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User:Makaveli jc

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I'm a current student here at Everett community college. Born (12/24/1999) and raised together with eight brothers, and one sister in American Samoa. I'm majoring Business and Accounting looking forward to furthering my education to learn more about my major. Music is the only thing that keeps me in a positive mood. I rather play sports than running and doing exercises.

At home, I always write poems and a love letter to myself. My music is always there to bring love, and affection to my writings. Since college is in my way, now I have to write hate letters and poems about college. I'm hoping to find a good job according to my major, and make good money to pursue my goals. I'm currently taking steps to achieve my goal without second guessing myself in what I have to do in life.

Article Critique


I am very interested in my culture and I tend to visit our museum to know more about my past. In the museum it can make you understand the value of our culture, also hearing the what really happen to every Samoan mythology. We only have one museum[1] and most of the stuff I've seen are footprints of what my ancestors left behind. Soga'imiti and Malu are things mentioned in the article, I myself was expecting to see more information on how it's really important for have to have t I visited the Taema page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of its worth commenting on: errors and mistakes, Sources, and citations.

Errors and Mistakes


I visited the Taema page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of its worth commenting on: errors and mistakes, Structure and completeness, and also the history. In the article it mentioned the term for the tattoo in my Native language Samoan, our term of men tattoo is Soga'imiti. As viewed in the article men tattoo is pe'a in our native term, but pe'a is the samoan word for tattoo. Soga'imiti is referred to men who is already been tattted. Taemas twin sister her name is Tilafaiga, as viewed in the article it was "titi" which is not the right name.



The citations are already been checked and they're not enough to support the article. It doesn't really point out the fact that men are suppose to be tatted not women. Women tattoo is different from men. At first men was suppose to be the only ones tatted, but the women are not suppose to be tatted. The citations are in fact not enough and didn't cover up the history behind Taema and Tilafaiga.



The article out to be short and the fact that the sources are not enough to make a big article about Taema. The sources give are not reliable sources to state facts about Taema and Tilafaiga and the outcome of the Malu and Soga'imiti. The passage from on of the sources only tells what Taema is, but it didn't prove the fact how the Malu and Soga'imiti originated from. This article could use some help for more sources to support the history of Taema and Tilafaiga.



This cite isn't really helpful to make people understand about Samoan Mythology. The sources are not enough. The article is too short and it don't have that much information on it. One of the sources I believe is not enough for the article. There are pieces information that are not included or cited on this article. Its hard to tell if one of the sources is reliable, because the fact that it doesn't have enough information on it indicates is not a full article.

  1. ^ ASHPO. "Walking Tour". ashpo.com. Retrieved 2018-04-24.