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Joseph the Patriarch


Placement and Construction

  • Made in the early 1200s.
  • It is in the north side aisle of Chartres Cathedral in Chartres France.
  • Lancet Style

Trade Window Narrative

  • Donated by the Bankers Guild

Window Panels


1 Signature panel (Two money-changers behind their bancus)

2 Signature panel (a money changer negotiating with a client)

3 Joseph dreams the sun, moon and stars make obeisance to him (Gen.37:9)

4 Jacob sends Joseph to Shechem to take supplies to his brothers

5 Joseph's brothers tending their flocks in Dothan (Gen.37:18)

6 Joseph's brothers lower him into an old well (Gen.37:24)

7 Joseph's brothers sell him to some Midianite merchants for 20 pieces of silver

8 They show Jacob his bloodied cloak and claim he was killed by wild animals

9 Arriving in Egypt, the Merchants sell Joseph to Potiphar, Captain of the Guard

  • Joseph is in Egypt and is sold into slavery. Gen 39:1 “Now Joseph was taken down to Egypt and Potiphar, and officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard, and Egyptian bought him from the Ishmaelite’s who had brought hi8m down there.

10 Joseph (now overseer of the household) rejects the advances of Potiphar's wife

  • Joseph was made master of Potiphar’s house. Potiphars wife asks Joseph to sleep with her and he refuses. Gen 39:7 “And after a long time his master’s wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, ‘lie with me’ but he refused.

11 Angry that Joseph spurned her, Potiphar's wife accuses him of attempted rape

  • Filled with anger the wife accuses Joseph of rape. Gen 39:17-18 “She told him the same story, saying. ‘the Hebrew servant, whom you have brought among us, came in to me to insult me; but as soon as I raised my voice and cried out, he left his garment beside me, and fled outside.

12 Convinced by his wife's calumny, Potiphar has Joseph arrested

  • Joseph is arrested. Gen 39:20 Joseph’s master took him and put him into the prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined; he remained there in prison.”

13 Joseph is thrown into prison

  • Joseph is thrown into jail. Gen 39:20 Joseph’s master took him and put him into the prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined; he remained there in prison.”

14 Pharaoh asleep in his palace, dreaming

  • Pharaoh is sleeping. “Gen 41:1 Pharaoh dreamed…”

15 Pharaoh's dream of the seven fat and seven lean kine (Gen.41:1-4)

  • The window is of 7 cows. The 7 cows were in the dream. Gen 41 2 and there came up out of the Nile seven sleek and seven fat cows and the grazed in the reed grass.”

16 Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's baker and cup-bearer

  • Joseph helps the cup bearer and the baker make sense of their dreams. Gen 40 1-20. all

17 Having wisely interpreted Pharaoh's dream, Joseph is appointed governor

18 On Joseph's orders, the granaries are filled in preparation for a famine

19 The Egyptians pouring grain into the Nile

20 Hearing there is grain in Egypt, Jacob sends his sons to buy some

21 Joseph's brothers riding camels en route to Egypt to buy grain

22 Joseph entertains his guests (who don't recognise their long-lost brother)

23 The finding of Joseph's silver cup in Benjamin's bag (left hand panel of pair)

24 The finding of Joseph's silver cup in Benjamin's bag (right hand panel of pair)

25 Joseph's brothers return home to fetch their father, Jacob (1st panel of 3)

  • First of three parts showing Jacob welcoming his sons who were sent to fetch him.

26 Joseph's brothers return home to fetch their father, Jacob (2nd panel of 3)

  • Second of three windows showing 2 of Jacobs sons riding toward the house of Jacob.

27 Joseph's brothers return home to fetch their father, Jacob (3rd panel of 3)

  • The last of three windows showing 2 of Jacobs sons on camels bringing up the rear of the caravan sent to fetch Jacob.

28 Jacob and his sons riding out of Israel towards Egypt

  • Jacob is seated beside 3 of his sons as they ride to Egypt to see Joseph.

29 Jacob and his son Joseph are reunited

  • Jacob and Joseph are reunited in Egypt after many years.

30 Christ enthroned, blessing

  • Christ at the pinnacle seated in a throne extending a blessing to all.