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User:MarkAHershberger/Weekly reports/2010-W35

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Updated RunSeleniumTests


After my work the previous week, I committed my work on the RunSeleniumTests.php script and got some feedback. Dan Nessett was understandably unhappy that I removed the global $wg*Selenium* variables that were introduced back in June and pleaded for stability. A large part of the problem seemed to be lack of communication.

In the bi-weekly Selenium and Testing Framework meetings that we've been having, and here on my weekly reports I announced my intentions, but didn't follow up with a posting to the mailing list. This is an oversight that I will try to correct from now on — at least post a brief summary of any significant changes I plan to make on the mailing list.

That said, this raised my awareness of Dan's previous interactions on the mailing list, most of which seemed focused on testing. I've contacted him to see if we can find ways to work more closely together.

Maintenance documentation


I also spent a lot of time this past week working on documentation for the maintenance scripts (finally!). While what I actually wrote was fairly minimal, some of the changes I made generated some good discussion and this feedback will help me improve my work even more.


  • Continue working on the documentation.
  • Send a message to the mailing list for on-list discussion about Maintenance scripts.
  • Continue working on RunSeleniumTests & automated testing.