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The Adventurer's Club is a themed nightclub in Pleasure Island at the Walt Disney World Resort. It is styled after a private club for world travelers and explorers and is set in 1937. The walls of the club are covered with artifacts and photographs from various explorations. The Adventurer's Club features animatronics, puppets, and a cast of adventurers who perform in shows and improvise comedy while mingling with the club's patrons. Shows and conversation are often laced with innuendo, and the adventurers usually refer to the patrons as "drunks".



Resident Adventurers

  • Hathaway Browne - Aviator, and the club's resident ladies' man.
  • Otis T. Wren - Club Treasurer and ichthyologist.
  • Fletcher Hodges - Club Curator.
  • Pamelia Perkins - Club President.
  • Samantha Sterling - Adventurer and explorer, and perennially single and bitter.
  • Emil Bleehall - Contender for the Balderdash cup. Hails from Sandusky, Ohio.
  • Graves - Club Butler.
  • The maid - There are many maids who work in the Adventurer's club and partcipate in its activities.

The adventurers can be portrayed by different actors on different nights, and most actors play more than one part. It is not uncommon to see one night's Pamelia performing as the maid on the next night.

Other Characters

  • Colonel Critchlow Suchbench - Club Gleemeister. The colonel is a ventriloquist-dummy-styled puppet. He is usually "on duty" (sitting dormant), but he wakes up to lead the new inductees in the club song, and occasionally to converse with guests in the Main Salon.
  • Babylonia - A giant stone face on the wall in the Main Salon who sometimes speaks.
  • The Yakoose - A mounted animal head that occasionally speaks, either to guests or to Babylonia.
  • Arnie and Claude - A pair of talking masks in the Mask Room.
  • Beezel - A genie whose head appears in the Treasure Room.
  • Fingers Zambeezi - A haunted organ that provides the music for the Library shows.


  • The Zebra Mezzanine - The top floor of the club. The club entrance leads into the mezzanine, which forms a circlular balcony around the Main Salon. The walls feature many artifacts, and a framed parchment of the Club Creed. The adventurers rarely spend time here except during the Rhythm Ritual.
  • The Main Salon - The central room of the club. The Main Salon houses the nightclub's bar, and also has a small stage from which the adventurers often speak or lead shows such as the New Member Induction Ceremony. The centerpiece of the Main Salon is a larger-than-life statue officially titled "Zeus Fishing", but alternatively referred to as "God with Rod". The walls of this room are filled with even more artifacts than on the Mezzanine, and many have placards giving their history and importance to the fictional club founder, Merriweather Pleasure.
  • The Mask Room - A small room off the Main Salon that features several shows throughout the night. The walls are covered with masks from around the world, many of which move and laugh. Two large Bacchanalian-inspired masks at the front of the room, Arnie and Claude, also talk and move their eyes.
  • The Treasure Room - Another small room off the Main Salon, the Treasure Room features the most valuable artifacts gathered by the club, and also hosts several shows throughout the night.
  • The Library - This room is the largest in the club and hosts the musical shows, most notably the evening's finale, the Hoopla. This room also includes a second bar, and is the home of Fingers Zambeezi.



The Adventurer's Club offers many shows throughout the night. Several adventurers host small shows in the Mask Room and Treasure Room. The schedule is not fixed, but there are plaques next to each room to show the schedule for that particular evening. Shows offered in other rooms include:

  • The New Member Induction Ceremony - This ceremony takes place in the Main Salon. Each night you arrive at the Adventurer's Club happens to be the night of their membership drive. The ceremony is usually hosted by Otis T. Wren with the help of Emil Bleehall, and consists of three parts.
    • The Club Creed - Emil leads the inductees as they repeat the creed.
    • The Club Salute - This is where new adventurers learn the true meaning of "Kungaloosh!" and the secret salute to accompany it.
    • The Club Song - The Colonel is awakened to teach the crowd the club's anthem, though he usually misunderstands which song is expected of him at first.
  • Samantha's Cabaret - A Library show led by Samantha Sterling.
  • The Maid's Sing-a-Long - Another Library show led by the Maid.
  • The Balderdash Cup Competition - The Library show that reveals the winner of the coveted Balderdash Cup.
  • The Rhythm Ritual - A show centered in the Main Salon that leads into the Hoopla. The Ritual usually features all the adventurers looking down from the balconies of the mezzanine as they take turns performing humorous solos on percussive instruments. The ritual usually builds to a crescendo as they come downstairs into the Main Salon, all playing their instruments together. Then the Colonel responds to the sound by coming off duty and shouting out rhythmic but often nonsensical phrases for the patrons to repeat, finalizing in the announcement of the Hoopla.
  • The Hoopla - The Adventurer's Club evening finale. At the end of the Rhythm Ritual, the Library doors open and the guests are seated. The Hoopla is hosted by Samantha Sterling, and always begins with a sing-along of "The Happy Wanderer". There are usually two or three other numbers performed by other adventurers, then the show is always concluded with Samantha leading everyone in "When the Saints Go Marching In", with each remaining adventurer creating a verse.