User:Mediation4u/todo/Deletionpedia membership
This is a good place for inclusionists to add to the sum of human knowledge - [] membership - example application (RE-RAISE REQUEST and mark here if successful. try med4u openatlas email address.)
I have been an editor on Wikipedia for decades. I have tried to remain active on Wikipedia as the useful knowledge there is very often transitory. Therefore active monitoring of Wikipedia pages is essential to view some of the "sum of all human knowledge" before it is deleted and lost. I can foresee that deletionpedia will hold this useful knowledge. Deletionpedia's useful website name means no-one will expect the Wikipedia standards, simply hard work from well meaning individuals who are trying to capture the sum of all human knowledge, and make it available to all.
I am also deeply involved in making Wikipedians themselves more humane in how they interact with each other. One typical example of my attempts at mediation on Wikipedia is logged here:
More examples of my successful mediations on Wikipedia are listed here:
In the years ahead, I look forward to the continued success of Deletionpedia in adding to human knowledge. I also hope that Deletionpedians can demonstrate to Wikipedians how simple it is to interact productively and positively with each other and still keep to agreed Deletionpedia principles.