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User:Masaqui/sandbox/Action Guideline for Nuclear incidents

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NNSAによる福島第一周辺の汚染状況 2011-3-17
人気のない浪江町 2011-4-12

Protective Action Guide for Nuclear Incidents

Severe nuclear accident will cause massive radioactive contamination and may cause health risk to large population. Not like other natural disasters, radioactive contamination is not tangible and hard to measure. Its effect (hazard) will remain for tens of years. Each country has official Action guideline in case of nuclear incidents include evacuation of general public and radiation limits for emergency workers. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) publish guideline for nuclear disaster.



History and Lesson learned


Since adaptation of nuclear power in mid 20th century, there were few severe nuclear disasters compare to many severe natural disaster like earthquake or extreme weather. Most of time and money went to How to prevent such an accident. However accidents had happened and will happen again. Society has been learning how to improve readiness against a nuclear disaster. Summarize what had been learned with these incidents in this section. (see detail of disasters in main page, this section will list only items relevant to evacuation and protection of public)




  • 事故の隠匿
  • 避難の遅れ
  • 復旧作業者の不十分な防護器具


  • 初期の汚染予測の失敗
  • 二転三転した非難地域指定
  • 不十分だった屋内退避住民への支援。
  • 事故に直面してからの被曝しきい値の変更

Chernobyl disaster

  • Information concealed, late evacuation
  • no proper protective gear for emergency workers

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

  • Failed early assessment and non effective evacuation

Failure of early assessment of severity of incidents resulted evacuation zone to be changed several times from 3km radius to 30km radius and finally some area beyond 30 km radius based on fields measurements. Many residents had to relocate from one shelter to another several times. 40 days after the explosion, last area beyond 30 km radius was identified as an evacuation zone. Residents of this area faced difficulty finding relocation shelters due to the massive evacuation of more than 113 thousand people already filled all available shelters. In addition to these radiation evacuees, there were another 125 thousand people sheltered due to earthquake and tsunami destruction.

Action Plan in USA


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have issued recovery/evacuation plan for nuclear incidents following ICRP's recomendation.



FEMA "Protective action for RDD and IDD"




連邦緊急事態管理庁(FEMA)は「Planning Guidance for Protection and Recovery Following Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) and Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) incidents[1]」を2008年8月1日に関連各機関に通達した。 この文書は核兵器テロに対するマニュアルであり原子力事故に対処するものとはされていない。これは組織(国土安全保障省)の性格によるものであるが対放射能汚染という意味では原発事故や核兵器事故への対策と同様の内容である。(エネルギー省(DOE)では原子力事故全般に対応した指針を出している。次節参照) 行動指針は初期、過渡期、恒久的の3段階で住民と災害復旧作業者とでそれぞれ定義されている。ここで明記するべき点は初期対応で、汚染が将来予測される地域からの予防的避難の段階から行動指針を示している事である。福島原発事故に対する米国の過剰ともとれる同国人への避難勧告は以下に記述する避難ガイドによるものである。

On August 1, 2008, Federal Emergency Management Agency of Dept. of Homeland Security had released "Planning Guidance for Protection and Recovery Following Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) and Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) incidents"[2] which indicate action guide in case of radiation contamination. This Notice is specified as action guide for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) and Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) involving high levels of radiation.

Actions are listed in three phases of "Early", "Intermediate" and "Late". And guidelines are set for general public and emergency workers.

Guides for Public 一般住民への対応

 以下放射線量はシーベルト(Sv)で表示。出典元にレム(rem)とある場合は(1 rem = 0.01 Sv = 10 mSv)で換算。
Protective Action of Public 地域住民の保護 
Action 対処 Thresholds しきい値  注釈
Early Phase 初期段階
Sheltering or evacuation
10 mSv - 50 mSv projected dosea. Should begin at 10 mSv. Sheltering may begin at lower levels if advantageous. 被曝予測値が10mSvの地域から避難開始、それ以下の予測線量の場合でも可能であれば避難。
administration of prophylactic durgs
50 mSv projected dose to child thyroid. Provides protection from Radioactive iodine only. これは子供の甲状腺への放射性ヨードによる予測される被曝に対してのみ。
Intermediate Phase 第二段階
Relocation of the pulbic
20 mSva projected dose 1st year. Subsequent years, 5 mSv/y.a 初年度は年間20mSva、以降の年は5mSva
Food interdiction
5 mSv projected dose, or 50 mSv to any individual organ or tissues in the first year, whichever is limiting. 初年度における累計被曝量、または各器官への個別の被曝量では50mSvのいずれか制限が早い方を適用。
Drinking water interdiction
5 mSv projected dose 1st year.初年度の予想被曝限度
(a) Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE); the sum of external and internal radiation exposure.
(a) Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE); 外部および内部有効被曝等量の合計.

Evacuation guide line in case of Nuclear Power Plant Accident per DOE is 10 mRem/hr (no radioiodines) or 2mRem/hr (with radio iodines). they are 0.1 mSv/hr and 0.02 mSv/hr respectively.[3] see next section ""


Guidelines for Emergency Worker in the Early Phase 初期段階における災害復旧作業者へのガイドライン
TEDE threshold
Activity 作業内容 condition 条件
<50 mSv All occupational exposures
All reasonably achievable actions taken to minimize dose.
<100 mSv Protecting valuable property necessary for public welfare (e.g., a power plant)
All appropriate actions and controls have been implemented; however, exceeding 50 mSv is unavoidable. あらゆる対策を実施したが50mSvを超えてしまう事が避けられない場合。
  • Responders have been fully informed of the risks of exposures they may experience.
  • Dose >50 mSv is on a voluntary basis.
  • Appropriate respiratory protection and other personal protection is provided and used.
  • Monitoring available to project or measure dose.
  • 作業者は被曝のリスクを完全に理解していること。(例えばタバコは吸えない等)
  • 50mSv以上の被曝作業は任意であること。
  • 防護マスクを含む全ての防護装備を着用すること。
  • 線量モニターを携帯すること。
<250 mSv Lifesaving or protection of large populations.
All conditions in lower doses apply. 全ての低線量での条件を満たすこと。
  • It is highly unlikely that doses would reach this level in an RDD incident; however, doses higher than 250 mSv are conceivable in a catastrophic incident such as an IND incident.
500 mSv and above Life saving emergency
All conditions in lower doses apply. 
  • 全ての低線量の条件を満たすこと。
  • Emergency responders must be made fully aware of both the acute and chronic (cancer) risks. NCRP Report 116 (1993a)
  • 作業者は急性放射線障害のリスクも理解していること。

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center, DOE



エネルギー省の放射線管理局(Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center:FRMAC)では全ての原子力事故を想定した対策書「Assessment Manual Vol. 2 Pre-assessed default scenarios SAND2010-2575P[3]」を2010年2月に発行した。



  • 放射性物質の拡散が予測される地域からの避難
  • 移動に困難が伴う人口の避難(病院、刑務所など)
  • 一般大衆の避難
  • 避難先の確保・運営
  • 被曝による影響の初期診断とその治療(例、予防的避難に間に合わず被曝した人々)
  • 予測される汚染地域に残る住民の移動
  • 農産物の生産出荷停止
  • 食料の隔離


  • 災害復旧作業者の被曝管理
  • 放射線量の計測地の選定と実施
  • 汚染地域への訪問及び帰還の基準
  • 汚染遅延の為の対策

FRMAC is the part of National Nuclear Security Administration of U.S. Department of Energy. FRMAC issued "Assessment Manual Vol. 2 Pre-assessed default scenarios"(SAND2010-2575P published date February 2010).[3]

The manual include Nuclear power plant accident, nuclear weapon accident, aged fission product accident, uranium fuel accident, radioisotopic thermoelectric generator accident, Nuclear yield accident and radiological dispersal device accident (RDD).

Section 2 describe the case of nuclear power plant accident.

Major protective actions identified are (generally prioritized):

Following actions should be coordinated first with radiation predictions followed by field measurements and sample anslyses

  • Expedited evacuation where potential for early health effects exists
  • Evacuation of immobile populations (hospitals, prisons, etc.)
  • Evacuation of general public
  • Sheltering of public and immobile populations
  • Identification/treatment of potential early health effect victims
i.e., identification of unevacuated areas where the population may have the potential for early health effects so that these individuals may be identified and treated, as needed)
  • Relocation of unevacuated populace to avoid future risk
  • Suspension of agricultural production
  • Condemnation of foods

other decisions might include:

  • Exposure planning for emergency worker
  • Selection of measurements and monitoring locations
  • Guidelines for re-entry
  • Identification and selection of mitigation options

Default Derived Response Levels (DRLs) for releases from irradiated reactor fuel


Default DRLs for Releases from Irradiated Reactor Fuel 被曝線量しきい値と行動指針
Issue 対処 Exposure rate (DRL)しきい値 Sensitivity, Uncertainty, Spatial Density, Assumptions 感応性、非確定性、密度、仮定など
EPAの対汚染対応ガイド EPA Early Phase PAG[4] (evacuation)(避難) 0.1 mSv/hr (no radioiodines放射性ヨードを含まず)
0.02 mSv/hr (with radioiodines放射性ヨードを含む)
Evacuation or substantial shelter could be implemented in accordance with the EPA PAGs. Predicted TEDE  環境保護庁の防災ガイドに従い避難もしくは放射線遮断効果の高い建屋への屋内退避。予測される総被曝量は10mSv
初年度の移住 Relocation 1st year 毎時0.05 mSv/hr population should be relocated 避難住民は新定住地へ移住しなければならない
経口摂取制限 Ingestion PAG 毎時0.005 マイクロSv

Default Federal Emergency Worker Dose Limits and Turn-Back Guidance 復旧作業者の被曝上限

Activity 作業内容 被曝限度Dose limit in terms of integrated exposure readings (e.g., on a self-reading dosimeter) (mSv)
No KIa taken ヨウ化カリウム未摂取 KIa taken
before an exposure ヨウ化カリウムの事前摂取
吸入による被曝が回避出来る場合 No inhalation
dose possible (post-plume)b
Administrative limits通常管理作業
Investigation level 調査業務 0.75 3 15
Administrative level 管理業務  1.25 5 25
Emergency activity 緊急作業
All 全ての業務 2.5 10 50
Protecting major property 重要資産の保護 5 20 100
Life saving or protecting large population 人命の保護または多数の人口の保護 12.5 50 250
Life saving or protecting large populationc人命の保護または多数の人口の保護 >12.5 >50 >250
  • a Potassium iodide
  • b No significant inhalation hazards as indicated by 1) no core damage, 2) no airborne plume possible, or 3) effective respiratory protection provided.

吸入による被曝は無い。1)原子炉の損傷は無い。または 2) 空気中への放射性物質の拡散はない。 または 3)万全の吸引防護体制がとれる。

  • c Only on a voluntary basis to personnel fully aware of the risks involved



実効線量限度(mSv} 期間 μSv/時 対象者 等価線量限度 mSv (組織荷重係数= )
皮膚(=0.01) 目の水晶体(=0.05) 腹部表面(=0.20)注1 備考 注1)参考値、生殖腺の係数
1注2 8ヶ月注3 約0.17注4 妊婦 500 150 2 注2)内部被曝、注3) 本人の申出等により使用者等が妊娠の事実を知ったときから出産までの期間につき
5 3ヶ月 10注5 - 20mSv/年、100mSv/年、結果的に通して妊娠してなかった場合
50 1年 25注5 -
100 5年 10注5 -
緊急災害復旧作業 民間の臨時復旧作業者も含む
100 累計 33注6 男のみ - - -
250 累計 83注6 男のみ - - -
250以上 累計 男のみ - - -
- - - - - - -
  • 注1) 参考値、生殖腺の係数
  • 注2) 内部被曝
  • 注3) 本人の申出等により使用者等が妊娠の事実を知ったときから出産までの期間につき
  • 注4) 仮に8ヶ月、240日として
  • 注5) 年間250日実働で1日8時間として(内部被曝はゼロの場合)
  • 注6) 仮に復旧作業1年で上限に達するとして年間250日実働で1日12時間(内部被曝はゼロの場合)

出典)日本原子力研究開発機構「放射線業務従事者に係る線量限度」より 閲覧2011-7-15



See also


en:Protective Action Guide for Nuclear Incidents