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Historical NYC newspaper circulation


Data can be suspect. Publishers can inflate their numbers.Margaret Fuller's New York Journalism: A Biographical Essay and Key Writings, 9 (1995). In mid 1840s the Herald and Tribune hired a neutral auditor due to disputed claims.

  • 1836.
  • Herald 20,000 (douglas says "within one year of its founding), p. 34
  • New-Yorker (Greeley) 9,000
  • 1840.
  • Herald Douglas p. 33 says Herald now clearly the circulation leader
  • November 1842 (Hudson, p. 525, estimated). Hudson reports "nine cheap cash papers" and "seven 'sixpenny sheets'" (he also lists Saturday and Sunday papers separately)
  • Herald 15,000
  • Sun 20,000
  • Aurora 5,000
  • Morning Post 3,000
  • Plebeian 2,000
  • Chronicle 5,000
  • Tribune 9,500
  • Union 2,000
  • Tattler 2,000
  • Courier and Enquirer 7,000
  • Journal of Commerce 7,500
  • Express 6,000
  • American 1,800
  • Commercial Advertiser 5,000
  • Evening Post 2,500
  • Standard 400
  • 1847 (Fuller, p.9 - auditor); 1868 Parton on 1847 contest [1]; Hudson on contest p. 529 [2]
  • Tribune, 11,455 daily, 15,700 weekly, 960 semiweekly (total 28,115)
  • Herald, 16,711 daily, 11,455 weekly, and 780 presidential edition (total 28,946). Fuller says Hudson remarked the high weekly numbers may have caused Greely to promote his national edition.
  • 1850[3], p. 145
  • Tribune 18,600 daily / 41,400 weekly
  • 1854[4], p. 145
  • Tribune 27,360 daily / 112,800 weekly
  • Dec 1860[5], Ch. 5, p. 56-57
  • Herald daily 77,107 (largest in world per source, 25,000 above Times of London) (Douglas, pp.56-57, 34)
  • Tribune daily 55,000 (but weekly edition of 300,000?)
  • Sun daily 60,000
  • Evening Post daily 20,000

  • 1873 [6] See also [7]p. 83, saying in early 1870s, "only a few papers in the country had circulations above 100,000--probably only the New York Sun, Daily News, and Herald
  • Commercial Advertiser daily 11,200
  • Evening Mail daily 11,500
  • Evening Post daily 12,000
  • Express daily 9,200 (23 Park Row)
  • Graphic daily 10,000
  • Herald daily 88,000
  • Journal of Commerce daily 6,500
  • News, daily 100,000 (with blurb claiming Daily News is highest cir. in country)
  • New Yorker Journal daily 22,500
  • Register daily 1,440
  • Staats-Zeitung daily 50,000
  • Star daily 15,000
  • Sun daily 101,500 (cross mark?) (cf. News)
  • Telegram daily 12,000
  • Times daily 42,000
  • Tribune daily 40,000
  • Witness daily 7,000
  • World daily 20,000
  • World daily 375,000
  • 1900:
15 general circulation papers per 1966 article: Dougherty, Philip H. (16 August 1966) In 1900, Readers in New York Had Choice of 15 Newspapers: 12 of the 15 were covered in the merger of the Herald-Tribune, Journal-American, and World-Telegram and Sun; the other was a Daily News (1895-1905), Post (1801), and New York Times (1851).
Lead dailies per 1900 source:[9] "American Newspaper Directory" (Rowell)
  • Evening Post 1895-1899 stats. 1899: 23,244
  • Evening Telegram year ending June 1900: 135,405
  • Herald: letters?
  • Journal and Advertiser (morning). letters. Evening Evening Journal. numbers.
  • Mail and Express letters
  • Morning Telegraph letters
  • News (31 Park Row) letters
  • Press 1894: 118,609, then letters
  • Times. letters.
  • Tribune. letters.
  • Wall Street Journal. 1897: 1,812, other letters
  • World letters.


Rank Article Date (UTC) Views/day Notes Ref
1 Steve Jobs 6 Oct 2011 7,354,417 [10]
2 Robin Williams 12 Aug 2014 6,518,281 [11]
3 Whitney Houston 12 Feb 2012 5,971,426 [12]
4 Michael Jackson 26 June 2009 5,875,404 [13]
5 Osama bin Laden 2 May 2011 4,800,513 [14]
6 Paul Walker 1 Dec 2013 4,272,321 [15]
7 Amy Winehouse 23 Jul 2011 4,231,460 [16]
8 Ryan Dunn 20 Jun 2011 2,979,152 [17]
9 Nelson Mandela 20 Jun 2011 2,657,534 [18]

Others for potential adding: