Submission rejected on 19 November 2024 by WaddlesJP13 (talk). This submission is contrary to the purpose of Wikipedia. Rejected by WaddlesJP13 38 days ago. Last edited by WaddlesJP13 38 days ago. |
The events on September 11, 2001, were one of the most significant events in recent history for the United States. The attacks on 9/11 were a shock, but it should not have been a surprise. This devastating tragedy was preventable had there not been numerous lapses and ineffective surveillance operations. “Before 9/11, security was almost lax.” As Jeff Price, former assistant security director, stated. “It was designed to be something in the background that really wasn't that noticeable and definitely did not interfere with aircraft or airport operations. You could walk up to the gate at the very last minute. You did not have to have a boarding pass.” That clearly shows that the airports at that time were lax when it came to security. I feel that if the people hired for security cared about America, they would have prevented this problem. The 19 hijackers entered the U.S. multiple times without detection of the explosives or other weapons they were carrying. So either someone was not paying attention or their equipment was not being handled properly. This was not a new problem. Another incident that occurred 40 years prior to 9/11 was when Antulio Ramirez Ortiz, who is an electrician in Miami, got on a plane going to Key West and held a knife to the pilot's throat. This incident should have indicated a flaw in the systems as there have been other incidents. We have had many attacks where our security is the reason that people got the chance to do something so horrible. This catastrophic event spurred significant changes in our security measures. After the 9/11 attacks, the federal government developed a security framework to protect us from these types of attacks. Some of our government officials want to keep the borders open. I think that it is great that America is letting people have a better life and giving people the chance to get away from violence. If we are doing that, we need a strict system in place. A way we can ID people without having to worry if it is a fake ID or not. A way to make the borders safe. I want to go into diplomacy defense because we need a change. The role that the United States should play is to provide military training, services, and logistics support to the peace keeping operations. We should provide more and better conditions to allow and hold peace for the world. I can't wait to help America.