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To be clear to anyone who stumbles across this page: this is not a list of insults from me directed at anyone else. It is a list of insults I have received from vandals as a result of reverting vandalism edits.

I started this list on 11/03/16 (date written UK-style, i.e. DD/MM/YY) because I had been getting the impression most of the insults directed at me were specifically directed at me as a woman, rather than being gender-neutral. However, I wasn't sure if I had that impression because I genuinely was getting more like that, or because I just noticed the gendered ones more. I tried going back through my edit history to find a few obvious examples and found a few, but I know I've missed a few. Given that I won't catch every insult directed at me anyway, I won't bother classifying or analysing this list until I have a much bigger sample size.

For clarity, I consider an insult to be anything that refers to me directly in a negative, patronising or invasive manner, and/or deliberately changes my words (such as template messages or my user page before it was protected) to represent me in a negative way. I don't count gibberish, anything not in English (amended since google translate has made non-English insults obvious), or blanking as insults. I've realised that the insults could cause distress to people reading them because they could be sexist, racist, anti-semitic, homophobic or otherwise be generally distressing, so their text has been hidden so you have to highlight it to read it.

This will only ever be a partial list, not least because I don't go looking for insults.

Partial list of insults from vandals

Diff Insult Date
Diff "I actually did help you nigger motherfucker. WOMEN SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING!" 20/02/16
Diff "A kitten for you, bitch!" 23/02/16
Diff "Hi, I'm Marianna251 a b-itch" 25/02/16
Diff See diff 25/02/16
Diff See diff 26/02/16
Diff See diff 27/02/16
Diff "Shut some bitch up"/"My name is Maria im a bitch" 09/03/16
Diff "what the f*ck you stupid c*nt let me put the f*ck messages i want on my own f*cking page" (An admin has since suppressed this edit and I can understand why, although it wasn't by my request.) 11/03/16
Diff "marriana's anus" 19/03/16
Diff "please kill yourself thx bye" 19/03/16
Diff "shut up" 19/03/16
Diff "Low life You fucking cunt bitch, men are more superior to shitty worman so go and fuck your self. and worman are weak" 20/03/16
Diff "Fuck you, men rule and woman suck" 20/03/16
Diff "Women are created to please men" 20/03/16
Diff "deleting my comments? aww so hard to get over the fact that men are physically and mentally stronger. yeeaah delete this comment it will make you feel goood" 20/03/16
Diff "reverting homosexual editor" 22/03/16
Diff "reverting homosexual editor, you are not wanted on this planet pushing your homosexual garbage" 22/03/16
Diff "lol rv homosexual" 22/03/16
Diff "i'm sorry but why don't you fuck off and get a life - controlling wikipedia is NOT a job" 30/04/16
Diff "You have no life, let's be honest. No wonder you have PTSD and are asexual. You don't deserve to live." 30/04/16
Diff "GET A FUCKING LIFE YOU HIPPO LESBIAN! Nobody likes you, kill yourself" (this particular insult was reverted and re-inserted a further three times, but I'm only counting it as one because it was a copy-paste job) 30/04/16
Diff "fuck you" 30/04/16
Diff "You twat" (see diff for full context, inserted twice) 30/04/16
Diff "You may be cut off from the real world without further warning the next time you think that Wikipedia is the be-all and end-all of life, you sad cunt." 30/04/16
Diff "Unlike those two, I'm not a baby and I don't ask for people to get a timeout in the corner." (Technically not a vandal edit, but it was a direct insult, so I figured it counts.) 31/08/16
Diff "i am going to ra.pe you and ki..ll you and your whole family. I am Jason" 01/09/16
Diff "and Marianna takes it up the arse" 02/09/16
Diff "u twat" 02/09/16
Diff "slaggggggg" 02/09/16
Diff "pakiii pakkiiii basterdsss lalalalalalal" 02/09/16
Diff "Crumb a person who is irrelevant ex: marianna251 is literally a peasant's crumb." 26/09/16
Diff "Marianna251 Quit being a major crumb" 26/09/16
Diff "Crumb is a irrelevant person. Ex. Marianna251 is a crumb of a crumb." 26/09/16
Diff "sad sad person just sitting on wiki correcting vandalism. you must have some life" 02/10/16
Diff See diff 03/10/16
Diff "I am s0rry m9 u want mountain dew with that salt" 02/11/16
Diff "Ur face wood look better if it got run over by a truck" 02/11/16
Diff "Lel get rekt skrublord" 02/11/16
Diff See diff - picture of Hitler inserted into my talk page with my username as a caption 07/11/16
Diff "I am bad, bc i am on wikipedia all day." 07/11/16
Diff "stop changing my work you ugly idiot" 07/11/16
Diff "I FRICKEN HATE YOU!!!!! " 09/11/16
Diff "YOU HAVE BIG BOOBS" (Not sure how this is meant to be an insult, but that was clearly the intention, so...) 09/11/16
Diff "google, stupid" 12/11/16
Diff "revert dishonest white supremacist marianna and add sources" 25/06/17
Diff "not vandalism. Revert white supremacist marianna liar" 25/06/17
Diff "Since you're a liar and claiming others vandalize for fixing pages that have false or missing information, fuck you you white supremacist bitch." 25/06/17
Diff "Aww, poor widdle white supremacist can't handle the truth, has to leave threats. Gonna burn a cross on my lawn next?" 25/06/17
Diff "Remove uncivil threats and lies from marianna the ku kluxer" 25/06/17
Diff "remove white supremacist marianna. Go burn a cross or something." 25/06/17
Diff "Fuck off and go burn a cross, white supremacist asshole" 25/06/17
Diff See diff 25/06/17
Diff "oh I see how it is. Some white supremacist cross burner goes after someone and you jump in to help them push white supremacy? Fuck you." (unblock request referencing me) 25/06/17
Diff "MARIANNA'S FAVORITE ACTIVITY (picture of KKK burning cross with "WHAT MARIANNA LOVES BEST" as caption)" (reinserted 18 times) 25/06/17
Diff "Revert pedophile loving whore" 08/07/17
Diff "Marianna misses her Daddy cumming in her mouth and is a pedophile apologist" 08/07/17
Diff "Stockholm much, bitch?" 08/07/17
Diff "Revert conservative Stockholm whore" 08/07/17
Diff "Marianna misses her Daddy's cum" 08/07/17
Diff "Revert anti-Semitic piece of shite calling the truth defamaotry" 10/07/17
Diff "yoU stupid fucking cunt" 10/07/17
Diff "Mariana251 IS JEWISH" (Not sure how that's an insult, but I can't think what other intention the IP had, so...) 27/07/17
Diff "Marianna is Wrong absolutely, it's Insulting to refer to an Italian, Jewish or anyone by Surname only. She can defend herself in a discussion, her edit is Vandalism" 28/07/17
Diff "dealing with uncivil Insult hurled by User, uncivil is an undefined Variable and Bullying in this Case." 28/07/17
Diff "dealing with a Bully" 28/07/17
Diff "Dealing with a Wiki editor who is Vandalizing pages." 28/07/17
Diff See diff 28/07/17
Diff Legal threat 28/07/17
Diff "response to bullying editor" and "Ms Marrianna251, You need to respond to your actions and justify your blatant Vandalism of my Edit, and Bullying behavior, I welcome any process that resolves your disrespectful arrogance." 28/07/17
Diff "Go fuck yourselves you fucking fucked up fuckheads!!!!!" 17/11/17
Diff "you are an asshole" 03/12/17
Diff "Wow yes you might not like it dear but she's British whether you like it or not. Now suck it up buttercup" 08/01/18
Diff "Fixed incorrect information. Her nationality is British whether the snats like it or not" ("Snats" is slang for whore.) 08/01/18
Diff "Mariana you lil bich" 07/02/18
Diff "Ви володієте українською чи російською мовами?. Коли так - самі прочитайте, бо назва якраз: Синопсис, албо Краткое описание о начале Славенороссийского Народа и первоначальных Князех Богоспасаемого града Киева. А коли ні - свої фантазії та мрії залиште для чоловіка чи коханця :)" translation (via google translate): "Do you speak Ukrainian or Russian? When so - read it yourself, for the name is just: Synopsis, albo A brief description of the beginning of the Slavonossiyskogo People and the original Prince of the God-fearing city of Kiev. And if not - leave your fantasies and dreams for a man or a lover :)" 31/07/18
Diff "Ви не володієте темою, але виправляєте інших ?:). Підніми свою жирну сраку та поґуґли." translation (via google translate): "You do not own the theme, but you correct others :)? Lift up your fat dwarf and pogugly." 31/07/18
Diff "WARNING. NON AUSTRALIAN PERSONS SUCH AS MARRIANNE MUST STAY OFF THIS PAGE." Edit summary: "Inserted warning about insults and allegations leveled by persons with no noational interest" 04/08/18
Diff "Listen here woman. Your a Brit of Indian decent SERIUSLY INSULTING my nation. The Ntn Vietnamese cannot claim victory because their own casualty description is too high. Indeed they do not YOU have gravely insulted us. And we won't forget it. YOU never fought that war. How dare you. You low scum. How dare you insult us." 04/08/18