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Professor Doctor Willem Bollée


BOLLEE, Willem

Born in France: 1927

Academic achievements


M.A., PhD, DLitt. (Habilitation), Professor

University association


South Asia Institute, Heidelberg (Germany).



Acarya Hemacandra Award, 2004.

Academic Publications



1970 Kuõàlajàtaka. London.

1977 Studien zum Såyagaóa I. Heidelberg

1980 The pàdas of the Suttanipàta. Reinbek.

1983 Reverse index of the Dhammapada, Suttanipàta, Thera- and Therãgàthà pàdas with parallels from the âyàranga, Såyagaóa, Uttarajjhàyà, Dasaveyàliya and Isibhàsiyài. Reinbek.

1988 Studien zum Suyagada II. Heidelberg.

1994 Materials for an Edition and Study of the Piõóa- and Oha- Nijjuttis of the øvetàmbara Jain Tradition. Vol. 2 (Vol. 1: 1991). Stuttgart.

1995 The Nijjuttis on the Seniors of the øvetàmbara Siddhànta: ?Ayàranga, Såyagaóa, Dasaveyàliya and Uttarajjhàyà. Stuttgart.

1998 Bhadrabàhu, Bçhatkalpaniryukti and Sanghadàsa, Bçhatkalpabhàîya. 3 Vols. Stuttgart.

2000 Schubring, The Doctrine of the Jainas (re-edition with Dr. J. Soni). Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas.

2002 The Story of Paesi. (Ràyapaseõaiyasutta). Wiesbaden. Reprint: Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay, 2005

2004 Mahàvãra's Words by Walther Schubring, transl. and ed. with much added material by W. Bollée and J. Soni. Ahmedabad: L D Institute of Indology.

2006 Vavahàra-Bhàîya Piðhikà. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay.

2006 Gone to the Dogs in Ancient India. München.

2006 L. Alsdorf, Jaina Studies: Their Present State and Future Tasks, ed by W. Bollée. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay.

2008 Pàrshvanàthacaritram: Life of Pàrshva. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay.


1969 Die Stellung der Vinaya-ñãkàs in der Pàli-Literatur. in: ZDMG Supplementa I,3: 824-35.

1971 Anmerkungen zum buddhistischen Häretikerbild. in: ZDMG 121,1:70-92.

1974 Buddhists and Buddhism in the Earlier literature of the øvbetâmbara Jains. in: Buddhist Studies in honour of I.B. Horner. Dordrecht/Boston.

1978 On royal epithets in the Aupapàtikasåtra. in: Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 27, 3-4: 95-103.

1977 A Note on Evil and its Conquest from Indra to Buddha. in: Praj¤àpàramità and related systems. Berkeley.

1981 The Indo-European Sodalities in ancient India. in: ZDMG 131,1: 172-191.

1983 Traditionell-indische Vorstellungen über die Füße in Literatur und Kunst. in: Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie 5: 227-281.

1983 Notes on Middle-Indian Vocabulary II. in: JOIB 33,1-2: 108-122.

1984 Zur Typologie der Träume und ihrer Deutung in der älteren indischen Literatur. in: Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 10: 169-186.

1986 Le kåñâgàra ou de la maison des hommes au manoir dans lÙInde et lÙAsie du Sud-Est. in: Bulletin dÙEtudes Indiennes 4: 189-214.

1988 Pourquoi il faut respecter un savant - Uttarajjhàyà XI. in: Indologica Taurinensia XIV. Pp. 145-62.

1989 The kåñâgàra or from menÙs house to mansion in eastern India and South-East Asia. in: Dallapiccola, Shastric Traditions in Indian Arts. Stuttgart. Pp.

1990 âyàranga 2,16 and Såyagaóa 1,16. in: Journal of Indian Philosophy 18: 29-52.

1990 Khuóóàga-niyaõñhijja (Uttarajjhàyà 6) An Epitome of the Jain Doctrine. in: Annals Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 71: 265-286.

1993 Die Geschichte vom Frosch. Nàyàdhammakahào 1,13. In: Festschrift Jozef Deleu. Tokyo: 133-149.

1993 Le Végétarisme défendu par Haribhadrasåri contre un bouddhiste et und brahmane. in: Wagle & Watanabe, Studies on Buddhism. Toronto. Pp. 21-28

1994 Notes on Middle Indo-Aryan Vocabulary IV. In: Festschrift Jagdish C. Jain. Delhi. Pp. 63-70.

1997 Notes on Middle Indo-Aryan Vocabulary III. In: Festschrift Botto. Torino. Pp. 53-73.

1997 Ernst Leumann, Das Aupapàtikasåtra. 2. Theil. Edited in Bulletin dÙEtudes Indiennes 15: 311-363.

1999 Adda or the oldest extant dispute between Jains and heretics Såyagaóa 2,6. Part two. In: Journal of Indian Philosophy 27: 411-437.

2002 Index to Jaini, Padmanabh S., Collected Papers on Jain Studies. In: Journal of Indian Philosophy 30: 291-303.

2002 Notes on Diseases in the canon of the øvetàmbara Jains. In: Traditional South Asian Medicine 7: 69-110.

2002 Tales and similes from MalayagiriÙs commentary on the Vyavahàrabhàîya. Bhàga 1. In: Indologica Taurinensia 30 (2002): 41-95.

2004 Tales and similes ... Bhàga 2: Indologica T. 31 (2003): 9-90.

2004 Adda or the oldest extant dispute ... Part one. In: Festschrift Jambåvijaya. Ahmedabad. Pp. 36. (Reprint 2006).

2005 Physical Aspects of Some Mahàpuruùas. Descent, Foetality, Birth. in: WZKS 49: 6-34.

2006 An Important Narrative Collection Available Again. A propos HemavijayaÙs Kathàratnâkara. in:Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 50: 69-139.

2007 Subject index of the inventory of the stories in N. Balbir's âva÷yaka Studien. in: International Journal of Jain Studies 3,1: 1-23.

2007 A Note on the Pàsa Tradition in the Universal History of the Digambaras and øvetâmbaras. in: IJJS 3,2: 1-60.

2007 A Note on the Birth of the Hero in ancient India. In: H. Brückner, The Concept of the Hero(-ine) in Indian Culture. Delhi. Pp. 28.

in press:

Dogs in a Rare Zoological Book in Sanskrit. in: Traditional South-Asian Medicine

On nouns with numerical value in Sanskrit. in: Leipziger Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte Süd- und Zentralasiens.

On the Folklore of the feet in Indian Literature and Art. in: IT 34

Subject Index of DaõóinÙs Da÷akumàracarita. in: Studia Indologiczne

L. Alsdorf, Contributions to Vegetarianism and Cow-Veneration in Ancient India. London: Routledge.

+ various reviews