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Stable release
10.1 / February 24, 2010 (2010-02-24)
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeP2P, Groupware

Sironta is an open source P2P[1] collaborative tool used for exchanging, creating and editing documents that require teamwork[2].

Sironta connects two or more users to share files without violating the terms of confidentiality or the NDA that such documents may have.

The application has OpenOffice embedded to create and edit documents that can be shared with other Sironta users.

The application has Linux, Windows and Mac OS versions.



In July 2005 TechIDEAS[3], a high-tech SME involved in EU Research Projects, contributed to the definition of ICT research priorities needed to arrive at a European concept of Digital Ecosystems (The DEN4DEK[4] and the OPAALS[5] Projects) that support SMEs and regional development[6].

In November 2006, TechIDEAS, started the project Sironta to collaborate with its partners following the room metaphor[7] and in 2007 they already had the first version of the program. Noting the success they obtained between their partners, in 2010 TechIDEAS decides to make public the application[8].


Sironta screenshot.
  • Direct P2P[9] communication tool[10].
  • Distributed network, not centralized on an external server[11].
  • OpenOffice.org[12] embedded to create and modify office documents.
  • Based on the room metaphor[13].
  • Sharing files of any type and any size, without limitations or restrictions.
  • After editing a document, only changes are sent through the network, not entire files.
  • Possibility of editing documents off-line, without the need to be connected to the network.
  • Maintainance of the confidentiality of documents and file sharing due its P2P nature. There is no information leakage.
  • It is Open source, AGPL v3 license.
  • Works with files of any type of application you already have installed on your computer, from sharing calendars files (*.ics files) to Matlab files[14].
  • Documents version control system[15].

See also



  • Sironta - Sironta Official Website.
  • Techideas - Techideas Official Website.
  • DEN4DEK - DEN4DEK Information and resources.
  • OPAALS - OPAALS. Network of excellence.