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Article Import Date Assess Ver
Redshift High FA 1.0
Extrasolar planet High FA 1.0
Leonhard Euler High FA 1.0
Galileo Galilei Top FA 1.0
Robert Oppenheimer Top FA 1.0
Blaise Pascal Top FA 1.0
Roche limit Mid FA 1.0
Edward Teller High FA 1.0
Carl Friedrich Gauss Top FA 1.0
Rainbow Low FA 1.0
Atomic line filter Low FA 1.0
Astrophysics Data System Mid FA 1.0
Joule-Thomson effect High A 1.0
Supernova High A 1.0
Vapor-compression refrigeration High A 1.0
Sun Top FA 1.0
Atomic theory Top A 1.0
Standard conditions for temperature and pressure Mid A 1.0
David Hilbert High GA 1.0
Aperture Mid GA 1.0
Abdul Qadeer Khan Low GA 1.0
Nikola Tesla Top GA 1.0
Wernher von Braun High GA 1.0
Aberration of light Mid GA 1.0
F-number Mid GA 1.0
Focal length High GA 1.0
Albedo Low B 1.0
Alexander Graham Bell High B 1.0
Q factor Mid B 1.0
Solar wind Mid B 1.0
Sound Top B 1.0
Pieter Zeeman High B 1.0
Wavelength-division multiplexing High B 1.0
Adaptive optics High B 1.0
Aerodynamics B 1.0
Wave–particle duality High B 1.0
A-weighting B 1.0
Wormhole High B 1.0
Acceleration due to gravity B 1.0
Telescope Top B 1.0
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin B 1.0
Stern–Gerlach experiment High B 1.0
Afshar experiment B 1.0
Torque High B 1.0
Time Top B 1.0
Thermal contact conductance Mid B 1.0
Microscope High B 1.0
Cosmology High B 1.0
Archimedes B 1.0
Chaos theory High B 1.0
Claude-Louis Navier High B 1.0
Electromagnetic induction High B 1.0
Anti-gravity B 1.0
Doppler effect High B 1.0
Eddy current High B 1.0
Black hole electron B 1.0
Black light B 1.0
Beer-Lambert law High B 1.0
Bi-metallic strip Mid B 1.0
Carbon nanotube High B 1.0
Atmospheric pressure B 1.0
Bogdanov Affair Mid B 1.0
Brown dwarf High B 1.0
John Tyndall High B 1.0
Mark Oliphant Mid B 1.0
History of physics Top B 1.0
Anaximander B 1.0
Light-year High B 1.0
Anaerobic digestion B 1.0
Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector Low B 1.0
Main sequence High B 1.0
Escape velocity High B 1.0
Ernest Walton B 1.0
Anthropic principle Mid B 1.0
Aneutronic fusion B 1.0
Anechoic chamber B 1.0
Andrei Sakharov B 1.0
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg Mid B 1.0
George Smoot High B 1.0
Aeolipile Start 1.0
Adverse yaw Start 1.0
Aage Niels Bohr Start 1.0
AMBER Start 1.0
Abram Ioffe Start 1.0
Acoustics Start 1.0
Accelerometer Start 1.0
Hertz Start 1.0
Isidor Isaac Rabi Mid Start 1.0
George Ellis High Start 1.0
Ground effect Start 1.0
Low-ionization nuclear emission-line region Start 1.0
Lux Start 1.0
Joseph von Fraunhofer High Start 1.0
Lennard-Jones potential Mid Start 1.0
Dennis Gabor High Start 1.0
Star High FA 1.0
Center frequency Low Start 1.0
Christer Fuglesang Low Start 1.0
Equipotential Start 1.0
Friction Top Start 1.0
Drag (physics) High Start 1.0
Electron microscope Top Start 1.0
Michael Atiyah Start 1.0
Ronald N. Bracewell Low Start 1.0
Speed High Start 1.0
Reductionism Mid Start 1.0
Retrocausality Low Start 1.0
Watt Start 1.0
White dwarf High Start 1.0
ATLAS experiment Mid FA 1.0
Volt Start 1.0
Newton's laws of motion Top Start 1.0
Ohm Start 1.0
Big Bang Top FA 1.0
Newton Start 1.0
Radio frequency High Start 1.0
Reaction (physics) Start 1.0
Paraphysics Mid Start 1.0
Quantum immortality Start 1.0
Buoyancy Start 1.0
Ambient noise level Start 1.0
Alternative propulsion Start 1.0
Allan McLeod Cormack Start 1.0
Alan Sokal Start 1.0
Airfoil Start 1.0
Amorphous ice Start 1.0
American Geophysical Union Start 1.0
Alessandro Volta Start 1.0
Alexander Dallas Bache Start 1.0
Alexander Alexandrovich Friedman Start 1.0
Alexander Rich Start 1.0
Algebra of physical space Start 1.0
Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov Start 1.0
Alexander Stepanovich Popov Start 1.0
Air flow bench Low GA 1.0
Antony Hewish Start 1.0
Casimir effect High GA 1.0
Air (classical element) Start 1.0
Aether (classical element) Start 1.0
Attenuation Mid Start 1.0
Asteroseismology Mid Start 1.0
Andrew Fire Start 1.0
Anders Jonas Ångström Start 1.0
Anaxagoras Start 1.0
Andrew Huxley Start 1.0
Angle of attack Start 1.0
Entropy Top GA 1.0
Andrew Lowe Start 1.0
Aether theories B 1.0
Albert Abraham Michelson High B 1.0
Alcubierre drive B 1.0
Arthur Stanley Eddington High B 1.0
Acceleration High B 1.0
Accretion disc High B 1.0
Ball lightning Low B 1.0
Tachyon High B 1.0
Terminal velocity Mid B 1.0
Stephen Hawking High B 1.0
Nuclear fission Top B 1.0
Quasar High B 1.0
Visible spectrum High B 1.0
William Lawrence Bragg Mid B 1.0
Universe Top B 1.0
Twin paradox Mid B 1.0
Uncertainty principle High B 1.0
Mirror Mid B 1.0
Electromagnetic spectrum Top B 1.0
Ewald summation Low B 1.0
Diffuse sky radiation High B 1.0
Center of mass High B 1.0
Centripetal force High B 1.0
J. J. Thomson High B 1.0
Lapse rate B 1.0
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram High B 1.0
Fictitious force Mid B 1.0
Harmonic oscillator High B 1.0
Henry's law High A 1.0
Laser Top A 1.0
Partial pressure High A 1.0
Albert Einstein High A 1.0
Black hole Top A 1.0
Gravitation Top A 1.0
Physics Top A 1.0
Farad Start 1.0
Expanding earth theory Mid Start 1.0
Impact force High Start 1.0
Hafele-Keating experiment Mid Start 1.0
Diffuse reflection Mid Start 1.0
Computational physics High Start 1.0
Energy conversion efficiency Start 1.0
Double-slit experiment High Start 1.0
Korteweg–de Vries equation Low Start 1.0
Speed of gravity Low Start 1.0
Neutral density filter Low Start 1.0
Timeline of Fundamental Physics Discoveries Start 1.0
Sun dog Low Start 1.0
Lumen (unit) Start 1.0
List of basic physics topics High Start 1.0
Mole (unit) Start 1.0
Mechanics High Start 1.0
Alfred O. C. Nier Start 1.0
Absorptive refrigeration Start 1.0
Allais effect Mid Start 1.0
A Brief History of Time Start 1.0
Alan Tower Waterman Start 1.0
Aeroelasticity Start 1.0
Acousto-optic effect Low Start 1.0
Active galactic nucleus Start 1.0
Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Start 1.0
Arago spot Mid Start 1.0
Anton Peterlin Start 1.0
Arthur Leonard Schawlow Start 1.0
Arrow of time Mid Start 1.0
Amplitude Start 1.0
Ampere Start 1.0
Antimatter catalyzed nuclear pulse propulsion Start 1.0
Andrew Noble Start 1.0
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