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Taiwan Night Market


Taiwan night market has been around for some time. Night markets in Taiwan are full of cultural and characteristics. It is a street with variety of vendors that provides Taiwanese food, clothes, accessory, toys, and electronic etc.., however it is a business that mostly happens at night. It has become an important activity for Taiwanese people's and is consider as their nightlife experience.



Night market its origin started from the time of Tang dynasty, it became more develop when Song dynasty came around. It all began with the policy of Shi-Fung (市坊). Shi (市) is mainly where business or goods are trade and Fung (坊) is where resident live, and the policy given a strict regulation on the place and time of the trade. The government created this policy to make sure there is a line difference between the both of them. This policy was already given in the time of Zhan dynasty, but before the time of Tang dynasty there were other six dynasty that made the policy of Shi-Fung a blur. Until Song dynasty, the regulation was then removed and allow night market to officially be open. Many small vendors with similar selling ended up gathering in the same area. Then it became a place where people come to spend their leisure at without spending a lot of money and the night market remains the same all year around.  

Market Characteristics


There are eight characteristics that night market has: [1]“Wholesomeness: the stall keeper can open a shop that must obtain the recognition card. Attraction: the entrance must establish the decorative archway. Security: vehicles are forbidden to enter the night market during the business hours; Continuity: it has to be fully maintained with full continual path in the night market. Multiplicity: the plan may defer to its business type; Comfortableness: it must have the rest area, the trash cans and public toilet equipment. Uniformity: the ad design, booth, and electric lamp should be consistency. Authenticity: the local culture is the most major characteristic in the sightseeing night market.”   (Cheng-Ter Kuo et al.) These are the quality that makes up a night market.

Night Markets in Taiwan
Top 5 Taiwan Night Market
City Name Background
Taipei City Shilin Night Market


The biggest night market in Taipei and also the most famous night

market. It is easy to get to by taking the MRT to Dan Shui (淡水) stop

Taipei City Tonghua Night market


One of the busiest night market in Taipei. The night market includes variety of food

that are inexpensive. For example, you can find Japanese hibachi steak from 300 to

650 yan (approximately $10 to $23)

Taipei City Raohe st Night Market


It is one of the most popular night market you can find in Taipei city.

People often go there on the weekend, especially resident who lives near by.

It is also one of the place where many tourist visit.

Taichung City Feng Chia Night Market


It is very close to Feng Chia University and the largest night market in Taiwan. Many

people especially locals go there often.

Yilan City Luodong Night Market


This are is always busy and crowed. Many visitor love to come here for dining and shopping.
Night Market Food Must Eat
Top 5 Taiwanese food
Oyster Omelette


Stinky Tofu


Minced Pork Rice


Mango Ice Fairay


Sausage with sticky rice



Cheng-Ter Kuo et al (2012), To Explore Taiwanese Night Markets Culture and Tourism Experience and Behaviour


航仙(2010), 中晚唐以降夜市盛況


TravelKing.com, Power by DFone
