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User:Maschen/wave function

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Crude provisional section ordering of wave function

Status of wavefunctions[edit]

History, first introduction of concept, modern interpretations

In the postulates of QM[edit]

Some (not all) of the postulates of QM are: Wavefunction contains all information about system, governed by the SE, wavefunction collapse

Wave functions in nonrelativistic QM[edit]


probability interpretation

mention others, hint a forward reference to the field theoretical formulation

Wave particle duality[edit]

Intuitive heuristics about the De Broglie relations and wave profile

Position and momentum representations[edit]

Position and momentum space wavefunctions, Fourier transforms


spin s particle in 3d, 2s+1 complex numbers, or a 2s+1 column vector, wavefunctions as spinors or tensors for particles, occurrence in relativistic QM and QFT

Other observables[edit]

Many particle systems[edit]

symmetry (bosons), antisymmetry (fermions), nonsymmetry (distinguishable), The Pauli principle, implications from them

Beyond nonrelativistic QM[edit]

Relativistic quantum mechanics[edit]

Field operators in quantum field theory[edit]

brief discussion of advantages of field operators, point to QFT articles

non relativistic then relativistic field theory



Prototypical examples in physics[edit]

Potential well, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom


Atomic and molecular orbitals

In particle physics[edit]

wave function of quarks, leptons

In nuclear physics[edit]

In condensed matter physics[edit]


(use what is in current article)

See also[edit]


