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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello. I am Manofthemanof, I'm English, currently living in Birmingham. I joined Wikipedia because I was getting bored of the internet, and decided I would have fun on an encyclopedia anyone could edit. I started off poorly, with a vandalising article (*cries*) but I have been turned around.

Start at Wikipedia


I came to Wikipedia looking for fun. I decided that the best way to have fun would be to create a page named Frank Irwin and fill it with rubbish. Then I decided that wasn't quite enough and I should replace the article featured on the main page with "Frank Irwin has a mum called John, and a dad called Betty". Needless to say this got me blocked for 48 hours (without warning). I was then found, and turned around, by an old friend from a chatroom, and here I am. No more vandalising from me! I give great respect to that old friend, and I think he should be acknowledged. His name is Cream147 and I have him to thank for my constructive edits, and also why I'm still here.