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User:Mishae/Botik of Peter the Great

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The Garden Museum of Peter the Great is the oldest provincial museum of Russia which is located on the Gremyach mountain, and is considered to be a city of Pereslavl and its county Veskovo as majour attraction. Here, Peter the Great built his toy flotillia on the lake Pleshcheyevo which is considered to be a part of Nature reserve-museum of Pereslavl

Composition of the Estate

  • Obelisk dedicated to Peter the Great (opening ceremony of which was on Augugt 17, 1852)
  • Monument dedicated to Peter the Great (opening ceremony of which was on Augugt 2, 1992)
  • Boat house
  • Watchtower
  • Rotunda
  • White Palace
  • Triumphal Arch

Toy flotillia


In 1692 Peter hid the shipyard on the Gremyach mountain, where the toy flotillia ships were built.

On May 1 of the same year flotillia was leveled down into the water. In order to celebrate the leverage the toy army came as well, in order to celbrate the anniversary of the first Russian Navy.

Opening of the Museum


The first provincial museum was opened on Boat Estate in 1803. In a deliberately constructed Boat house, the only ship was created called "Fortuna". Near it anchors, rudders, masts from other ships are laying.

In 1842, the baracks were errected whech were made out of stone which could house no more then 3 sailors with their armour.

The Opening of the Monument

Obelisk dedicated to the emperor Peter I

On August 17, 1850, while traveling through Pereslavl for site seeing of flotilias remains which were located in the Veskov village, the grand dukes Nicholas and Michael Nikolaeviches, layed down the first stones onto the plate on the Monument to Peter the Great.

The Triumphal Arch was errected in summer of 1852. The inscription on the iron board with gilded words from the inside of the arch can be read: «Built in 1852» (сооружены 1852 года); from the outer side, closer to the boat, is inscribed with slavic letters: «Enlightened on August 17, 1852» (освящены 1852 года августа 17 дня). From the top of the arch is decorated with various naval reinforcements.

The Monument of Peter the Great was constructed under a direction of Pyotr Kampioni and was opened to the public on August 17, 1852. People came from all over Russia for the opening ceremony of the granite obelisk. The guests came mostly from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Vladimir, Pereslavl and nearby villages. During the ceremony the 4th batallion from торжестве участвовали 4-й батальон Uglitsk Egersky Regiment and 2nd battery from 16th artillery battery was present, while from a side of Naval Ministry — captain lieutenant duke Mikhail Ivanovich Golitsyn.

The monument is decorated with the following inscriptions:

  • (From the Boat house view) Rests by Grand Dukes Nicholas and Mikhail Nicholaeviches, on the year 1850, 17th day of August, while being commenced by His Emperial Highness buried remains of the former flotilia of Emperor Peter the First. (Заложенъ Государями Великими Князьями Николаемъ и Михаиломъ Николаевичами, 1850 года, августа 17 дня, при обозрѣніи Ихъ Императорскими Высочествами хранящихся здѣсь остатковъ бывшей флотиліи Императора Петра 1-го).
  • (From the Pereslavl view) It is your duty to protect the boat remains, ships, and galleys, but if you will let it down, then the judgement day will come upon you and your children, and anyone who dissobeyed thy order. Peter. In Pereslavl. On 7th day of February, 1722 (Надлежитъ вамъ беречи остатки кораблей, яхтъ и галеры, а буде опустите, то взыскано будетъ на васъ и на потомкахъ вашихъ, яко пренебрегшихъ сей указъ. Петръ. Въ Переславлѣ, въ 7 день февраля 1722 года.)
  • (From the lake view) Opening ceremony was on August 17th, 1852 (Открытъ 17-го августа 1852 года.)
  • (From the fourth side view) In 1847, 26th day of January, His Royal Highness Emperor Nicholai Pavlovich while claiming for his denied Vladimir's nobel will and readiness to obtain the buy of Veskovo village, decided to honour the nobelty as the highest denial: «that the deed that was full of feelings refered to it by Vladimir's nobely as His Royal Highness always admired it». (1847 года, января 27 дня Его Императорское Величество Государь Императоръ Николай Павловичь на изъявленное владимірскимъ дворянствомъ желаніе и готовность пріобрѣсти покупкою село Веськово соизволилъ удостоить дворянство Высочайшимъ отзывомъ: «что поступокъ этотъ вполнѣ достоинъ чувствъ владимірскаго дворянства какъ Его Величество всегда разумѣлъ оное».)

In Prishvin's opinion the monument is a «miserable marble paperweight».[1]

Famous people who visited the site

Vladimir Putin listens the lecture on the Monument
  • August 17, 1850 the Grand Dukes Nicholas and Michael Nikolaevich's put the first stone into the plate under Peter the Great Monument in the Boat Estate.
  • May 23, 1913 Emperor Nicholas II visited the Boat Estate, where he observed the "Fortune" boat. Later on, he went down to the Pleshcheyevo lake, after which he "drank tea at the estates house"
  • January 6, 2002 President Putin was in the estate for 40 minutes where he was listening to the lecture.[2]

White Palace

White Palace in early XX century

White Palace was errected in 1853 as a building where the guests can have luxurious dinners and ballroom dancing The Palace Дворец was built on public charity. So that the building wont remain unattended Pereslavl nobles and merchants created «Pereslavl assemblies». In summer, fans of card games and dances would gather here.

After the 1917 Revolution, the geographic station of MSU was opened in the White Palace. In 1925 and 1926 a Russian author Mikhail Prishvin user to live and work here. In the end of 1920s the house was occupied by Kukryniksy. In 1937 a resort house was opened for the Pereslavl factory workers.[3]. During World War II 2 orphanages from Leningrad were transported into the Palace. For the survived children, their destiny, and life in the Estate, Prishvin, who lived during that time nearby - in the Usolye, dedicated a series of short stories called "The Stories About the Children of Leningrad" (alternative title - "The Stories About Wonderful Mother".


Boat of Peter I "Fortune"

The main exposition of the museum is a boat called "Fortune".


  1. ^ Пришвин М. М. Ботик // Пришвин М. М. Соловей (Рассказы о ленинградских детях)
  2. ^ Емельянова С. Сорок минут с президентом // Золотое кольцо. 2002. 2 февраля.
  3. ^ Карташевский Г. А. Дом отдыха на «Ботике» // Коммунар. 1937. 10 мая.



Category:Military and war museums in Russia