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About Me


My name is Kayla, and I am a college freshman at Georgia Southern University. In high school, I was involved in the spanish club, pep club, Beta club, and key club. In addition, i also played basketball for several years. Also, outside of school, i participated in a youth group known as Young Life. I graduated with a 3.6 GPA from a college prep private school. I am majoring in nursing, and hope to be a nurse anesthetist one day in my future. I am a very hard worker, and i love to work out.

Random Facts


When i was a baby i went streaking in my neighbors kitty pool outside their kitchen window while they were eating dinner. That same year, i chased a cat under a cracked garage and got stuck under the garage for three hours screaming and crying my head off. Unfortunately, the house owners were on vacation so nobody knew i was even under the garage! Three years later, i almost got kidnapped by a man who pretended he was a firefighter taking me to see a fire in the woods. How freaking dumb can I be?! Also, that same year, i got shot in the butt with a paintball gun by a neighborhood bully. Jumping up to middle school, i was a class clown and got put into the hall on a regular basis. This is probably because I am extremely hyper and have to take ADHD medicine! In high school, I lied to my parents and went to Milledgeville for a concert on a school night. Unfortunately, on the way to school the next morning I got a speeding ticket going 86 in a 55. Therefore, i was caught by my parents and also grounded for life. One year later, I totalled that car. I do know that i have a very hard head now because it busted out my entire window and did not even bust open!

My Contributions


So far, i have created a page on the Macon braves baseball team. They were a minor league baseball team that is now known as the Rome Braves. In the future, i hope to keep improving my Macon braves baseball page! I have also contributed to the discussion page on my article. If anyone comes across my article and has information they would like to add, please feel free to do so!

Technology and I


I will admit, I am not the brightest when it comes to technolgy. Technology has become way to advance for me this day and time! I do use email and text messages, but i am by no means a computer junky! I do not go scrounging the internet for my own knowledge. The only times i do research on the computer is for a paper or project that is mandatory. However, i am proficient at Microsoft Word 2007 and Excel.

My Thoughts About Wikipedia


When i am trying to find the definition of something or learn about a particular subject, I always go to wikipedia. However, in high school, it was drilled into our heads for four years that wikipedia was not allowed to be a source in a paper. On the other hand, when I came to college, i quickly learned that my english teacher was a wikipedia fanatic! I understand why teachers do not want their students using wikipedia as a source. It is clearly because anybody can get on wikipedia and make an article. Therefore, I think that this makes professors believe that wikipedia has false information. I by no means think that all information on Wikipedia is false.



I read, write, and speak English. I have previously been in two spanish classes, however, I am terrible at speaking it! I can understand simple sentences in spanish, but that is all my brain is able to comprehend! I wish that i knew how to speak French!!

Too Much Information


-I am a clean freak! I believe there is a slight bit of OCD in me!

-I love to run and workout.

-I have a dog named Shaggy.

-I HATE broccoli!

-I am obsessed with facebook.

-I love the color pink.

PNK This user's favorite colour is Pink.
This user's favourite animal is the Galápagos giant tortoise.


This user recycles waste when possible.

This user eats sushi.