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The Snow country was a small and peaceful country constantly experiencing winter. It went through a period of hardtimes until the weather control generator was activated, allowing the country to finally experience Spring. The country had been on economic hard times for several years. Daimyou Kazahana Sousetsu was said to have nearly bankrupted the country putting money into the heating generator machinery. Later when his brother Dotou came to power, the country expended even more funds in weaponry development. After the removal of Daimyo Kazahana Dotou, his niece Kazahana Koyuki rose to power and the country began to flourish once again. The usage of the generator appears to have warmed the valleys of the country, allowing them to experience warmer climates. The surrounding mountains still retain snow however. Out of the generators range lies the small hidden village of Ushinawagakure, It may of been a small village but what it lacked in numbers it made up in specialization techniques such as the art of healing.

The village has been around since the great shinobi war. Though it has fallen on dark time's, after the death of it's leader Hitari Getsuren.

This village was once a strong and vital spot for those who seeked training in the arts of healing. With their secret art's they were even able to Resurrect the dead as long as their soul was able to be found.

They pride them selves on not just only their abilities to heal, but their abilities as tracker's as well. As their choice in pet's were their companions for life. Their main choice was the silver wind fox. Fast and smart these creatures helped the village remain in balance by working together on missions and finding those who needed to be found.

The village itself is located upon a mountain, with secret properties, located in the village is a portal into the mountain, were time moves slow, it appears to those in seek of training.Or to hide themselves from the world.

This village has a wide selection of healing scripture, nearly every healing technique can be found in the vast library of the Ushinawagakure head temple, And hidden in the village is a great scroll of the secret techniques of the Dei Getsuren.

Not only does this village poses great power in the arts of healing, tracking, and hand to hand combat, but it also is the birth place of the Dei Getsuren.

The Dei Getsuren is one of the highest Occular jutsu's, with it's abilities to see the soul at such a rapid pace, the one who posses the deigetsuren also has the ability to copy techniques. And as a safety measure the poseser of the Dei Getsuren cannot fall to the jutsu's of other ocular justu's.

Their eyes can see through deception.

The one fatal flaw in being a host for the Dei Getsuren is the host's chakra diminishes every time they use their forbidden techniques. Resurrection being one of the hardest on their bodies, along with self regeneration.

They have a life span of usually 70-80yrs with in their last couple yrs of life they fall into a catatonic state and are turn to stone. So they can never be Resurrected.

But their are rare occasions where if they die before the age of 25yrs, they will die like another person, and their body will not go into the catatonic state and crystallize.

This village is one of peace, and prosperity.