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Hello, my name is TA and I am not an avid user of Wikipedia. I tend to use it more as a location to get started on finding fact myself using the sources provided here. I enjoy learning new things and love the randomizer of this site it makes an insomniac mind find something new to learn. 

Besides learning random facts, I enjoy reading and try to read something new every month. Since becoming a college student again, I have fallen behind in my readings. However, I do enjoy a good fantasy, young-adult “girlie” type book. For me a decent book lends learning in a fun way, but a bad book lends an all night research sessions because something about the book didn’t feel quite right. 

Growing up, I’ve lived in plenty of different places among Western Washington and spanning to my german roots of Aschaffenburg, Germany. As an adult, I’ve spent some of my time in Eastern Washington. Though I will say that Eastern Washington and Western Washington are both very different. What one considers rain and requires a new set of dry clothes, the other considers feeling like the clouds spat on your face. 

Anyways, thank you for taking time from your day to read my mini biography, I hope you have a lovely rest of your day.

Article Critique


I visited the Olalla, Washington page on Wikipedia, and found two aspects of it worth commenting on: the time in which the Olalla Community Clubs' roof was replaced, and a lack of proper sources in which to find information on Olalla. 

I chose this page because I use to live in Olalla and for a time was still involved minorly in the community after I moved away. I remember one year meeting before the Bluegrass Festival at the Olalla Community Club and the council of Olalla, were discussing the Festival and the new roof. So when I saw that the time of the Wikipedia report of the new roof did not match up to my memory I decided to research it a bit to see if I could prove when the roof was put on. 

It was very difficult finding information on the replacement on the Olalla Community Clubs’ roof as the documents that can be found to prove when it was replaced are one of three things. A receipt from the roofing company who did the work, possibly the city hall of records with a work order about the new replacement roof, or, the least likely source of all, Facebook. Now, because the Facebook page in question is run as a community page and not as an individual page, I felt it was minimally acceptable to at least go between the roofing business and the community centers’ pages and found that the roof was in fact replaced before I graduated high school. 

While I was doing this research I did notice that it was difficult to come up with a  ‘valid’ source of this information and upon another look at the Wikipedia page I found there were a lack of sources listed for anything involving the Olalla page excluding what the word olalla actually comes from.