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User:Mike Cline/USCAN Working Group Drafts/Phase I Task Forces/Working Group Financial Process/Meeting II

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Desired Effects


By November 30th, 2012 the U.S. Canada Education Working Group Financial Process has generated the appropriate budgeting and business case documents necessary to support Phase I recommendations and support decisions required to move into Phase II and beyond.

Activity Summary


Developed a basic plan for the future work of the Finance Task Force, with the understanding that financial issues will be the remit of this Task Force.


  • The main work of this committee will begin after the working group has established goals, a proposed structure and scope, and has identified needs requiring expenditure of funds. The Finance Committee will then develop
    • a unified budget for accomplishing these goals
    • a fundraising strategy (including requests for WMF funding).
    • a plan for handling funds (bank accounts, credit cards, accounting).
  • Staff/consultants needed to support the work of the Finance Committee
    • accounting, finance, legal
    • fundraising
    • coordinating, basic support
  • Other expenses needed for the Fundraising Committee: support for basic office expenses, possibly travel/communication

DStrassmann (talk) 20:50, 18 September 2012 (UTC)