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The Quaternionenadler was a version of the Imperial Eagle of the Holy Roman Empire. It showed the Coats of arms of the Imperial realms grouped into groups of four.




Symbolism (WIP)


<--ATTENTION This is work in progress. Any name not linked I have not been able to translate. The imagemap can be completed later, as it would be better to have a complete list of the countries first. The "lower" members have only their name shown, but as many as possible link to their historic articles, such as for the electors.-->

Three ecclesiastic: Archbishopric of Trier / Electorate of Cologne / Archbishopric of Mainz
(The Prefect of Rome)
Four secular: Kingdom of Bohemia / Electoral Palatinate / Electorate of Saxony / Margraviate of Brandenburg

The Peasants: Cologne / Regensburg / Konstanz / Salzburg
The Cities: Augsburg / Metz / Aachen / Lübeck
The semperfrei: Schenken von Limpurg / Westerburg / Thussis / Albalten
The Burgraves: Maidburg / Nuremberg / Rieneck / Stromberg [1]
The Margraves: Moravia / Brandenburg / Meissen / Baden
The Pillars: Braunschweig / Bavaria / Swabia / Lorraine

The Vicarii (Stadtholders): Brabant / Lower Saxony / Westerreich [2] [3]/ Silesia
The Landgraves: Thuringia / Alsace / Hesse* / Leuchtenberg
The Graves (Counts): Cleves / Savoy / Schwarzburg / Cilli [4]
The Ritter (Knights): Andelab / Weissenbach / Fraunberg / Limburg
The Villages: Bamberg / Ulm / Haguenau / Schledtstadt
The Castles: Magdeburg / Luxembourg / Rothenburg / Oldenburg

  • This image was done in 1510, a few years before the territory was broken up.

Version from Spruch vom Römischen Reich (1422)


Edition images: de:Bild:Spruch roem Reich 1422 1.jpg de:Bild:Spruch roem Reich 1422.jpg de:Bild:Spruch roem Reich 1422 2.jpg

  • 7 Electors:
    • 3 Archbishops:
      Meintz, Cölen, Trier
    • 4 princes:
      Sachsen (Marschalck), Pfaltzgraue pey Rein (Truckseß), Brandenburgk (Kamerer), Boheymus
  • 4 hertzogen:
    Pfaltzgraue pey reyn, Luttringen, Braunstzweyg, Swaben
  • 4Marggraue:
    Brandenburg, Meychsen, Merhern, Lottringen
  • 4 Lantgraue:
    Doringen, Hessen, Leuchttenberg, Eßeßheym (in Elsaß)
  • 4 burggrauen:
    Meydburgk, Nureinbergk, Reyneck,[1] Strumbergk
  • 4 grauen:
    Kleff & Swartzpurck, Lunpurck & Tusiß, Westerburg,[2], Allewalden.
  • 4 ritter:
    Andlan,[3], Strundeck, Meldingen, Frawenburg[4]
  • 4 stet:
    Augspurck, Mentz, Ach, lübegk
  • 4 dorffer:
    Bambergk, Sletstat, Ylme, Hagenaw
  • 4 gepauwern:
    Cölnn, Regenßpurgk, Constantz, Saltzpurg
Editor's notes
  1. ^ Place near the confluence of the Rhine and the Lake of Constance
  2. ^ Place in the Westerwald, county of Leiningen-Westerburg.
  3. ^ Andlau in Lower Alsace, near Schlettstadt
  4. ^ Frauenburg/Frombork, today NE Poland.

The Holy Roman Quaternionenadler


