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  1. Angiosperms.
    1. Erodium trifolium.
    2. Campanula pyramidalis: translation from English to French → Campanula pyramidalis in French.
    3. Bupleurum spinosum.
    4. Anthyllis barba-jovis.
    5. Phlomis spe.
  2. Tunicates.
    1. Clavelinidae
      1. Cystodytes (Drasche, 1884).
      2. Distaplia (Della Valle, 1881).
      3. Polycitor (Renier, 1804).
      4. Pycnoclavella (Garstang, 1891).
      5. Sycozoa (Lesson, 1830).
  3. Mammals.
    1. Chiroptera
      1. Desmodus.
    2. Cetartiodactyla
      1. Hippotragus leucophaeus: translation from English to French → Hippotragus leucophaeus in French.
  4. Other phyla.
    1. Xenacoelomorpha.
    2. Ciliates.


  1. Seasonal dimorphism.
  2. Parasitology.

Systematics and Taxonomy

  1. Holotype: molecular identifications.
  2. Taxonomic anagrams.


  1. Peer Community In.