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Fairgrounds and Theme Parks!!


How were they created?


They evolved from when farmers would bring crops and livestock to sell or trade, at markets. The markets were filled with traveler's and performers. The rides there was swings, the classic Ferris wheel and the flying turns ride.

Most rides were muscled powered, especially roundabouts. The first amusement park was actually used as training simulators for soliders. A popular type of ride is the flat ride. Flat rides are like carnival rides with vehicles that rotate round a base.

At the beginning they were mainly used for knights' jousting. From there, the flat rides evolved into human, animal and steam powered rides for entertainment at gardens, royal courts and parks.

Modern day Fairgrounds.


There are lots of theme parks and fairgrounds around today but they are all very different. Such as Paultons park, Thorpe park, Hollycombe Steam Fair, South Parade Pier and Hayling Island. Most of them are thrilling theme parks but some places are based

on the vintage type of rides. Hollycombe Steam Fair is a place where " The past comes to life." because it consists of traditional rides dating back to the 1940s. Also, Blackpool Pleasure Beach has a variety of easily overlooked but just as exhilarating , classical rides. Like a three- dimensional postcard, the model village is a composite of a typical English village.

How some rides work.




Did you know that roller coasters don't need engines? Well that's because they rely on gravity to take them to the end of the track. Gravity is a force which pulls things to the ground. This process involves two types of energy: kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy is what makes the object move. Potential energy is the amount of energy a thing has because of where it is or because of it's parts.


Steam Rides


Can you guess what this ride is made from? Yes steam. Steam engines use hot steam from boiling water to drive pistons back and forth. This method is still used today such as: burning coal to produce electricity.

Ferris Wheel.

Flying Swings