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User:Miwasatoshi/List of mêlée weapons

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  • afena
    • akrafena (akofena) (inc. dangapo, Kraku, Mponponson)
    • asomfofena
    • bosomfena (nsuafena) (inc. Bosompra, Bosomru, Bosomtwe)
  • afran (ohoto)
  • ahir
  • alamani
  • amanremu
  • arming sword (Oakeshott Type XIII) (inc. Colada, Tizona)
  • aruval (kathir aruval, veecharival, veecharuval)
  • asi (asil)
  • aswar
  • babanga
  • backsword
  • balasiong (balacion)
  • bangkung (bangkon, bankon)
  • banyal
  • barong (barung)
  • basak-pwa (Ngbandi/Sango/Yakoma sword)
  • baselard (badelaire, bazelaire)
  • Baule executioner's sword
  • Baule wooden sword
  • beladau (baradi, beladah)
  • Benin sword
  • bicuco
  • bilbo
  • billao (belawa, bilawa, billaawe)
  • boegis
  • bokken (木剣, 木刀 / bokutō)
    • chashitsutō (茶室刀)
    • mokgeom (木劒 / 목검 )
    • suburitō (素振り刀 / 香取木剣 / Katori bokken)
  • Bronze Age sword
    • antenna sword
    • bakatwa (bakatua)
    • Bronze Age rapier
    • carp's tongue sword
    • leaf sword (pakana, phasgana, phasganon)
    • xiphos
  • Buli sword
  • Bwaka sword
  • cinquedea (anelace, anlace, braquemard, braquemart, coustil a croc, epee de passot, malchus, Oakeshott Type XXI, pistos)
  • dahong palay (dahompalay, dahon palay)
  • dāo (刀 / Chinese saber / to / tō)
    • bāguàdāo (八卦刀 / Bagua saber)
    • bèidāo (背刀 / back saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • butterfly sword ( 蝴蝶刀 / húdiédāo / butterfly knife / butterfly saber, 蝴蝶双刀 / húdiéshuāngdāo / butterfly double saber)
    • càiyángdāo (蔡陽刀 / poisonous yang saber / sayangdao) [Qing Dynasty]
    • chángdāo (長刀 / Chinese anti-cavalry long sword / long saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • chuánwěidāo (船尾刀 / boat stern saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • dàdāo (大刀 / Chinese broadsword / daidao / great saber,
    • dàkāndāo (大砍刀 / large chopping saber, 砍刀 / kāndāo / chopping saber) [Ming-Qing Dynasty]
    • dàpiàndāo (大扁刀 / great slashing saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • duǎndāo (短刀 / short saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • fèngzuǐdāo (鳳嘴刀 / phoenix bill saber)
    • gēdāo (割刀 / cutting saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • gōudāo (鉤刀 / hook saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • gōuliándāo (鉤鎌刀 / hook sickle saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • guǐtóudāo (鬼頭刀 / ghost head saber)
    • héngdāo (横刀 / horizontal saber) [Tang Dynasty]
    • huánshǒudāo (环首刀 / ring head saber) [Han Dynasty]
    • hǔyádāo (虎牙刀 / tiger fang saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • jiádāo (鋏刀 / monk's saber)
    • jiǔgōudāo (九鉤刀 / nine hook saber)
    • jiǔhuándāo (九環刀 / nine ring saber)
    • kāishāndāo (开山刀 / Kaishan saber)
    • liǔyèdāo (柳葉刀 / willow leaf saber) [Ming-Qing Dynasty]
    • mádāo (馬刀 / horse saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • miáodāo (苗刀 / sprout saber) [Han Dynasty]
    • mòdāo (陌刀 / footpath saber / long-hafted saber) [Tang Dynasty]
    • nándāo (南刀 / southern saber)
    • níuwěidāo (牛尾刀 / ox-tail saber) [Ming-Qing Dynasty]
    • [peidao] (佩刀 / side saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • piàndāo (扁刀 / slashing saber, 單刀 / dāndāo / single saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • piāoyáodāo (飘遥刀 / drifting saber)
    • púdāo (朴刀 / podao / hackberry saber, 双手带 / shuāngshǒudài / two hand belt [saber]) [Song Dynasty]
    • rèndāo (刃刀 / edged saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • [shan]tóudāo (X頭刀 / eel head saber)
    • shuāngrèndāo (雙刃刀 / double edged saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • shǒudāo (手刀 / hand saber) [Song Dynasty]
    • tàijídāo (太極劍 / Taiji saber)
    • wōdāo (倭刀 / Japanese saber)
    • xiāodāo (枭刀 / cutting saber / scrape saber)
    • xuěhuādāo (雪花刀 / shi fa dao / shui kwa doa / snowflake saber)
    • yànchìdāo (雁翅刀 / goose wing saber) [Ming Dynasty]
    • yànmáodāo (雁毛刀 / goose quill saber, 雁翎刀 / yànlíngdāo / goose feather saber) [Ming-Qing Dynasty]
    • yànzǐdāo (燕子刀 / swallow saber)
    • yāodāo (腰刀 / waist saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • yīngdāo (纓刀 / tassel saber) [Qing Dynasty]
    • yúntóudāo (雲頭刀 / cloud head saber) [Ming Dynasty]
    • yútóudāo (魚頭刀 / fish head saber)
    • zhǎnmǎdāo (斬馬刀 / horse-chopping saber / ja ma dou / zanbatō, 麻扎刀 / mázhādāo / horse piercing saber [NOTE: initial hanzi actually reads as "hemp"]) [Song Dynasty-Qing Dynasty]
  • dha (daab, daarb, dah, darb, dhaw, sword-dao)
    • dha-hmyaung
    • dha-lwe (dalwel, dalwey)
    • dha-ma
    • dha-mauk
    • dha-shay
    • khamti dha
    • meed-maw
    • meed-phra
  • dhup (dhoup)
  • djoemloeng
  • do (刀 / 도 / Korean saber)
    • hwando (환도)
    • hwandudaedo (環頭大刀 / 환두대도 / ring-pommel long sword; sohwandudaedo)
    • jikdo (直刀 / 직 도 / chik do)
    • samgakdo (三角刀 / 삼각도)
    • samjeongdo (三正刀 / 삼정도)
    • ssangdo (双刀 / 쌍도)
    • ssangsudo (双手刀 / 쌍수도)
    • yedo (예도 / ye do)
  • dohong
  • dolon
  • dukn
  • duku
  • dussack (disackn, dusack, dusägge, dusegg, dusegge, dysack, tesak, tesák, thuseckn)
  • eben (Bini/Efe/Yoruba ceremonial sword)
  • efamba (Ekonda/Kundu/Mongo ceremonial sword)
  • épée
  • espada ropera
  • estoc (estoque, Oakeshott Type XV / XVII, Panzerbrecher, stocco, tuck, verdun)
  • executioner's sword (beheading sword, Richtschwert, sword of justice)
  • Fa sword (Fang sword)
  • falcata (machaera hispana)
  • falchion (falcon)
    • cleaver falchion
    • cusped falchion
  • falx (Dacian sword)
  • faussart (Haumesser, two-handed glaive)
  • Federschwert
  • firangi
  • flame-bladed sword (flambard, flamberge, Flamenschwert, flammard)
  • flyssa
  • foil (fleuret)
    • chasse coquin (chasse-coquin)
  • Ful sword
  • gayang
  • genoui (janwi)
  • geom (劍 / gum / kŏm / Korean sword)
    • bonguk geom (本國劍 / 본국검 / bonkuk gum / bonkuk kŏm / national sword, 神劍 / 신검 / singeom / shinkŏm / Silla sword)
    • bulsaegeom (불새검 / bulsaegum / firebird sword / phoenix sword)
    • chilseonggeom (七星劍 / 칠성검 / chilsunggum)
    • haedong jingeom (海東陣剣 / 해동진검 / haidong jingum)
    • iingeom (에인검 / eeingeom)
    • janggeom (장검 / jung gum / jung kum)
    • jedok geom (예독금 / jedokgum)
    • kalgeom (劍劍 /칼검 / kal gum)
    • saingeom
    • sainchamsageom (사인참사검)
    • samingeom (사밍검)
    • ssanggeom (双剣 / 쌍검)
    • ssangyunggeom (쌍융검)
    • unggeom
    • yongbunggeom (영붕검 / yongbunggum)
  • ginunting
  • gladius (cladibas, kladiwos)
    • gladius hispaniensis
    • Fulham gladius
    • Mainz gladius
    • Pompeii gladius
  • goliah
  • Großes Messer (grosses Messer, Hiebmesser)
  • gupti
  • hagibis
  • halab
  • hengdang
  • hook sword (鉤 / gōu, 雙鉤 / shuānggōu / sang kauw)
    • hǔtóugōu (虎頭鉤 / tiger head hook)
    • jiǔchǐgōu (九齒鉤 / nine tooth hook)
    • lùjiǎogōu (鹿角鉤 / deer antler hook-sword)
    • yīngzuǐgōu (鷹嘴鉤 / eagle bill hook-sword)
  • hunting sword
  • hwa (Dahomey sword)
  • iaitō (mogitō)
  • Ibaka sword
  • ida (ada, agedengbe, obe, tanmogayi)
  • ilwoon (ilondo, iloon, Kuba sword)
  • Iron Age sword
  • jiàn (劍 / Chinese straight-sword) (inc. sword of Goujian)
    • bāguàjiàn (八卦劍 / Bagua sword)
    • bōchángjiàn (波長劍 / wave-long sword)
    • jùchǐjiàn (鋸齒劍 / giau tzu jen / snake-head saw-tooth sword)
    • shàngfāngbǎojiàn (上方宝劍 / imperial sword, 宝劍 / bǎojiàn / treasure sword)
    • shéjiàn (蛇剑 / snake sword)
    • shéshéjiàn (蛇舌劍 / snake tongue sword)
    • shuāngshǒujiàn (双手劍 / double hand sword)
    • tàijíjiàn (太極劍 / Taiji sword)
    • wúgōujiàn (吳鉤劍 / Wu hook sword)
  • jiàncì (劍刺 / sword piercer)
  • jumgeerdha
  • kalis (keris)
  • kampilan (bada, badanumogandi, campilan, kampilan bolo)
  • kapee dha
  • kaskara
  • kastane
  • katana (刀 / tō, 倭劍 / 왜검 / waegeom, 倭刀 / wodao) (inc. Kanemitsu, Kunishige, Kunitsugu, Masamune, Muramasa)
  • Katipunan officer's sword
  • Katzbalger (Landsknecht sword, lanquesnette)
  • ke tri (ke-tri, pa dam, patang)
  • Kete sword (Luba sword)
  • khanda (khaḍga, khaṅga)
  • khmali (Khevsur sword, xmali)
  • khopesh (khepesh, sappara, sickle-sword)
  • kiddo
  • kiếm
  • klewang (kelewang, klevang, tebol hujong)
    • chunderik (chundrik, cundrik)
    • ladeng
    • sanget (sangit)
  • koncerz (končiaras)
  • Konda cult sword
  • Konda split-bladed sword
  • Konde sword
  • kora
  • krabi
  • lading belonajoeng lamah
  • lahot
  • larbango
  • larbido
  • laring
  • Lele sword
  • lemeng
  • ligonda (Lia/Ngata/Ntomba/Sengele sword)
  • Lobala executioner's sword
  • loewoek
  • longsword (espadón, gran espée d'Allemagne, greatsword, langes Schwert, mandoble, montante, Oakeshott Type XIIIa, passot, spada longa, spadone, two-handed sword) (inc. Manx Sword of State
    • bastard sword (épée bâtarde, hand-and-a-half sword)
    • claymore (claidheamh dà làimh, claidheamh mòr)
    • parade sword (Paratschwert)
    • schiavonesca
    • Zweihänder (Bidenhänder, Bihänder, Doppelhänder)
  • Luba sword
  • Lulua sword
  • macuahuitl (māccuahuitl, mācuahuitl, macquahuitl, mahquahuitl, maquahuitl)
  • makhaira (machaera, machaira)
  • makraka (Zande saber)
  • mandau (parang ihlang)
  • Mandingo sword (Mbuun sword)
  • Mangbetu chopper
  • Mangbetu sickle-sword (trombash)
  • mbele-a-lulendo (Kongo sword of authority)
  • mbeli-ya-phoko (Pende sword)
  • mel puttah bemoh
  • mentok
  • Messer (Kriegsmesser, langes Messer)
  • moplah (ada katti, adya katti, ayda katti, malappuram kathi)
  • mpuko (Salampasu sword)
  • Mpuko sword (Mpuku sword)
  • nagamaki (長巻, 長巻直し / nagamaki-naoshi)
  • nagan (snake sword)
    • pahari (chakra sword, cobra sword, mandala sword, pahaari)
  • namral
  • Nande sword
  • ngulu (Kuba executioner's sword)
    • Doko/Lobala/Ngala/Ngbaka/Ngombe executioner's sword
  • noklang
  • Nombo sword
  • nuguit (narwhal-tusk sword)
  • Nzakara sword
  • Ovimbundu sword
  • pabari
  • panabas (pang-tabas, tabas)
  • parang
    • parang bedak
    • parang ginah
    • parang jedok
    • parang latok
    • parang nabur
    • parang pandit
  • pasangan
  • pattisa (patissa)
  • pedang (dap, gedubang, pedang djawie besar, pedang jenawi)
  • pinuti (pinute)
  • pira (pira cotabato)
  • piso eccat
  • piso gading
  • piso halasan
  • piso podang (podang)
  • piso raut (piso raout)
  • qaddara (kaddara, quaddara)
  • ram dao (ram-dao)
  • rankepet
  • rapier
  • rontegari
  • saber (sable, sablia, sablya, sabre)
  • sansibar (pang-sibak)
  • sapola (forked sword)
  • Senufu sword
  • sepa
  • seven-branched sword (七支刀 / chiljido / shichishitō, nanatsusaya no tachi)
  • shinai (竹刀)
    • fukuro-shinai (袋竹刀)
    • hikihada-shinai (蟇肌竹刀)
    • jukdo (죽도)
  • shortsword (inc. Model 1832 Foot Artillery Sword)
  • shotel
  • side-sword (spada da lato)
  • sirohi (serye)
  • small sword (court sword, dress sword, small sword)
  • sosun patah (sosun patta, sosun pattah)
  • spadroon (épée Anglaise)
  • sultani
  • surik
  • susubat
  • Swiss degen (Schweizerdegen)
  • sword bayonet
    • cutlass bayonet
    • saber bayonet
  • swordstick (cane-sword, sword umbrella)
  • tachi (太刀)
    • eifu-tachi (衛府太刀, 衛府の太刀 / eifu-no-tachi, 毛抜型太刀 / kenuki gata tachi)
    • entō-tachi (円頭太刀, 円頭の太刀 / entō-no-tachi / round-pommel tachi)
    • hōtō-tachi (方頭太刀, 方頭の太刀 / hōtō-tachi / square-pommel tachi)
    • jintachi (陣太刀)
    • kabutsuchi-no-tachi (蕪槌の太刀 / turnip-mallet tachi)
    • kantō-tachi (環頭太刀, 環頭の太刀 / kantō-no-tachi / ring-pommel tachi)
    • keitō-tachi (圭頭大刀, 圭頭の大刀 / keitō-no-tachi / jewel-pommel tachi)
    • kissaku-moroha-zukuri-no-tachi (kogarasu zukuri tachi) (inc. Kogarasu Maru)
    • kodachi (小太刀, 小刀 / chisakatana / kogatana)
    • nodachi (野太刀)
    • ōdachi (大太刀 / ōtachi)
  • takoba (takouba, takuba)
  • talibong (talibon)
  • tegha
  • tigar
  • Topeke sword
  • tsep sa
  • tsurugi (ken) (inc. Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi/Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi)
    • ama goi ken (ama-goi no tsurugi)
    • chokutō (直刀 / ちょくとう / straight sword)
    • jōkotō (上古刀 / ancient sword)
    • ninjatō (ninjaken, shinobigatana)
    • warabite-tō (蕨手刀, 蕨手太刀 / warabite-tachi / bracken frond sword)
  • utak
  • väkipuukko
  • waster
  • yatagan (yataghan)
    • salwar yataghan (Afghan sword, Khyber sword, ataghan seylaawa, salawar, salawar yataghan)
  • zafar takieh
  • zulfiqar (Dhū l-Fiqār)

Oakeshott typology and examples

  • Type X ("Viking sword" - inc. INGELRII, LEUTFRIT, ULFBERHT - Scandinavia to British Isles)
    • Type Xa ("Norman sword", "Templar sword" - Scandinavia to British Isles)
  • Type XI (inc. Sword of Saint Maurice - British Isles to Austria - "Ritter sword", "Hospitaller sword")
    • Type XIa
  • Type XII (inc. Sword of Alfonso de Sablo, Sword of Sancho IV, and Sword of Santa Casilda - Spain to Scandinavia - "Knightly sword")
    • Type XIIa ("grete swerde" - North Africa to British Isles)
  • Type XIII
    • Type XIIIa ("gran espee d'Allemagne", "grete swerde" - Germany and British Isles to Spain and North Africa - "Bohemian broadsword")
    • Type XIIIb (Scandinavia to North Africa)
  • Type XIV (inc. Moonbrand - Scandinavia and British Isles to Italy - "medieval short sword")
  • Type XV (inc. Shrewsbury sword, Sword of Estore Visconte)
    • Type XVa (inc. Black Prince Sword)
  • Type XVI
    • Type XVIa
  • Type XVII (inc. Sempach family)
  • Type XVIII (inc. Henry V Sword, Sword of Archduke Philip the Handsome)
    • Type XVIIIa (inc. Sword of Albrecht II, Sword of Edward III)
    • Type XVIIIb
    • Type XVIIIc
    • Type XVIIId
    • Type XVIIIe
  • Type XIX (England, Germany, Italy, Spain - "condottiere", "gallowglass")
  • Type XX
    • Type XXa
  • Type XXI (cinquedea - inc. Sword of Cesare Borgia)
  • Type XXII (inc. Sword of Frederick III, Sword of Heinrich V)
  • anave
  • an-gora
  • Apache war club (flop-head club)
  • aribō (gojō, kirikobō)
  • aunurgitj (aunurgitch, aunurgith)
  • ball-headed club (knobstick, poggamoggan)
    • ja-dagna
    • kajihwaodriohta (Cayuga war club)
    • inyankapemni (cannaksa, inyan kapemni, Lakota stone club)
    • puk-gah-mah-gun (Dakota stone club)
  • baton
    • expandable baton (collapsible baton, spring cosh, tactical baton, telescopic baton, telescoping baton)
    • stun baton
  • billet club (baseball bat club, truncheon club)
    • alafolo (afui)
    • bowai
    • buat (Melanesian "mushroom" club)
    • mbo
    • pövai (‘akau, ‘akau tä, ‘akau tau, povai)
  • block war club (flared quadrilateral club)
    • macana (apatoe, apootoo, aputu, butu, makana, mossi, mushi, potu, tauna)
  • boomerang
    • japururunga (taburaringa)
    • katariya (katari)
    • muragugna
    • singa
  • borduna
  • bulawa (bulava, buława)
  • burda
  • chabang (cabang, tekpi, tjabang)
  • ceremonial mace
  • champi (Inca star mace)
  • Chinese clubs, maces, and truncheons
    • bàng (棒 / Chinese cudgel / lit. "stick")
      • chángbàng (長棒 / long staff)
      • chǔbàng (杵棒 / pestle cudgel)
      • gānbàng (甘棒 / shaft cudgel)
      • lángyábàng (狼牙棒 / wolf tooth cudgel)
      • shàobàng (哨棒 / sentry cudgel)
      • wǔhuābàng (五花棒 / gu duo bang / five flower cudgel)
    • bǐjiàchā (筆架叉 / brush rake trident)
    • chánzhàng (禪仗 / monk's cudgel / zen stick)
    • guǎi (拐 / crutch)
      • dàguǎi (大拐 / large crutch)
      • [dingziguai] (T-shaped crutch)
      • [ligongguai]
      • niúxīnguǎi (牛心拐 / ox heart crutch, 牛角拐 / niújiǎoguǎi / ox horn crutch)
      • [suleguai]
    • jiǎn (鐧 / Chinese mace)
      • āomiǎnjiǎn (凹面鐧 / concave mace)
    • tiěchǐ (鐵尺 / titjio / iron ruler)
    • tóngrén (銅人 / brass man)
    • zhuǎ (爪 / claw / talon, 鐵爪 / tiězhuǎ / iron claw)
      • bǐ[yan]zhuǎ (筆X爪 / iron-brush talon)
      • hǔzhuǎ (虎爪 / tiger claw)
      • jīnlóngzhuǎ (金龍爪 / gold dragon claw)
  • Chinese war fan (扇 / shàn, 鐵扇 / tiěshàn / iron fan)
  • coconut-stalk club
    • apa‘apai
    • lapalapa
    • uatongi
  • coup stick
  • cudgel
  • dagger club
  • diamond-shaped war club
    • subi (Malaita diamond-shaped war club)
    • supe (San Cristobal diamond-shaped war club)
  • dhara
  • disc mace
  • espantoon
  • fa'a lau fa'i (bilateral-toothed club)
  • fa'a lau fala (Samoan mace club)
  • fa'a lau taliga (ear-shaped club, fa'a lau talinga, mushroom club)
  • flanged mace
  • gada (gadha, gedak)
  • ga-ne-u'-ga-o-dus-ha (deer-antler war club)
  • gata (Fijian snake club)
  • gi okono (New Caledonian vertical disc club)
  • go-porowa-ra-maru (go-poropua-ra-mam, New Caledonian bird's-head club)
  • gorz-e gāvsār (gurz gowesir, ox-head club)
  • gurj (gargaz, gorz, gurja, gurz)
  • gunstock war club (gunstock club)
    • ga-je'-wi (ga-je-wa, ga/ewa, Iroquois gunstock club)
    • nontoni towin mistik (Cree gunstock club)
    • sali (Fijian gunstock club, satall)
  • hoeroa
  • hohucanhpi (canhpi, Sioux deer horn club, Sioux tomahawk)
  • Japanese war fan (dansen uchiwa, gunsen, saihai, tessen, uchiwa)
  • jawbone war club
  • jutte (十手 / jitte)
    • karakuri jutte
    • naeshi jutte (nayashi jutte)
  • kanabō
    • ararebō
    • konsaibō
    • nyoibō
    • tetsubō
  • kanamuchi
  • khundli phansi
  • kipas (Indonesian fighting fan)
  • kiseru
  • knobkierrie (iwisa, knobkerrie, knobkerry, knopkierie)
  • ko kanga (Karaja war club)
  • Korean fighting fan (mubuchae, mupuche, tempered birch fan)
  • kotiate
  • kurunthadi
  • lanmiansou (blocking face pipe, 大煙斗 / dàyāndǒu / large smoking pipe, 鐵煙斗 / tiěyāndǒu / iron smoking pipe)
  • lei o manō (hoe lei o manō)
  • life preserver (life-preserver)
  • lohangi katti
  • longiel (? Australian / Niuean / Solomon Islands ? curved club)
    • myponga
  • mace
    • maza turquesa
    • mazule
  • magado (sunta)
  • magido
  • makila
  • morning star
  • mugdar
  • nalnal (nal-nal)
  • newa
  • nifo'oti (unilateral-toothed club)
  • nightstick (inc. Monadnock PR-24)
  • otta
  • paddle club
    • amuamu
    • culacula (thulathula)
    • kinikini (sikota)
    • pagaya
    • pakipaki (bakibaki, bogge bogge, mo‘ungalaulau)
    • sapakana
    • tacape
  • paoa (Rapanui war club)
  • patiti
  • patu
    • mere (patu pounamu)
    • patu aruhe
    • patu muka
    • patu onewa
    • patu paraoa
    • patu phan
  • Penobscot root burl war club
  • pernach (shestopyor)
  • pineapple-headed war club
    • gabagaba
    • totokia (beaked battle hammer, beaked war hammer, i tuki, i tuki drausa, pineapple club)
  • piriform mace (pear-shaped mace)
  • pohaku
  • potato-masher club (halyawhai)
  • pouwhenua
  • pukepuke (bukebuke, bulibuli)
  • qauata
  • roromaraugi
  • rootstock club
    • vunikau (vunikau vividrasa)
    • waka (dromu, na waka, ndromu, waka vividrasa)
  • rukqi (Vanuatu war club)
  • rungu
  • sagila
  • sai
    • kiam bokiam
  • Sally rod
  • sarvayasam (tomara)
  • scepter (sceptre)
  • shark tooth club
    • pacho (tebutje)
  • shashpar (shishpar, shushbur)
  • spatulate club
    • bial-sanam
  • spindle club
  • spike war club
  • stellate club (star-headed mace)
  • stone hammer
    • i-wata-jinga (Omaha war hammer)
  • stone mace
  • swagger stick
  • sword club
    • mata
  • talavalu (eight-spiked club, tu'i, tu'i tapavalu)
  • talita (Samoan parrying club)
  • tekkan
  • tewhatewha (tewhatawha)
  • throwing club
    • kolo
    • koromatang
    • 'olo
    • ula (i ula)
  • tingi (hafted stone disc club)
  • toko toko
  • tokyeta (Mohave mesquite straight club)
  • tonfa
    • mai sokki
  • toyak (kayu, tembong)
  • trench raiding club (trench club)
  • truncheon
  • 'ua (Rapanui figural war club)
  • 'u'u (Marquesan figural war club)
  • waddy (hunting stick, waddie, wadi, wady)
    • iruella (iruwalla)
    • kadimango
    • kujerung
    • leonile
    • lil-lil
    • miru
    • nil-li
    • nulla-nulla
    • periperiu
    • quarriang-an-wun
    • wakadi (mabobo, wakerti)
  • wahaika
  • bec de corbin (bec de faucon)
  • cekan (çekan)
  • chúi (錘 / Chinese hammer)
    • bāléngchúi (八棱錘 / eight flange hammer, 八嶺錘 / bālǐngchuí / eight ridge hammer)
    • guāxíngchúi (瓜形錘 / melon shaped hammer)
    • jīnguāchúi (金瓜錘 / golden melon hammer / pumpkin hammer)
    • lìguāchúi (立瓜錘 / standing melon hammer)
    • wòguāchúi (卧瓜錘 / lying melon hammer)
  • footman's hammer (martel de fer)
  • horseman's hammer
  • Lucerne hammer
  • mallet
  • maul (maillet)
  • ōtsuchi
  • stone hammer
  • ankus
  • axe
  • battle axe
  • bhuj (elephant knife)
  • boarding axe
  • broadaxe
  • buckie
  • bullova (bulova)
  • champi
  • Chinese axe weapons
    • chicken sickles (jīdāolián, jīzhuǎlián)
      • jizhuayinyangrui (chicken claw yin-yang sharp)
    • (斧 / short-handled battle-axe)
      • dānpiànshuāngfǔ (單片雙斧 / single bladed double axe)
      • shuāngpiànshuāngfǔ (雙片雙斧 / double bladed double axe)
    • lián (劆 / sickle)
    • shǒujǐ (手戟 / hand halberd)
    • yuè (鉞 / long-handled battle-axe, 大斧 / dàfǔ)
      • hǔshǒuyuè (虎手鉞 / tiger paw axe)
  • chipan (beliong, biliong, kapak)
  • conca cuchuna (conqa cuchona, Inca axe, kunka kuchuna)
  • Dane axe (Danish axe, English long axe, hafted axe, Viking axe)
  • dokki (do kki)
  • dolabra
  • doloire
  • entrenching tool (E-tool)
  • fasces
  • francisca
    • [banfu] (broad axe)
  • hache de dragon (dragoon axe)
  • hatchet
  • head axe
    • Apayao head axe
    • Igorot head axe (pinang, wasay)
    • Tinguian-Kalinga head axe (aliwa, gaman, kaman)
  • horseman's pick (nadziak)
  • hunga munga (danisco, goleyo, mambele, njiga)
  • hurlbat
  • isezeze (izenze, siheme)
  • keteriya
  • kharga (kigalee)
  • kodali (kodelly)
  • kudi tranchang
  • labrys
  • Lochaber axe (Jeddart axe, Jeddart staff)
  • lohar
  • long-bearded axe (bearded axe, skeggöx)
  • masakari (鉞)
  • mattock
  • nzappa zap (kasuyu, zappozap)
  • ono
  • palstave
  • palta
  • parashu (parasu, parusa)
  • pickaxe
  • pollaxe
  • récade
  • sagaris (Scythian axe)
  • selepe (silepe)
  • shepherd's axe (cekanka, ciupaga, fokos, rabanica, uobuszek, valaška)
  • shoka
  • sickle
  • tabar
  • tabar zin
  • tapar
  • throwing axe
  • tobiguchi
  • toki
  • tomahawk
    • Missouri war hatchet
    • modern tomahawk (R&D Hawk, tactical tomahawk, Vietnam tomahawk, VTAC)
    • pipe tomahawk
    • spontoon tomahawk
  • topor
  • tumi
  • tungi (tangi, tongi, tongia)
    • four-pointed tungi
    • two-pointed tungi
  • venmuroo
  • zaghnal (crowbill, tabar-zaghnol, zaghnol)
    • hoolurge
  • batang (galah, galah panjang, tongkat)
  • (bo, hanbō, kon, kyūshakubō, rokushakubō, tenbin)
  • bong
    • jangbong
  • cane
  • canne de combat
  • Chinese staffs
    • gùn (棍)
      • bāguàqīxīnggān (八卦七星甘 / Bagua seven star rod)
      • báilángān
      • bāxiāngùn (eight fairy staff)
      • biāngān
      • fēngmógùn (瘋魔棍 / mad demon staff)
      • hóugùn (猴棍 / monkey staff)
      • nángùn (南棍 / southern staff)
      • [qimeigun] (eyebrow height staff)
      • tàijídàgǎn (太極大甘 / Taiji quarterstaff)
      • tàijígùn (太極棍 / Taiji staff)
      • tàijíshísāngǎn (太極十三甘 / Taiji staff of thirteen)
      • tiānqígùn (Tianqi staff)
      • wǔhǔqúnyánggùn (五虎X群棍 / staff of five tigers and goat herds)
  • chub
  • eku
  • hanbo
  • eskrima stick
  • gonbang
  • hanbo
  • ko'oko'o (ko'oko'o loa, ko'oko'o pokole)
  • marati
  • naboot (asa, asaya, nabboot, shoum)
  • otta
  • pahoa ko'oko'o
  • plong
  • pugil stick
  • quarterstaff (bâton français)
  • shakujo (ringed staff)
  • shareeravadi (cheruvadi, muchen)
  • shillelagh
  • silambam (chilambamboo)
  • tambo (dan bong, tanbō)
  • toya
  • yagyūzue
  • Ahlspiess (awl pike, breach pike, candeliere)
  • andarma (bar-nga)
  • banot
  • bear spear (bärenspieß, rogatina)
  • bident
  • boar spear (chiavarina)
  • Bohemian earspoon (Böhmischer Ohrlöffel, Knebelspiess, lugged spear, ušatá sudlice)
  • brandistock (buttafuore, feather staff)
  • Chinese spears
    • bǐ (筆 / brush / pen)
      • pànguānbǐ (判官筆 / judge's brush, [fuyuanbi], 狀元筆 / zhuàngyuánbǐ / scholar's brush)
    • jiǔchǐ (九尺 / nine-chi rod)
    • máo (矛 / Chinese lance)
      • qiúmáo (酋矛 / chieftain spear)
      • yímáo (夷矛 / barbarian spear)
      • Spear of Fuchai / 吳王夫差矛 / wúwángfūchāimáo)
    • qīang (槍 / Chinese spear)
      • gōuliánqiāng (鉤鐮槍 / hooked spear / hook sickle spear)
      • huāqiāng (花槍 / flower spear)
      • jiànqīang (剑槍 / sharp-pointed spear / sword spear)
      • [liandaoqiang] (single hook spear)
      • shéqīang (蛇槍 / snake spear)
      • shuāngtóuqīang (雙頭槍 / double headed spear)
    • shū (殳 / Chinese long spear / long pole / twelve-chi rod / thirteen-chi rod, 丈二 / zhàng-èr)
    • shuò (槊 / Chinese long lance / eighteen-chi tapered rod, 矛槊 / máoshuò)
      • [hengshuo] steelyard arm lance
      • lángyáshuò (狼牙槊 / wolf fang lance]
      • shǒushuò (手槊 / hand lance / finger-shaped lance)
      • quánshuò (權槊 / weighted lance)
      • [zaoyangshuo] (head shaped lance]
      • zhǎngshuò (掌槊 / palm lance / palm-shaped lance)
  • chang
  • dory
  • dung
  • fangkao (fangkaw)
  • geldon
  • harpoon
  • hasta
  • ihe
  • Javanese spears
    • benang
    • biring lanang
    • dapoer gada
    • djankoeng
    • loekoela
    • pandawa
    • ron pring
    • sadak
    • sapit abon
    • tatok
    • tjatjing
    • toenggoel watingi
  • javelin (short spear)
    • aklys (aclys, agkulis)
    • angon (anga, ango)
    • aora
    • ascona
    • assegai (assagay, azegaya, zaġāya, zagaye)
    • ballam
    • bandang
    • bhala
    • bhindipala
    • bilari
    • boffrum lange
    • budiak
    • cateia
    • chimbane
    • dart (venablo)
    • Decatan lange
    • do-war
    • djerid (değnek, deynek, diğnek, jarid, jered, jerid)
    • egchos
    • enhero
    • falarica
    • falfeg (fal-feg, sinalawatan)
    • frakka (Gungnir)
    • france
    • ger (gae, gaesum, gaesus, gar, geirr)
    • golo
    • granggang
    • gravo
    • hak
    • hinyan
    • huata
    • iklwa
    • irpull
    • ja-mandehi
    • jaculum (iaculum)
    • jereed (cirit, jerid, jerreed, jerrid)
    • jiboru
    • kadji
    • kan-shoka
    • kannai
    • kasita
    • kobe (auabubuti, ikobe, kakae, karaun)
    • koyuan
    • kujolio (kunjolio)
    • laange
    • lance-ague
    • lancea
    • lanza
    • larna-pe
    • longche
    • mahee
    • makrigga
    • mandehi liguje
    • mesangylon
    • mkukt
    • mongile
    • mongoli
    • mu-rongal
    • nandum
    • nerau
    • paralyzer (paralyser)
    • patisthanaya
    • pelta
    • pill
    • pillara
    • pilum
    • plumbata (plumbatae, plumbatum)
    • sang
    • sangkoh
    • sangu
    • sanokat
    • shail
    • shanen kopaton
    • shuanggousi (double hook arrow)
    • siligis
    • simbilan
    • sinan
    • sligi
    • soliferrum (saunion)
    • spiculum
    • Sudanese lance
    • sulica
    • tahr ruan
    • tao (inc. tao valu fua, tala-o-le-lo)
    • tawok
    • telempang
    • tirrer
    • tjio
    • tjunkuletti
    • tombak
    • tschehouta
    • tuf-ay (tufuy)
    • tumpuling
    • vel
    • verutum
    • wainian
    • wakara
    • wallunka
    • wi-valli
  • kai manga
  • lance
    • allar (allarh)
    • anguvigang
    • barcha (barcha, barchah, barchcha, barchi, barsha, burcha)
    • chuqui
    • jida
    • jousting lance
    • kontos (contus, kontarion)
    • spontoon
    • tchá tche shě (Lipan Apache lance)
    • te rairai (rairai)
    • xyston (sistan)
  • menaulion (menaulon, menavion)
  • nagni barcha (snake spear)
  • ox tongue spear (langdebeve, langue de boeuf)
  • pandi ballam (Indian boar spear)
  • panjmukh
  • pike (footman's lance)
  • pololū
  • raau parau
  • rochin
  • sanku
  • sibat (bangkaw, palupad, sumbiling)
  • spear
  • spike bayonet
  • stingray spear
  • sumpi
  • to'oto'o
    • to'oto'o fa'atala lau paongo
  • trident
    • gig
    • leister
    • trishula (serampang, trisula)
  • uai
  • yari (inc. Nihongo, Otegine, Tonbogiri)
    • fukuro yari
    • kagi yari
    • kuda yari
    • makura yari
    • nage yari
    • sankaku yari
    • su yari
    • te yari
  • arbir
  • atgeir (atgeirr, hewing-spear, höggspjót, kesja, krókspjót, Viking halberd)
  • bardiche
  • bill (bill-guisarme, black-bill, brown-bill, English bill, forest bill, trinquebasson)
    • Welsh hook
  • bisentō (眉尖刀)
  • Brogit staff
  • cangkul (tajak)
  • catchpole
  • chakok
  • chacing staff
  • Chinese polearms
    • bā (扒 / rake)
        • nánfāngdàbā (南方大扒 / southern large rake)
    • bǐ (筆 / brush / pen)
      • bǐ[zhua] (筆X / brush attacker)
      • tóngquán (銅拳 / brass fist)
    • chā (叉 / Chinese war fork)
      • chāgǎn (叉桿 / fork staff, inc. 雙叉桿 / shuāng chā gǎn / double fork staff)
      • duǎnchā (短叉 / short fork)
      • dùntóuchā (鈍頭叉 / blunt head fork)
      • fēichā (飛叉 / flying fork)
      • gāngchā (鋼叉 / steel fork)
      • héchā (河叉 / river fork)
      • hǔchā (虎叉 / tiger fork, 牛头叉 / niútóuchā / ox head fork)
      • huǒchā (火叉 / fire fork)
      • liǎngjiānchā (两尖叉 / two point fork / two tooth fork, 牛角叉 / niújiǎochā / ox horn fork)
      • lóngxūchā (龍鬚叉 / dragon whisker fork)
      • mǎchā (馬叉 / horse fork)
      • [wen]chā (scholar fork)
    • chǎn (鏟 / shovel / spade)
      • jīnzhōngchǎn (金鐘鏟 / gum jun chahn / gold bell spade / golden bell shovel)
      • jīnqiánchǎn (金錢鏟 / gun chihn chaan / gold coin spade / golden coin shovel
        • dàtóujīnqiánchǎn / 大頭金錢鏟 / big head gold coin spade)
        • xiǎotóujīnqiánchǎn / 小頭金錢鏟 / small head gold coin spade)
      • jiǔlóngdānpiànchǎn / 九龍單片鏟 / seven dragon single edge shovel
      • yuèyáchǎn (月牙鏟 / crescent moon spade / moon tooth spade, monk spade)
    • chánzhàng (禅仗 / Zen staff)
    • [changjianqian] (long-handled pincer)
    • [chun]jié (X節 / tree knot)
    • chútóu (鋤頭 / Chinese hoe, 把頭 / bǎtóu)
    • dàlián / 大鐮 / large sickle / long-handled sickle)
    • dēngzhàng (燈仗 / lamp staff)
    • fóshǒu (佛手 / fut sao / Buddha hand)
    • (戈 / dagger-axe / L-shaped halberd / flat-head halberd)
    • guāndāo (關刀 / kwan dao / kwanto / quandao / Guan Yu's saber, elephant knife, 青龍偃月刀 / qīnglóngyǎnyuèdāo / green dragon crescent moon blade, 偃月刀 / yǎnyuèdāo / crescent moon blade / reclining moon blade)
    • huǒgōu (火鉤 / fire hook)
    • hùntiānlù (混天戮 / stirring heaven killer)
    • (戟 / Chinese halberd)
      • fāngjǐ (方戟 / rectangular halberd)
      • qīnglóngjǐ (青龍戟 / blue dragon halberd)
      • shélóngjǐ (蛇龍戟 / snake dragon halberd)
    • láng[xian] (狼X / wolf brush)
    • liè[qian] (烈X / fierce pincers)
    • tiānhéfēngwěitán (天河風尾X / heaven lotus wind tail tan)
    • pá (耙 / Chinese rake)
      • dīngpá (釘耙 / iron rake)
      • jiǔchǐdīngpá (九齒釘耙 / nine tooth iron rake)
    • tāng (鏜)
    • tǎng (鎲 / trident-halberd)
      • fèngchìtǎng (鳳翅鎲 / phoenix wing trident-halberd)
      • jùchǐtǎng (鋸齒鎲 / saw tooth trident-halberd)
      • niútóutǎng (牛头鎲 / ox head trident-halberd)
      • yànchìtǎng (燕翅鎲 / swallow wing trident-halberd)
    • xiàngbízǐdāo (象鼻子刀 / elephant nose saber)
    • yīngtóudāo (鷹頭刀 / eagle head sword / ying tao dao)
  • fauchard (fauchard-fork)
  • galgorichang
  • glaive (glaive-guisarme)
  • goedendag
  • guisarme (bisarme, gisarme, giserne)
  • halberd (halbard, halbert, hippe, scorpion, Swiss voulge)
    • Scottish halberd
    • Swiss halberd
  • hongkiam-kek
  • hwa-kek
  • hyeopdo (俠刀 / 협도 / hyup do / leaf saber, micheomdo)
  • kuwa
  • lajatang
  • linstock
  • man catcher
    • chang jiao qian (long-handled pincer)
  • military fork (fork, war fork)
  • neolbjakchang (nulbjakchang, wide spear)
  • naginata
    • tsukushi-naginata
  • ngaw
  • nunti (nunti-bo)
  • parashu
  • partisan
  • penchakar
  • plançon a picot (planson)
  • pole axe (fuss-streitaxt, pollaxe)
  • military rake
    • ba
    • tang
  • rhomphaia
  • roundhead
  • sasumata (futomata yari)
  • scythe
  • siege hook
  • sjang sutai
  • sparth (sparr)
  • sovnya
  • swordstaff (svärdstav)
  • taiaha
  • taumangaria (shark-tooth long spear, te taumangaria, te unum, unum, unun)
  • tepoztopilli
  • topjang
  • tsukubo
  • tupa yauri (Inca halberd)
  • voulge (pole cleaver, vouge, voulge-guisarme)
  • war scythe
  • woldo (月刀 / 월도 / moon sword, **danwoldo / 端月刀 / 단월도 / dahn wol do / crescent moon sword)
  • yari
    • Bishamon yari
    • hoko yari
    • jumonji yari
    • kagi yari
    • kama yari
    • katakama
    • Kikuchi yari
    • magari yari
    • su yari
    • tsuki nari yari
    • yajiri nari yari

Flexible and Composite Weapons


Combination Hand Weapons

  • èrrénduó / 二人奪 / Chinese sword-stick
  • [qingrenba]
  • sword cane

Fist Weapons and Miscellaneous Hand Weapons

  • bagh nakh (tiger claw)
  • bankoku choki
  • bichawa (bich wa, bich'hwa, bichwa, bichwaa)
  • brass knuckles (brass knucks, knuckle duster, knuckles, knucks)
  • cestus (bladed cestus, myrmex, sphairai)
  • chakram (cakera, chakkar)
  • chánchìdāo (蟬 翅刀 / chanzidao / cicada wing blade / cicada wing sword, butterly wing sword)
  • deer horn knives (deer antler saber, deer hook sword, lùjiǎodāo, riyue qiankun jian, zi-wu mandarin duck axe, ziwu yuanyang yue)
  • fakir's horns
  • fighting bracelet
  • finger knife
  • gauntlet
  • gōngtiānshū (宮天梳 / palace heaven comb)
  • handclaws
  • hayatejo
  • jiǎndāochǐ (剪刀尺 / scissors-and-ruler)
  • kakute (kakushi, kakushu, kakuwa)
    • gohontsuno
    • sanbontsuno
    • senninriki
    • senriki
    • shihontsuno
    • temanriki
  • katara (Bundi dagger, katar, kattari, scissors katar, suwaiya, suwayah, suwayyah)
    • jamdhar doulicaneh (jamdhar sehlicaneh)
    • jamdhar katari (jamadhara, jamdhar, jumdud, yamadhra)
  • [kuahulan] (cross tiger block)
  • kubotan
  • lei-o-mano (ku'eku'e lima lei-o-mano, lei-o-mano puka)
  • manople (gauntlet-sword, Moorish boarding sword)
  • muai cad chuke (cord wrap)
  • nyepel (Larim fighting bracelet)
  • pata
  • push dagger (gimlet knife)
  • Roman scissor
  • shobo
  • srbosjek (cutthroat)
  • suntetsu
  • qiánkūnrìyuèdāo (乾坤日月刀 / heaven-and-earth sun-and-moon sword, 乾坤刀 / qiánkūndāo / heaven-and-earth sword)
  • tegiribo
  • tekagi-shuko (neko-te, shuko, tekagi)
  • tekko (abumi)
  • tenouchi
    • dokko
  • ulu
  • vajra
  • weighted-knuckle gloves (sap gloves)
  • wind and fire wheels
    • xiùlǐjiàn (袖里剑 / shou li jen / xiou li jian / hidden blade / sleeve sword)
  • yawara (柔 / yawara stick, dulodulo, pasak)
  • yubibō (指棒 / finger staff)
  • yuèyácì (月牙刺 / moon tooth sting)

Foot Weapons

  • ashiko
  • shoe knife

Miscellaneous Ceremonial Weapons



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