User:Michael Hardy/Tukey
In statistics, Tukey's test for interaction or Tukey's test for non-additivity, named after John Tukey, is a test of the null hypothesis that there is no interaction between two categorical predictor variables in a two-way analysis of variance.
Tukey's publication in 1949[1] was the first[2] to show how to test for interaction when there is no replication, i.e. there is only one observation in each cell.
Without replication, one cannot partition the sum of squares due to error into a lack-of-fit sum of squares and a "pure-error" sum of squares.
The "additive model" in two-way ANOVA is:
is the estimated average value of the variable Y among members of the population falling into the jth row and the kth column of the table, and
The last term
is the "error"—the amount added to μ + αj + βk to get the measurement of the ℓth individual unit in the sample from the jth row and kth column. We assume the errors are independent random variables with expected value 0 and with equal variances.
Tukey's interaction model:
- ^ John Tukey, "One Degree of Freedom for Non-Additivity", Biometrics, volume 5, pages 232–242, September 1949
- ^ Dallas Johnson and Franklin Graybill, "Estimation of σ2 in a Two-Way Classification Model with Interaction", Journal of the American Statistical Association, volume 67, number 338, pages 388–394, June 1972
- George A. Milliken, Dallas E. Johnson, Analysis of Messy Data: Nonreplicated experiments, Volume 2, CRC Press, 1989, pages 7–8