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User:Mbartelsm/World Of Seven/Elements

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Elements and their relationships

The Void


The Void (often preceded by adjectives such as 'infinite' or 'eternal') is a mysterious element believed to be the source of everything that exists. The Void seems to be arbitrary in nature, meaning that anything it does is by chance or luck, thought there are some theories suggesting that it is, in fact, a sentient entity capable of taking deliberate decisions.

Empirical research about the Void has only been possible during the Seventh Era, when technology allowed scientists to tear open a hole trough the Titans into the Void, a phenomenon known as Titanic disentanglement, letting them to take a peek into the Void, even if just for an instant, as this process releases immense amounts of energy, forming an explosion of colossal proportions (akin to what an antimatter bomb would do in the real world). It was thanks to these experiments that scientists discovered that the Void isn't just a concept to express the state of the absence of everything, but instead.

Titanic Elements

Relations between each pair of titanic elements

Titanic elements are the elements which are controlled exclusively by the Titans, they are the building blocks of the universe and are part of a dichotomy where both sides are completely interdependent and reliant on each other. These elements are classified on three groups based on their complementary nature and relationship type.

Light and Dark


Light and Dark are two opposite elements on a continuum, where the lack of one implies the abundance of the other. As their name suggest they control the light and darkness on the universe.

Time and Space


Time and space are complementary elements which make up a whole, the presence of one implies the presence of the other. These elements make up the spatial and non-spatial dimensions of the universe

Order and Chaos


Order and Chaos are part of a cyclic continuum where the excess of one may lead to the other. It is through these elements that the contents of the universe are defined.





The elements, ruled over by the Gods, make up the physical world. They are divided in three categories.

Fluid Elements


Fluid or dynamic elements are those which continually deform, flow and change.



Water is the element of liquids



Wind is the element of gases



Fire is the element of flames

Solid Elements


Solid elements are those which do not deform or flow under normal circumstances



Metal is the element of shapeable minerals



Earth is the element of rigid minerals



Wood is the element of organics

Neutral Element


The neutral element is an element which is both solid and fluid, when a force acts on it it becomes stiff, but when its left alone it flows, however, as crystals are permanently under a force, they always appear solid.



Crystal is a unique element in that it can interact with mana and be bound to it without the need of a soul