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This user has extended confirmed rights on the English Wikipedia.
This user has been editing Wikipedia for at least fifteen years.
Identified as a precious editor.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is (unsurprisingly) my user page.

Microphoto of Autochrome plate, patented in 1903.
Tübingen triangles, discovered in 1990
Scatter plot of the first Pythagorean triples, first mentioned c1800 BC
The link complement of the Borromean rings, dating back to the 7th century and representing strength in unity. A hyperbolic manifold formed from two ideal octahedra, seen repeatedly in this view. The rings are infinitely far away, at the octahedron vertices.



I can't remember quite how, but today I came across the German word Sprachmittler, where 'mittel' is a means or medium. And suddenly the idea of 'rendering' or even (gods forbid) 'translating' something seems happily distant, and now I know myself to be a 'language mediator' :> MinorProphet (talk) 01:21, 21 October 2017 (UTC)



Pinched from Benutzer:Neun-x

„Wer etwas Sagenswertes zu sagen hat, braucht es nicht in preziöse Ausdrücke, schwierige Phrasen und dunkle Anspielungen zu verhüllen. Er kann es einfach, deutlich und naiv aussprechen, und dabei sicher sein, dass es seine Wirkung nicht verfehlen wird.“[citation needed]

"Whoever has something to say worth saying, it does not need veiling in precious expressions, heavy phrases and dark allusions. It can be articulated simply, clearly and without pretension and thereby will be sure that its effect will not be missed."

Draft articles in various states of completion


Ongoing unfinished articles


Current obsession:

"No words of mine can convey an adequate idea of the welter, chaos, confusion and contradictions of these manuscripts. The names of Knights are given with every possible variation, the lists disagree perpetually amongst themselves in the order of the names, and the dates assigned to the battles or other occasions on which knighthoods occur, are in the majority of cases totally incorrect. In the attempt to collate these manuscripts and to verify them from extraneous sources, I have spent four painful years, and I regard the outcome as the most distressingly unsatisfactory piece of historical work I have ever set my hand to."

List of things I REALLY REALLY should have completed aeons ago...




I randomly came across this and just couldn't resist...


H. E. Porter was Harold Everett Porter (19 September 1887 — 21 June 1936). He was an author of plays, verse, novels and short stories, who often wrote under the pen name of 'Holworthy Hall', the name of a dormitory for 1st-year students at Harvard University. The following words fit fairly well to the tune of Mattinata (YouTube) by Leoncavallo.


Zen and the art of multiple choice™



a) Yes
b) No
c) Black
d) White


Is a panda?
Zen in a nutshell

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, carry wood, chop water.

Fave quotes from talk pages

  • "Well, according to the evidence, you're an asshole and a troll, Barry." quote by User talk:Giraffedata
  • "Please do not have the gall to tell me to be reliable, when this website is a gargantuan void of misinformation." Talk:Panzer IV
  • "There are malicious people who would insert clearly false claims without legitimate basis, and claim that they in fact knew that Saddam Hussein was the fourth member of Busted." User talk:Redrose64
  • "Sorry, discussing should have been in quotes. In the way that a neighbor would discuss upkeep of a fence by writing in smeared fecal matter on your garage door." User talk:MB/Archive 7
  • "I'd forgotten quite why I resolved years ago, like so many, to avoid getting drawn into any talk page you were engaged in. Now you remind me." WP Talk:Manual of Style/Images
  • "The photo in user page is very ugly and against Wikipedia policy" User:Serial Number 54129
  • "PLEASE listen to me, you MUST NOT delete my edits, they are perfectly acceptable and valid, you are extremely stupid." User talk:Stepho-wrs
  • "I give up. You were right all along, and I've just been taking the piss." [citation needed]
  • "I do speak English and my English perfectly very good. Maybe you guys misunderstood for what I commented." Shamelessly pinched from User:BrownHairedGirl, alas
  • "This is one of many WP articles which apparently thinks it is wrong to give a simple example of what is meant." Talk:Monophyly
  • "There is no need to damn good research because it was done by a lamentable human being." The Bugle, March 2013 by Prioryman

Other fave quotes

  • Artur Nikisch to Albert Coates aged around 25, at the Leipzig Opera c.1904: "The conductor’s stick seems insufficient for your feelings, Coates. You’d better take a whip!"[1]
  • On a certain writer: "Useful information is not his core business." This dates from 1895:
"The little coterie with whose labours I am about to deal has forced itself into public notice. Appealing at first to but a small section of the cognoscenti, Charles Ricketts, Charles Hazelwood Shannon, Lucien Pissarro, Reginald Savage, Sturge Moore, and others, have slowly but surely advanced. True is that the man in the street knows them not, nor does the Philistine aspire to understand them; but that is because they have not courted the glare of publicity, and have been content to discover and emend their own imperfections, to work out their own artistic salvation, unknown, save to a few. [My italics]
One of these "few" was 'Theocritus', a pseudonym for an unknown writer whose elaborate style demonstrates that "useful information is not his core business." Source: Charles Ricketts & Charles Shannon by Paul van Capelleveen.
Shannon made a lithograph portrait of Savage reproduced in "The Vale Artists. IV.-Reginald Savage". The Sketch, vol. IX, 24 April 1895, p.683 (Hathi Trust). See also [2], [3] [4], [5] [6], p. 112 De Herleving Der boekkunst in Engeland re Vale artists, mentions Savage on p. 131 (in Dutch/Flemish)

List of articles wot I did do

List of articles

Articles I created, and those(*) to which I made substantial positive contributions, i fink






Science and Engineering









Dabs, etc.

