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MissMeticulous is:


Finicky, precise, well-read, often selfish, nitpicky, irritable, pretentious, eloquent, perfectionist, argumentative, proud, a scholar, strict, biased, hypocritical, skeptical, quick to find fault, and brutally honest.

MissMeticulous adores:


Grammar, philosophy, history, medicine- as in "the study of...", music, soap, mint, menthol, intelligent conversation, novels with a purpose/theme, unusual poetry, satire, black tea, Alexander Hamilton, victorian lamp shades, and modesty- to a point.

MissMeticulous hates:


Ignorance, superiority-complexes, inferiority-complexes, Mary-sues, chemistry, bad breath, morbid obesity, Stephenie Meyer, Sarah Palin, political debates- because it always seems to end up as "he/she supports/does not support abortion/gay marriage, so I hate him/her", bigots, steak, narrow-mindedness, text talk, paisley, mindless entertainment, laziness, and hating.