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Utokota is a village situated 30km of eastern side of the town Rundu in the Kavango region.It is a village that is allocated along the kavango river stream,having a clear land scape made it famous in the kavango region.Utokota was renamed after a chief that discovered the place as a place for good lifestock and agriculture in 1934 june,the village being in the sambyu sector has been identified by the sambyu people that stay there and thus have a majority of the sambyu origine.



In 1989 the first school was build known as Utokota combine school.Education in the village started developing and more people started to building more infrastructure including schools,sports facilities and shops.a clinic was than built in 1993 inorder to ensure the health of the people in the utokota village.The vllage being close to the river attracted more investments from angola and botswana.In 1994 the second school was establised by the Roman catholic group(The community investors) which was known as sambyu combine school and was run by the cathoic nans and fathers.in 1995 the best performaning school was build again by the same catholic organisation found by brother frater piet who is still a mathematics teacher at the school.ST.Boniface being recognised by the namibian constituation helped the community improve in alot of ways in that more shops and infrastructure were being developed.



The commuity was also known as a place of witchcraft,in 1963 a big snake was fund patroling the river stream believed to be someone being used by the ancesters inorder to kil peolpe around the community especially those from royal families.The village up to date has one of the most discplined people and catholic believers