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<Opportunity Gap Page>

LEAD The opportunity gap is a phenomenon in education describing the differences in children's access to equal educational opportunities. The phenomenon has been studied in the United States. The opportunity gap is related to the achievement gap.



The opportunity gap was first described by XXX in YYYY, as a result of the Kerner Commission's work. Education researcher Linda Darling-Hammond coined the phrase the opportunity gap in her 2006 paper "XXXX."



The opportunity gap is evidenced by both in school factors and out of school factors



The opportunity gap implies that sociological and economic differences in children's lives unfairly disadvantage some students while privileging others.

Opportunity Gap vs. Achievement Gap


Whereas the achievement gap focuses on the differences in academic achievement between races in the United States, the opportunity gap focuses on the differences in lived experiences that allow any one student to secure opportunities to learn and excel.

Further Reading




{Reflist} LDH, 2006 LDH, 2015 Schott Foundation David Brooks NYT https://www.edglossary.org/opportunity-gap/ Carter & Welner https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2013/04/26/the-real-problem-in-education-the-opportunity-gap/ https://readingpartners.org/blog/buzzwords-explained-opportunity-gap-vs-achievement-gap/ https://www.ed.gov/news/speeches/closing-opportunity-gap http://www.brownpoliticalreview.org/2015/03/inequality-in-education-and-the-opportunity-gap/ http://wtgrantfoundation.org/closing-opportunity-gap-initiative-finding-solutions-kids https://www.theopportunitygap.com/the-report/ https://www.teachforamerica.org/top-stories/why-we-say-opportunity-gap-instead-achievement-gap https://www.american.edu/media/news/20180223-Postsecondary-Readiness-and-Sucess.cfm

DEFAULTSORT: Opportunity Gap In The United States}} Category:Education issues]] Category:Social class in the United States]] Category:Race and intelligence controversy]] Category:Identity politics in the United States]] Category:Affirmative action in the United States]] Category:Inequality]]