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Wintersemester 2015/16 Translation 1 User:AnTransit


The variant ohoy

"Ohoy" was attested as a variant of "ahoy" very early. In an anecdote, published in 1791, a captain meets his newly-vested boatswain who now resembled a sturdy Romney-Sheep at the theater and greets him ironically with: "Ohoa, the boatswain, the Romney, Ohoy!" The addressed anwered "Holloa" and disappeared. The Scottish poet Thomas Campbell published a satirical poem in which a rider shouted: "Murderer, stop, ohoy, oh!" In 1836 the Scottish novelist Allan Cunningham wrote: "Ohoy, Jonnie martin! Ohoy, Tom Dempster! be busy my merry lads, and take me on board"

The variant "ohoy" was derived from English by several nordic languages whose dictionaries state the English "ohoy" as the only source word and itMc1phil (talk) 06:36, 28 October 2015 (UTC) either appears as the first entry before "ahoy" or as the second entry after it.

Early evidence in German source texts

For year 1829, the use of ahoi is attested in a German source text. In her narrative the Armenian, the Saxon author Charlotte Eleonore Wilhelmine von Gersdorff applied the word several times in a competent context as an invocation and also as a means to spur somebody on. The writer also worked as a translator from English into German.

The Austrian Charles Sealsfield initially used the original form ahoy. Sealsfield, whose real name was Carl Anton Postl, spent some time in New Orleans where he was in contact with a lot of seamen. In his novel Morton or the long tour which was published for the first time in Zürich in 1835, an excited crowd at Piccadilly Circus in London shouted: "Gare! Gare! take care! Hallo ho! A hoy" which was repeated in the editions of 1844 and 1846. In the appendix of a reprint, "Gare" was correctly amended into "Care" (German: Vorsicht) but it is wrongly quoted that the crowd shouted: "Gare! Gare! take care! Hallo ho! Ahoi". In this respect, the English original spelling separating a-hoy was correct at the time.

In Seafields novel A Gardener's life, published in Zürich in 1836, a command is given in the follwing words: "Ahoi ! Ahoi! (...) Don't you listen? Take the earl's horses". The book was published in English in the USA in 1844 and still contained the German version of "ahoi". In "South and North", Seafield's last novel which was published in 1843, he used the English call again in its seperated spelling: "Sail a hoi- an enemys sail!" The German translation, which was even included in a footnote, read: ,,Kapitän, ein fremdes (feindliches) Segel."

In 1838 the writer Ernst Willkom called his pilot Jans down from the Heligoland Cliffs with a thundering voice: " Ship ahoi!". The German "Newspaper for the Elegant World" in which Willkom's narratives were published for the first time misprinted the calling to: "Ship ahni!" that was correctly amended in the book edition of 1842. An unknown editor, who obviously didn't know the meaning of the word, quoted in the narrative Johann Pol. Life on the Antilles, which was published in the same newspaper volume in 1838, a few sailors who sang while charging a ship: "Their dreary Ahoi, ohe! Which is sung by all sailors of all nations and people on the world when they are working."

In "Politics at the inn", a farce by Friedrich Giehne of 1844, the waiter is called with: "Waiter! Ahoi!". The book, in which Ghiene's text was published, mostly congregates reprints of text from years 1836 to 1843 and the preface does not provide an indication when "Politics at the Inn" was published for the first time and if the the text actually is a reprint. Evidence of the call "ahoi" first used on land can be found in Smollet's novel of 1751 "The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle" where Commodore Trunnion shouts: "Ho! the house a hoy!". The call became Germanified later, in 1789, as: "Holla, he da, Wirtshaus", similiarly in editions of 1827 and 1841. However, a connection between Ghiene and Smollet is conceivable. Ghiene could have read Smollet in a translation by Georg Nikoloaus Bärmann of 1840 where Commodore Trunnion shouts: "Halloh, Wirtshaus, ahoi".

In 1844, the writer Heinrich Smid used "ahoi" in an advance copy of his novel "Michael de Ruiter- Images from Holland's navy" which was published in a journal he edited called "Magazine of foreign literature". In the same year, he made use of the word in his narrative "The Whitche's Boatswain". Smid did not employ "ahoi" in the books he published between 1837 and 1842 and which are nowadys at hand in a digitalised version, but he used it frequently between 1844 and in his last novel which was published in 1866. Probably the word became a part of Smid's vocabulary around 1843.

Freidrich Gerstäcker was one of the most successful and popular German authors of adventure novels in the 19th century. As Smidt in 1844, Gerstäcker, who used to translate a lot from English, started using the term "ahoy" around 1847. You can read "Ahoi- ho- ahoi! My good lads" in the Mississippi pictures and in 1848, "Boot ahoi!" Shouted the steersman suddenly in Gerstäcker's novel "The Mississippi river pirates".

The earliest noted use of the word ahoi dates back to 1827, when the American novelist James Fenimore Cooper published his pirate novel the Red Rover. It was published just one year later as Der rothe Freibeuter in Frankfurt. Karl Meurer, the translator, did not translate all the phrases word for word. The command "All hands make sail, ahoy"! became "Alle zu Hauf! Die Segel hißt!" and "ahoy" appeared elsewhere as "aho", perhaps by accident. In other cases, Meurer translated more precisely: " All hands to mischief, ahoy"!, which was the permission for amusement on bord, was rendered as "Alle zu Hauf! zu Possen, ahoi!". The phrase " Good humour, ahoy!" was translated by Meurer with "Bei den Possen gehalten, ahoi!".

In 1830 Cooper used the "ahoy" word five times in a narrative which was named after a ship called Water Witch. In the same year, a translation was published by Gottfried Friedeberg, who used the word four times. Only when Friedeberg used the word for the first time in his translation, did the original spelling slip in. Probably, the word was still quite new for him in 1830. The mistake was corrected in later editions. Friedrich Knickerbocker, who published the second translation, ignored or paraphrased the word wrongly with "Holüber!". The phrase "Wer da?", which was once used by him, was not new. In 1824 and 1827 German editions of Cooper's novel the pilot were published, in which "ahoi" was translated with similar interjections like "Wer da!", "Wer da?", "heda" or "He! He!". It was not until 1842 when ahoi became the standard interjection in Der Lotse, due to Eduard Mauch’s translation. However, this story included four ahoys and one ahoi.

The anonymous translator of the two-volume story kept "ahoy" in 1835 and 1836 as a foreign word in Trelawney's Adventures in East India,which was published in 1832 by the sailor and later author, Edward John Trelawney. In 1837 the novel Lykkens Indling/Das Glückskind was published in Danish by the author Carl Bernhard, who had also translated it himself into German. Bernhard was the pseudonym of the Danish novelist Andreas Nikolai de Saint-Aubain. The transformation of the phrase "Ahoi, en Sejler" into "Ahoi, ein Segler!" is probably the earliest import from a Scandinavian languag

time taken: 70 minutes Problems: " herausrutschen", "bislang feststellbare" "interjektivisch...." "wörtlich übersetzen" "modal particles" "commas", "relative clauses"


Prosit is a Latin word from which the German short form "prost" is derived. It is a toast, that is an acclamation made before drinking an alcoholic beverage when drinkers chink glasses. The expression dates back to the beginning of the 18th century when it was used among university students and eventually made its way into every day language. In a ceremonious context and in connection with a short speech, the English word toast may also be used.

Origin of the Word

The word is, as mentioned above, of Latin origin and it comes from the verb "prodesse" (= "to benefit sth/sb", "to be beneficial"). Consequently, "prosit" is the conjugated form (3rd person Singular, Present Subjunctive, Active) and therefore an optative: "To you/ to your health". Like the colloquial "prost", "prosit" was originally used by university students[1].


In German, synonyms like " Wohl bekomm's!" , "Zum Wohl!" and many versions from other languages may also be used instead of "prosit". The acclamation itself is also referred to as a "prosit". The verb form is "zuprosten", where the prefix "zu" means that the speech act is targeted at one or several people.

In the Swabian dialect, the word has the further meaning of a belch, called a "Prositle". The acclamation is followed by the chinking of glasses, often linked to other rules like making eye contact. This ritual is commonly attributed to a medieval custom, whereby one could avoid being poisoned by one's drinking companions, as a few drops of each beverage got mixed when chinking glasses. There is every likelihood that this did not work. It was much more effective for one table to share one or more drinking vessels, a procedure which was common for a long time.





Dunningen is located at the centre of the administrative district of Rottweil in the south western part of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. The village is located in the shell limestone area between the Black Forest and the Swabian Alps on a strip of open country that crosses the district from north to south and that is mainly used for agriculture. It is located on the eastern slope of the central part of the Black Forest, which borders on the Oberen Gäuen in the west.

From an infrastructural perspective, Dunningen is located advantageously on the B462, which is the main road between Schramberg and Rottweil. Switzerland , as well as Lake Constance, can be reached in one hour, Austria in two hours by car. The French region of Alsace lies to the east and is also within easy reach. The Eschach, which is a tributary of the Neckar, passes through Seedorf, Lackendorf and Dunningen.

Neighbouring Communities and Districts


Dunningen shares municipal boundaries with Waldmössingen , Beffendorf, Bösingen, Villingendorf, Hochwald, Zimmerm ob Rottweil, Eschbronn and Sulgen. Administratively, Waldmössingen and Sulgen , which are located in northern and western direction, are part of the city of Schramberg, whereas Hochwald in southern and Beffendorf in northern direction belong respectively to the cities of Rottweil and Oberndorf.

The municipality consists of three districts which are Dunningen, Seedorf and Lackendorf. The district of Dunningen includes the village itself, the villers Auf der Stampfe and Frohnhof, the farms Eichhof, Gifizenmoos, Stittholz, Staudenrain and Beckenwäldle and the dwelling place Hindenburg. The districts of Lackendorf and Seedorf include in each case the two villages themselves [2].



The foundation of the village dates back to the Romans, as a Roman road and a Villa Rustica - a Roman farm - were found in the area. Moreover, there is proof of a Roman fort in the neighbouring village of Waldmössingen. Dunningen was first mentioned in a deed of gift from Count Gerold (+799) to the monastery of St. Gallen in year 786. The village was independent until it became part of the imperial city of Rottweil in 1435.

After the Principal Decree of the Imperial Deputation in 1803, the village became part of Wurttemberg and was integrated into the newly created city district of Rottweil. Dunningen Castle, which was built in the 11th century, has fallen has disappeared completely. In the course of the administrative reform that took place in Baden-Wurttemberg in the seventies, the municipalities of Lackendorf and Seedorf were incorporated into Dunningen, on the 1st of August 1972 and 1st of January 1974 respectively. In earlier times, Seedorf was administrated by the imperial city (of) Rottweil and was handed over to the city of Oberndorf after mediatisation in the course of the Principal Decree of the Imperial Deputation. After the latter was resolved in 1938, the village was passed over to the district of Rottweil.



Even after reformation, Dunningen remained Roman Catholic. Up to today, the church congregation St. Martin only possesses a catholic pastorate. The few protestant inhabitants are incorporated into the protestant church parish of the neighbouring village Eschbronn.



Die Gemeinde Dunningen verfügt über eine Real- und Hauptschule mit Werkrealschule (Eschachschule) und eine Grundschule im Ortsteil Seedorf. Gymnasien können in Rottweil und Schramberg besucht werden. In allen drei Ortsteilen besteht ein Gemeindekindergarten, im Kernort außerdem ein Kindergarten in römisch-katholischer Trägerschaft. Mit dem Dunninger Forum hat die Gemeinde eine weit ins Umland hinein tätige Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtung. Für die Kinder und Jugendlichen besteht eine Musikschule und eine Jugendkunstschule.



Dunningen offers a Realschule and a Primary School, of which the latter is located in Seedorf. Gymnasiums Gymnasium (school) can be attended in Seedorf and Rottweil while each of the three municipalities possesses a own nursery school. The so called "Dunninger Forum" is an adult education institution that also operates in the environs. Furthermore, there are a music school and a school of arts for children and teenagers in Dunningen. The so called "Dunninger Forum" is an adult education institution that also operates in the environs.



Sportvereine der Gemeinde sind der FC Dunningen (Fußball), der TSV Dunningen (u.a. Turnen und Handball), der TC Dunningen (Tennis), der TTV Dunningen (Tischtennis), der Schützenverein, die SpVgg Stetten-Lackendorf 1963 e.V., der SV Seedorf und der TTC Seedorf (Tischtennis). Der SV Seedorf ist dabei der mitgliederstärkste Verein der Gesamtgemeinde. Die Vereine bieten zusammen neben Fußball, Turnen und Handball verschiedene Sparten des Freizeitsports (Volleyball, Gymnastik, Badminton und Tanzen) an. Zudem gibt es für die Freunde des Skisport den Skiclub Seedorf e. V., der eine eigene Skihütte, das SCS-Alpenhaus in Braz/Österreich unterhält.



The sports clubs of Dunningen and its municipalities are: FC Dunningen (Football), TSV Dunningen (Handball & Gymnastics), TC Dunningen (Tennis), TTV Dunningen (Table Tennis), Shooting Club Dunningen, SpVgg Stetten-Lackendorf 1963, SV Seedorf (Football, Skiing, Handball) and TTC Seedorf (Table Tennis). The SV Seedorf has the most members among all other clubs in the municipality of Dunningen. The clubs offer apart from the more classical sports like Football(soccer), Gymnastics and Handball also various leisure sport activities (Volleyball, Rythmic Gymnastics, Badminton and Dancing. Moreover, there is the Skiclub Seedorf e. V. that keeps a own ski hut "the SCS- Alpenhaus" in Braz/Austria for friends of Skiing.

Culture and Sights


The Museum of local history

The museum of local history, which is located in Dunningen town hall, illustrates the lifes of famous sons and daughters of the village,for example Emil Maier, Landolin Ohnmachtand Jacob Maier. Emil Maier was a politician of German Social Democrat Party, during the times of the German Empire and the Weimar Republic and even became Home Secretary of Baden some years later. On the level of local politics, he was particularly active in Mannheim and Heidelberg. Another part of the museum is dedicated to the claccicistic artist Landolin Ohmacht (1760-1834). From 1803 onwards, he lived and worked primarily in Strasbourg where he created important monuments of popular personalities of the city and the region. His most famous work shows Susette Gontard, the wife of a Frankfurt banker, who is known in literary history as Hölderlin's Diotima [3]. The third exhibition portrays the life and work of Jakob Mayer, who invented a technique to cast steel in moulds in the 1840s. Apart from bells, he produced iron rails and wheels. In cooperation with Eduard Kühne, Mayer founded the Bochum Association of Mining and Cast Steel Production. Their greatest competitor was the Krupp company in Essen. Mayer was born in Dunningen in 1813 and died in Bochum in 1875 where he wno has a honarary grave in Kortum Park. The museum is open every first Sunday of the month from 2 pm to 5 pm.

Regular Events


In Advent, a Christmas concert is performed by the Musical Society Dunningen. In turns with the district Seedorf, a big village fair is held yearly on the last weekend of June.


  1. ^ (1)
  2. ^ Das Land Baden-Württemberg. Amtliche Beschreibung nach Kreisen und Gemeinden. Band VI: Regierungsbezirk Freiburg Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-17-007174-2, S. 471–473.
  3. ^ Dr. Mechtild Ohnmacht, Landelin Ohnmacht, Fink-Verlag 2012

[1] [2]

Freiburger Puppenbühne

Die Freiburger Puppenbühne ist ein vor allem in Baden-Württemberg bekanntes Puppentheater mit Tourneen im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum und benachbarten Elsass. Das von Dr. Johannes und Karin Minuth 1987 gegründete Figurentheater wendet sich besonders an junge Zuschauer im Kindergarten- und Grundschulalter, jedoch ist mit der Bearbeitung von Goethes Faust ein Puppenspiel speziell für Erwachsene im Programm.

Freiburg Puppet Stage / Freiburger Puppentheater


The Freiburg Puppet Stage, which is especially well known in Baden-Wurttemberg, is a puppet theatre touring in the whole German speaking region and in neighbouring Alsace. Having been founded by Dr. Johannes and Karin Minuth in 1987, the theater appeals mainly to a young audience in the nursery and primary school age but also has a piece for adults on programm, performing a puppet show of Goethe's Faust.


   1 Artistic Work
   2 Stagings
   3 Goethe' Faust - The Puppet Show
   4 Live Recordings
   5 Literature
   6 Weblinks


   1 Künstlerisches Schaffen
   2 Inszenierungen
   3 Goethes Faust - Die Puppenshow
   4 Mitschnitte
   5 Literatur
   6 Weblinks

Künstlerisches Schaffen

Das Handpuppenspiel der Freiburger Puppenbühne in der traditionellen Guckkastenbühne ist beeinflusst von der Spielweise der Kasperspieler Walter Büttner, Max Jacob und Friedrich Arndt. Im Mittelpunkt steht die lustige Figur des Kasper, dessen Historie Thema der Doktorarbeit von Johannes Minuth ist. Die Grundlagen des Spiels mit den Handfiguren erlernte Johannes Minuth von Peter und Benita Steinmann, während Karin Minuth ausgebildete Puppenspieltherapeutin ist. Von ihr werden auch sämtliche Puppen, Kostüme und Requisiten entworfen und hergestellt. Inszenierungen

Artistic Work


The hand puppet show of the Freiburg Puppet Stage, performed in a traditional picture stage, is influenced by the play of Walter Büttner, Max Jacob and Friedich Arndt. The comical figure of the Punch, whose history has been the topic of Johannes Minuth's dissertation/PHD thesis, is central to the plays. Johannes Minuth learned the basics of hand puppet playing from Peter and Benita Steinmann, while Karin Minuth is a trained Therapeutic Puppet Player. She also designs and produces all of the puppets, costumes and requisites.



The various stagings range from self-written Punch Plays over literary adaptions to fairy tale theatre plays. Bello, a dog character, became a popular figure of the Freiburg Puppet Stage and reminds of the old funfair plays by the theatre family Bille. Apart from the Punch character, Bello plays an important role in nearly all stagings as for example in "Punch and the Castle Ghost" or "Punch and the Lionking". The hand puppet plays of "The bewitched Bunny" and "The princess of flowers", in whose fabulous worlds appear animals, mother earth and fairies, are rather poetic/poetically motivated. Adaptions from classic children's literature as for example Pinocchio are also part of the plays. More pedagogical contents are imparted by plays as " a lot of dirt with the rattle tooth witch" concerning environmental education and dental health. As a result to the neighbourhood to France, the Freiburg Puppet Stage has also plays with a French translation on program. These are especially requested by bilingual associations and schools.

Mit Bello, einer Hundefigur, hat die Freiburger Puppenbühne einen Sympathieträger, der an das alte Jahrmarktspiel der Theaterfamilie Bille erinnert. Neben der Kasperfigur spielt er in fast allen Inszenierungen eine große Rolle, z.B. in Kasper und das Schlossgespenst oder Kasper und der Löwenkönig. Eher poetisch dagegen sind die Handpuppenstücke Das verzauberte Häschen und Die Blumenprinzessin, in deren märchenhafter Welt Tiere, Mutter Erde und Feen vorkommen. Umsetzungen von klassischer Kinderliteratur wie Pinocchio gehören auch dazu.

Mehr pädagogische Inhalte vermitteln Stücke wie Viel Dreck bei Hexe Klapperzahn, wenn es um Umwelterziehung und Zahngesundheit geht.

Auf Grund der Nähe zu Frankreich hat die Freiburger Puppenbühne auch Stücke mit französischer Übersetzung im Programm, welche vor allem von bilingualen Vereinen und Schulen angefragt werden.

Goethes Faust - Die Puppenshow Ein Jahrmarkts-Puppenspiel war es, das Goethe zu seinem Faust inspiriert hat. Das Solo-Stück von Johannes Minuth ist eine Übertragung der Faust-Dichtung ins Puppentheater. Das Spiel bewegt sich zwischen Comedy, Musical und Mysterienspiel und sucht dabei den Tragödien-Charakter des Werkes zu wahren. Mitschnitte

Goethe's Faust


It was a fun fair ouppet play that inspired Goethe to his Faust. The solo play by Johannes Minuth is transfer of the Faust poetry into puppet theatre. The puppet play combines Comedy, Musical and Mystery Play while trying to preserve the tragic character of the original play.

Die bekanntesten Stücke der Freiburger Puppenbühne werden von Bob Media GmbH & Co KG als Live-Mitschnitte produziert und auf DVD bundesweit vertrieben. Bislang erschienen sind:

   Kasper und der Zauberberg
   Kasper und das kleine Schlossgespenst
   Kasper und der Weihnachtsmann
   Kasper und der Osterhase
   Kasper und der Löwenkönig
   Viel Dreck bei Hexe Klapperzahn
   Kasper und der Drachenprinz
   Kasper - Reise zu Prinz Aladin


   Johannes Minuth: Das Kaspertheater und seine Entwicklungsgeschichte - Vom Possentreiben zur Puppenspielkunst, Nold, Frankfurt/Main 1996 ISBN 978-3-922220-75-6
   P.K. Steinmann: Die Theaterfigur auf der Hand: Grundlagen und Praxis, Nold, Frankfurt/Main 2005 ISBN 978-3-935011-55-6
   Karin Minuth: Puppenspiel leicht gemacht, Gesundheitserziehung für den Kindergarten, Herausgeber: Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitserziehung, Baden-Württemberg

time taken: 70 minutes Problems: " herausrutschen", "bislang feststellbare" "interjektivisch...." "wörtlich übersetzen" "modal particles" "commas", "relative clauses"

  1. ^ Das Land Baden-Württemberg. Amtliche Beschreibung nach Kreisen und Gemeinden. Band VI: Regierungsbezirk Freiburg Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-17-007174-2, S. 471–473.
  2. ^ Dr. Mechtild Ohnmacht, Landelin Ohnmacht, Fink-Verlag 2012