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When a player first starts off, their job title (which is how the game refers to classes) is always vagrant. Once a player reaches level 15 they may choose one of the first 4 starter jobs. The 4 different jobs each offer a different play style. At level 60 each of the first 4 jobs splits into 2 further complimentary jobs. After a user reaches level 120 they may choose to further their advancement by going for the Master class. For this, the users level is reset to 60 and will need to re-level to 120. The Heroes of Madrigal are the highest level, 121. To become a Hero, the user must complete a quest demanding the collection of rare items.

A list of the classes and their sub-classes are as follows:

The Mercenary


The Mercenary is the warrior class of Flyff. They fight with hand to hand weapons and have high hitpoints compared to other classes. At level 60 a Mercenary can choose between:

The Blade is capable of dual welding weapons and is the best damage dealer in the game.
The Knight receives the most health per stamina point spent in the game and are often used as tanks.

The Magician


The Magician is the spellcaster is Flyff who is very dependent on mana. This class can be expensive to play, as mana quickly deplenishes and it can be expensive to buy all the mana-refilling potions and food needed. At level 60 a Magician can choose between:

The Elementor is the games most prolific user of area of effects spells and has a wide variety of elemental based magic.
The Psykeeper, an arguably evil class uses demonic based curses to attack their enemies.

The Assist


The Assist is the a healing based class. They have a array of buffs to enhance the user's stats which can also be used on other players. This class is generally played as supporting class but can be a fighter. At level 60 an Assist can choose between:

This class is a good mix of self-supporting buffs and hand to hand combat. The Billposter is often considered the most self-sufficient class in the game.
The Ringmaster is the premier supporting class. Whilst not frequently played, they are always in need once other classes reach higher levels.

The Acrobat


The Acrobat depends heavily on ranged melee attacks to fight. They are the Rogue class of FLyff, and use Yo-Yos and Bows to attack. At level 60 an Acrobat may choose between:

The Ranger relies on extreme speed and the ability to become invisible. This allows the Ranger to position it's self and then hopefully kill the enemy before it reaches them, as they have low hitpoints.
Whilst Rangers are straight ranged weapon characters, Jesters also have the ability to use magic and skills which allow life leeching.



Every time you gain a level you will receive a certain number of skill points dependent on your level. The higher your level, the more skill points you receive. This is proportional the the class you are. A level one class skill (vagrant) only requires one skill point to level, however a level two job requires two points, and a level three job needs three.

However, there are occasions when you receive bonus skill points. This is because in an effort to keep the classes of equal ability, some receive more points than others. For example, an Elementor will receive 928 skill points by the time they hit level 120, whereas a Blade will only receive 658. This is because a Blade would only need 870 skills points to max out all their skills whilst an Elementor would need 1280.

Skills are used for a number of things. They can be used to buff a player, to attack, or to produce items. Some attacking skills can only follow other attacking skills. This is managed using an Action Slot which lines up attacking combinations to a maximum of 5 skills.

There are four different types of skills on Flyff, General, Starting, Circle and Finishing skills.

General Skills


These skills may or may not be combat based and can not be used in combinations. They can be assigned to the hotkeys (F1 to F9) or the action slot. Most of these skills will be the buffing skills of the Assist class or the buffing skills all classes have. There are only a few General attacking skills.

Starting Skills


Starting skills are attacking skills that start off chain attacks. They can be used in the hotkeys (but then can not be chained) or used to start off the chains in the action slot.

Circle Skills


Circle skills are attacking skills which come after starting skills and then can link to another skill after to continue the chain attack (either another circle skill or a finishing skill) They can also be used in place of finishing skills.

Finishing Skills


Finishing skills are powerful attacking skills that finish off a chain of attacks in the Action Slot. They are often extremely powerful one hit moves.