About Richard McDonald Woods:
My name is Richard, I'm from the United Kingdom. I was born in Portsmouth and now live in Denmead in south east Hampshire. Retired in 1997, I was an IBM Salesman and worked in the software industry. I have a BSc Honours Degree in Biology from the Open University.
My main hobbies are using a flight simulator to fly my beloved Boeing 747-400; rambling; reading about science, history and politics; and listening to classical music. I have contributed a paper entitled "A self-Nominating Second Chamber: Further Reform of the House of Lords" to the Ministry of Justice and the main UK political parties, and contributed to the Kelly report on MP's expenses and allowances.
I am particularly interested in avionics as implemented in the Boeing 747-400.
I have studied evolution and cell biology for many years. This interest caused me to study for my degree after retirement. I have read all the books written by Richard Dawkins as well as many others on the subject.
My favorite composers are Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Sibelius and Chopin.
Articles I've Started/Expanded
Next Generation Air Transportation System · Area navigation · Required Navigation Performance · Performance Based Navigation · National Airspace System Voice Switch · Next Generation Network Enabled Weather · Next Generation Data Communications · System Wide Information Management · Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast.