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User:Mike Peel/Royal Pomona Palace

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Royal Pomona Palace and botanical gardens was located in Pomona Island, Manchester. It was formerly known as Cornbrook Strawberry Gardens, before being renamed after the Roman goddess Pomona.[1] The site was opened in 1846. Purchased by George Jennison in 1868.[2]

As a result of the industrial revolution, by the 1880s the site was surrounded by factories. In 1887 a nearby chemical factory exploded, which caused considerable damage to the palace, resulting in the closure of the palace and gardens.[1] The area later became known as the Pomona Docks.

A pub was later named after it. [1]


  1. ^ a b "Pomona: the lost island of Manchester". The Guardian. 7 August 2014. Retrieved 26 July 2015.
  2. ^ "7. Pomona Palace Gardens". James Reilly (1825-1889) Manchester Chairmaker. Retrieved 26 July 2015.
