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Director of the DWRL, Diane Davis, with guest speaker Gregory Ulmer
DWRL staffers experiment with lights, cameras, and backdrops for a video series on writing processes

The Digital Writing and Research Lab (DWRL) is an interdisciplinary research lab at The University of Texas at Austin dedicated practically, pedagogically, and theoretically to the identification and promotion of twenty-first-century literacies. These literacies range from navigating online newsfeeds and participating in social networking sites to composing multimedia texts that require producing, sampling, and/or remixing media content.

The lab is staffed by graduate student researchers and instructors at The University of Texas at Austin who participate in research groups, teach in computer classrooms, and hold workshops on digital pedagogy. "Staff work involves both routine classroom support and participation in on-going Lab projects such as the development of computer-based instructional materials (courseware) and documentation, as well as identification and documentation of successful pedagogical practices and research into other pedagogical applications of computer technology."[1]

Established in 1985 as the Computer Research Lab (CRL), the lab was known as the Computer Writing and Research Lab (CWRL) from the 1990s to 2010, when it became the Digital Writing and Research Lab (DWRL).



Positioned at the intersection of rhetoric, writing and technology, the DWRL launches yearly initiatives aimed at offering instructors tools to teach key communicative competencies in an increasingly technologized, global environment. These competencies include: proficiency in current software packages and technological devices; the ability to collaborate, synchronously and asynchronously, across special barriers; confidence in producing, analyzing and sharing information in various digital formats; and skills to efficiently manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information.


  • "'viz.'" - "The award-winning and widely-read digital publication viz. is committed to the intersections of Rhetoric and visual culture. In keeping with its mission to promote visual literacy, the viz. blog presents a daily community forum for discussing images in the digital age." Viz also produces static content in arenas such as multi-form interviews, assignments, theory pages, and teaching guides. [2]
  • "'Blogging Pedagogy'" - "Blogging Pedagogy" offers reflections on teaching practices in English and writing studies. The blog is open to members of these pedagogical communities who want to share resources, engage their peers in discussions of best practices, and reflect on successes and challenges.
  • "'Lesson Plan Library'" - A collection of "innovative technology-based lesson plans and classroom assignments created by DWRL Instructors. The lesson plans address a broad spectrum of pedagogical activities—from initial brainstorming to electronic peer review, from interactive visual rhetoric lessons to collaborative multi-media online publications." Users will find activities that range from one class period to semester-long assignments. [3]
  • "'Currents in Electronic Literacy'" - “Currents in Electronic Literacy" is a respected journal indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and EBSCO (ISSN 1524-6493); it is internally peer reviewed by a cohort of graduate students and faculty at the University of Texas at Austin. [4] Recent issues have featured original articles and interviews by leaders in the fields of literacy, literature, technology, and rhetoric including Barbara Biesecker, Alex Reid, Josh Gunn, Lawrence Lessig, Bret Benjamin, Stuart Selber, Robert Scholes, Alan Liu, and Avital Ronell among others.
  • "'The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects'" - "TheJUMP" publishes submissions from undergraduate students in a variety of formats that display successful engagement with digital technologies and use strategic, effective rhetorical elements to make an argument, tell a story, or share research. Essential to the mission of "TheJUMP" is the promotion of discourse about multimedia pedagogy and student learning. To that end, each piece is published alongside course and assignment information as well as reflections from the student author and his/her instructor and responses from two members of "TheJUMP" editorial collective. "TheJUMP" is committed to accessible publication practices.



Each year, the DWRL designs and implements several research projects. These year-long initiatives enhance graduate instructors' professional and teaching portfolios as well respond to established and emerging digital literacy issues. The research produced results in publications, white papers, conference presentations, videos, and pedagogical resources like lesson plans. Project leaders, members and lab specialists also offer workshops throughout the year which share tools for pedagogical innovation. The results of the research conducted in the project groups is presented every year at the DWRL Final Showcase as well as archived online.

Current Research Initiatives

  • Gaming Pedagogy - This group is researching the potential and applicability of a broad range of games in the classroom, whether those be tabletop games, brief educational games, commercial video games, or serious games made by independent groups and will publish an eBook to showcase their findings. They are building on the work of the Immersive Environments group, which has a long history of exploring the intersections among gaming, pedagogy, and virtual worlds and which designed and implemented two successful games in the rhetoric classroom: "Rhetorical Peaks and '"Battle Lines".
  • Audio Video Research - Now in its second year, the ARVG group is creating an audio podcast series spotlighting various intersections of rhetoric and technology. The 2011-12 group collaborated with the Undergraduate Writing Center on the WRITE series—videos that featue writers at all levels talking about their writing processes—as well as a prototype for an online tutorial series.
  • Currents in Electronic Literacy - In addition to collectively soliciting, editing, and publishing the annual issue of the DWRL’s e-journal Currents in Electronic Literacy, members of this group are researching digital publication platforms and optimization strategies for mobile viewing.
  • Visual Rhetoric - In addition to producing the DWRL’s award-winning visual rhetoric blog, viz., the Visual Rhetoric group will collaborate with the Harry Ransom Center (HRC) for the second year in a row. The group will engage with the HRC's collections and exhibitions to enrich and extend their research in visual rhetoric.
  • The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects (TheJUMP) - This group publishes TheJUMP twice annually and serves as a resource for other DWRL members on issues of accessibility and undergraduate publication.

Products of Past Initiatives


Speaker Series


Since 2007 the DWRL has held a speaker series, bringing some of the foremost thinkers in digital literacy and learning technologies to the University of Texas at Austin. Past speakers include:

Courses and Classrooms


"Since 1986, the CWRL has fostered ongoing inquiry, experiment, development, and practice that explores the uses of technology to support teaching and learning in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate courses."[5] Largely, the courses taught throughout the DWRL are courses are Rhetoric and English classes which benefit from a computer-learning environment. Computer classrooms allow students have access to a wide range of learning technologies including their own Mac desktop computer. Instructors control a teacher station through which they are able to project images, websites and video. All students enrolled in courses conducted in computer classrooms have access to a computer lab with printing privileges.





The DWRL began in 1985 with the acquisition of twelve IBM microcomputers as a result of a Project QUEST grant to the University of Texas at Austin. English department faculty member Jerome Bump and his graduate students later arranged for the machines to be moved from the University Writing Center (housed in the English department) to vacant space in the basement of the Undergraduate Library. This space was deemed the Computer Research Lab (CRL) and marked the beginning of the research into computer-based writing at The University of Texas at Austin.

In fall 1986 Bump offered a graduate seminar on rhetoric and computers, which he co-taught with Lt. Col. Hugh Burns. Burns, who worked in the Intelligent Systems Division at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, had written the first dissertation in what became the academic field of Computers and Writing. Graduate students in this seminar sought to advance Burns’s efforts to explore how the computer could serve less as a “teaching machine” and more as a constructive partner in dialogue with student-writers.[6] Theoretically, this work aligned well with the emerging “process” model of writing instruction, and Burns’s presence lent national credibility to the group. Burns coined the name of the new Computer Research Lab.

Participants in the newly established lab dedicated their efforts to finding alternative models for the writing classroom. The lab’s first local area network (LAN) represented a major triumph, allowing for computers in the lab to be linked to one another, as well as to machines in an adjacent instructional room. This arrangement eventually enabled colleagues from the English department to teach first-year English courses in the CRL’s first "computational classroom" as Bump and his graduate students called it. But the limitations of word-processing programs at the time, coupled with resistance from wary students and suspicious scholars, blunted the initial impact of these classroom resources. To address at least the practical problems, the lab team decided to undertake its own programming, with the products designed to support specific aspects of the writing process.

Early Products


Graduate student Fred Kemp’s software Idealog focused on invention or pre-writing, while his colleague Paul Taylor’s Descant assisted revision. Other students, moving away from the “process” instructional model that underpinned these two, developed programs of their own that prioritized social interaction. These included Locke Carter’s In-Class Mail and Paul Taylor’s Forum5. Even though the different programs emerged from different theoretical assumptions, they could be used together in a coherent way.[7]

They also supplied the foundation for the most notable achievement of the lab’s formative years, the Daedalus Integrated Writing Environment (DIWE), a suite of applications meant to integrate different elements of the writing process. DIWE included four major modules: Invent, Respond, Mail (an asynchronous, internal messaging system), and InterChange (a conferencing system that allowed for synchronous—real-time—interaction among students and instructors). Several scholars went on to praise InterChange, in particular, for its capacity to transform the dynamics of a writing classroom.[8]

Focus on Digital Pedagogy


In January 1989, under the new leadership of director John Slatin, the lab’s staff began to assemble an extensive archive of pedagogical texts—materials associated with the lab’s attempts to conduct writing instruction in computer classrooms—and co-hosted the sixth Conference on Computers and Writing. Slatin also tended to the further entrenchment of the CRL within the infrastructure and culture at UT-Austin. He wrote a major funding proposal that increased the university-wide visibility of the CRL, eventually establishing computer labs and networks and disseminating new DIWE software across numerous departments on UT-Austin’s campus. Funding for additional labs and multimedia hardware also tightened the ties between the CRL and the English department and, later, the new Division of Rhetoric and Composition (which, upon its creation in 1993, assumed administrative oversight of the CRL).[9]

The lab’s institutional growth continued with the hiring in 1994 of faculty member Margaret Syverson, trained in Computers and Writing, and the recruitment of additional graduate students. Syverson directed the rechristened Computer Writing and Research Lab from 1994 to 2004.

From 2004 to 2008 Clay Spinuzzi directed the CWRL, addressing accessibility and content management issues with the lab's website as well as staff engagement. In 2004 the CWRL hired current systems administrator D. Hampton Finger, who facilitated the lab's switch to Drupal for its web content management. This shift allowed for greater accessibility and made personal Drupal installations available for instructors. As a result of a university pilot program using WebXM to ensure web accessibility, in October 2006 the CWRL lowered its webpage's structural accessibility violations from 3100 pages to zero. During 2004-2005, the CWRL also created a workgroup model in which workgroup leaders assemble small teams to work on particular projects, allowing for greater continuity from year to year. From 2006 to 2008, the CWRL pursued outside partnerships and more coherent research and development focuses. The lab redeveloped and rationalized archives of English and rhetoric exercises in a system called eFiles, and developed viz., a blog about visual rhetoric.


  • Director - Diane Davis
  • Assistant Directors - Cate Blouke, Marjorie Foley, Megan Varelmann Gianfagna
  • Program Coordinator - Will Burdette
  • Systems Administrator - D. Hampton Finger



Dan Anderson, David Barndollar, Alexandra Barron, Katharine Beutner, Emily Bloom, Olin Bjork, Jim Brown, Hugh Burns, Wayne Butler, Joyce Locke Carter, Susan Comfort, Jenny Edbauer Rice, Gregory Foran, Molly Hagan O'Hardy, Erin Hurt, John Jones, Fred Kemp, Matt King, Nate Kreuter, Shelly Manis, Sean McCarthy, Lauren Mitchell Nahas, Jasmine Mulliken, Tom Nelson, Doug Norman, Justin Tremel, Tim Turner, Noel Radley, Alison Regan, Jillian Sayre, Albert Rouzie, Miriam Schacht, John Pedro Schwartz, Clay Spinuzzi, Nancy Sullivan, M.A. Syverson, Paul Taylor, Timothy Turner, Aimee Kendall Roundtree, Lee Rumbarger, Vessela Valiavitcharska, George Waddington, Sarah Wakefield, Mike Widner, Caroline Wigginton, Bill Wolff


  1. ^ Slatin, John. "The Computer Writing and Research Lab: A Brief Institutional History" Language Learning Online. Austin, TX: Deadalus Group Inc, 1998. pp. 26-27.
  2. ^ “About viz.” "viz." University of Texas at Austin. Web. 26 June 2012.
  3. ^ “About Us.” "DWRL Lesson Plans." University of Texas at Austin. Web. 28 June 2012.
  4. ^ “Statement of Purpose.” "Currents." University of Texas at Austin. Web. 26 June 2012.
  5. ^ Syverson, Peg. "The CWRL Colloquium: A Window into the World of Computer-enhanced Teaching and Learning" Currents in Electronic Literacy. Spring 2002 (6).
  6. ^ Slatin, John. "The Computer Writing and Research Lab: A Brief Institutional History" Language Learning Online. Austin, TX: Deadalus Group Inc, 1998. p. 22.
  7. ^ Slatin, John. "The Computer Writing and Research Lab: A Brief Institutional History" Language Learning Online. Austin, TX: Deadalus Group Inc, 1998. p. 23.
  8. ^ Slatin, John. "The Computer Writing and Research Lab: A Brief Institutional History" Language Learning Online. Austin, TX: Deadalus Group Inc, 1998.p. 24.
  9. ^ Slatin, John. "The Computer Writing and Research Lab: A Brief Institutional History" Language Learning Online. Austin, TX: Deadalus Group Inc, 1998. pp. 30-32.

Category:Educational organizations based in the United States Category:Computing and society Category:Computing culture Category:Human–computer interaction Category:Digital media education Category:Digital divide Category:Information society Category:New media Category:Digital Humanities Centers