, the administrator of the United Nations Development Programme said: "in preventing risks become for everyone to share progress in development and human development will become more equitable and sustainable".

The conflict in Syria, in addition to other conflicts in the region, the families were severely damaged, and behind the largest numbers of displaced people and refugees in the world, who are today living in harsh economic and social conditions, according to the report.

Lives of children and women, who make up the highest proportion of displaced persons, deprived of many facets. Often living in poverty, deprived of basic public services such as health care and education. This denial can lead to health problems with individual life, it affects their mental, lost livelihoods and undermine the long-term potential.

And measure the value of the human development index, Qatar resolved at the forefront of the countries of the region, while Arabic resolves in another list. And the region of high per capita income, at $ 15.817, and exceeds the world average by 15 percent. And the Arabic region without world averages in life expectancy and years of study.

The report refers to the delay in the Arabic States relative to world averages in terms of human development index adjusted by a factor of inequality. And inequality in education levels are high, averaging 38%; and in health and income, with the average inequality more than 17 per cent. The report asserts that the large numbers of young people in the region requires special attention at the policy level, to enjoy decent work opportunities and to benefit from demographic dividend.

The report calls for a commitment to full employment policy objective, universal basic social services, social protection and improving global coordination in building strength to stave off dangers.

According to the report, these objectives in all countries, at all levels of development, and calls for a "global consensus on universal social protection" and to make them part of the development plan for after 2015.

And multidimensional poverty remains a challenge for some countries, where it causes sustained deficits in the health and education.

According to the multidimensional poverty index, ranks 82 per cent of the Somali population into this category of the poor.

Either by absolute numbers, the Yemen registered the largest number of poor people living multiple and overlapping aspects of deprivation, which reached 7.7 million in 2006, the latest year for which data are available.

The report presents the idea of risk exposure in different stages of life, particularly in crucial stages where the shocks as a source of profound implications, and calls for investment in the early stages of development to build strength. The report addresses the issue of risk exposure arising from discrimination and inadequate institutions, two of the factors that cause the greatest damage in the Arabic States women and displaced persons.

Meets many factors, including the weak representation of women in parliaments, and gender differences in labour force participation, to develop Arabic area at the site of late by gender.