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Topic 1: information Management

Contract notice: Department of the army (south carolina) issues solicitation for "WebEOC crisis infromation management system" (2012). Washington, D.C. Flowers, R. (2008). Information management. Marine Corps Gazette, 92(5), 67-71. Littell, B. (1999). Information management. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 53(2), 24-26. Sicaras, V. (1999). Information management.(scientific news briefs)(brief article). R & D, 41(11), 13. Information management, innovation management and industrial engineering (ICIII), 2010 international conference on (2010). Dudis, B. (2008). Information management.(RANTS AND RAVES)(letter to the editor). Industrial Engineer, 40(2), 10.

Topic 2: Mind map

Beard, J. (2007). Mind map. Scientific American Mind, 18(3), 9. doi:10.1038/scientificamericanmind0607-9b Beydogan, H. (2011). Effects of mind map supported cognitive preparation on expository writing. Gazi Niversitesi Kirsehir Egitim Fakltesi Dergisi, 12(4), 1-23. Jayathilake. (2011). A novel mind map based approach for log data extraction doi:10.1109/ICIINFS.2011.6038054 Booker, S. (2016). Use of the knowledge tree as a mind map in a gerontological course for undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(3), 182-4. doi:10.3928/01484834-20160216-13 Clauss, M. (2013). Source references and the scientist's mind-map: Harvard vs. vancouver style doi:10.5167/uzh-77082 Ebrahim, N. (2013). Introduction to the research tools mind map doi:10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.722891

Topic 3: Information Sharing

Ebrahim, N.A. (2014). International Education Studies, vol. 7, edic. 4, 120-125.

Stuckenschmidt, H., & Harmelen, F. v. (2004). In Harmelen F. v. (Ed.), Information sharing on the semantic web. Berlin etc.]: Berlin etc.] : Springer. Rockenbach, B., & Sadrieh, A. (2012). Sharing information. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 81(2), 689-698. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2011.10.009 Maksl, A., & Young, R. (2013). Affording to exchange: Social capital and online information sharing.Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16(8), 588-592. He, Y., Zhao, C., & Hinds, P. (2010). In Mynatt E., Schoner D., Fitzpatrick G., Hudson S., Edwards K. and Rodden T.(Eds.), Understanding information sharing from a cross-cultural perspective ACM. doi:10.1145/1753846.1754063:10.1089/cyber.2012.0430 Van Wynsberghe, A., & van, D. H. (2015). Ethical considerations of using information obtained from online file sharing sites. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, 13(3), 256-267.

Topic 4: Data and Metadata

Jezek, P., & Moucek, R. (2012). System for eeg/erp data and metadata storage and management. Neural Network World, 22(3), 277-290. Organisation for Economic Co-operation, and Development. (2007). In Ward D. (Ed.), Data and metadata reporting and presentation handbook Adrian, S., Christian, K., Jan, B., Thomas, W., & Jan, G. (2014). File format and library for neuroscience data and metadata. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8 doi:10.3389/conf.fninf.2014.18.00027 Adrian, S., Jan, B., Christian, G., Christian, K., Andrey, S., Thomas, W., & Jan, G. (2013). Single-file solution for storing neuroscience data and metadata. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 7 doi:10.3389/conf.fninf.2013.09.00077 Vos, R. A., Balhoff, J. P., Caravas, J. A., Holder, M. T., Lapp, H., Maddison, W. P., . . . Stoltzfus, A. (2012). NeXML: Rich, extensible, and verifiable representation of comparative data and metadata. Systematic Biology, 61(4), 675-689. doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys025 Yann, L. F., Anita, B., Petr, B., Václav, P., Jan, G., Roman, M., . . . Thomas, W. (2014). Describing neurophysiology data and metadata with OEN, the ontology for experimental neurophysiology. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8 doi:10.3389/conf.fninf.2014.18.00044

Topic 5: Reference Metadata

Garcia alvarado, C., & Varde, A. S. (2012). Querying external source code files of programs connecting to a relational database. New York, NY: ACM. doi:10.1145/2389686.2389689 Guo, Z., & Jin, H. (2011). Reference metadata extraction from scientific papers doi:10.1109/PDCAT.2011.72 Communication equipment companies. (2015). Investment Weekly News, , 870.

Wisuttikul, T. (2004). A study of coaching assisted system using learning object value model doi:10.1109/TENCON.2004.1414589

Day, M. (2005). A knowledge-based approach to citation extraction doi:10.1109/IRI-05.2005.1506448 Revilla Novella, P. (2012). Implementing a quality assurance framework based on the code of practice at the national statistical institute of spain. Estadstica Espaola, 54(178), 211-220.

Topic 6: Refworks

Basak, S. (2014). A comparison of researcher's reference management software: Refworks, mendeley, and EndNote. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 6(7), 561-568. Hendrix, I. (2004). RefWorks. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 92(1), 111-113. RefWorks introduces new functions. (internet today). (2002). Information Today, 19(7), 23. Anonymous. (2005). RefWorks introduces RefShare for databases. Information Today, 22(5), 33-34. Yorke Barber, P. (2009). RefWorks in three steps: Undergraduate team bibliographies. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Refworks offering RefAware service.(infotech)(brief article). (2008). Library Journal, 133(7), 26.

Topic 7: BibTex Xuriguera Albareda, R. (2010). In Arias Vicente M., Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya. Departament De Llenguatges I Sistemes Informàtics(Eds.), Bibtex bibliography index maker Alkhateeb, F. (2010). BibTeX document generating using semantic web technologies doi:10.1145/1874590.1874592 Joan Starr, Eleni Castro, Mercè Crosas, Michel Dumontier, Robert R Downs, Ruth Duerr, . . . , T. C. (2014). Compressed (zip file) of latex and bibtex source PeerJ. doi:10.7287/PEERJ.PREPRINTS.697V1/SUPP-1 Wonneberger, R., & Mittelbach, F. (1991). BibTeX reconsidered Unpublished. doi:10.13140/2.1.3197.4409 Wang, B. (2002). In Grogono P. (Ed.), Design and implementation of BibTex editor ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Bao, M. (2002). In Grogono P. (Ed.), BIBTEX server ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Topic 8: Wikipedia

Guldbrandsson, L. (2014). Wikipedia. Culture Unbound : Journal of Current Cultural Research, 6(3), 633-636. doi:10.3384/cu.2000.1525.146633 Quinn, M. E. (2002). Wikipedia.(brief article). Booklist, 99(2), 266. Wikipedia. (2006). Choice Reviews Online, 43(07), 3736; 3736. doi:10.5860/CHOICE.43-3736 Benito Amat, C. (2007). Wikipedia. Anuario ThinkEPI, (1), 118-122. Jacsó, P. (2002). Wikipedia. Online (Wilton, Connecticut), 26(2), 79. Martínez, C. (. R. (2012). Wikipedia : Inteligencia colectiva en la red. Barcelona: Barcelona : Profit. Wikipedia.(NEWS BYTES)(brief article). (2011). Information Today, 28(2), 10.

Explain in one short paragraph why have you selected those references (use bibliometric justifications, eg. those you tried in Océano)

Topic 1: Information Management - These source are reliable because are an academic paper. We must consider this source as reliable one because it has been written by experts in this field and they clearly explain what the information management is by providing data and using other known authors’ opinions.

Topic 2: Mind map - These reference can be used as reliable sources because it focuses on “mind maps” and impacts in our society nowadays. It provides definitions and citations to understand and defend the ideas mentioned.

Topic 3: Information Sharing - These source are reliable because are a serious and academic data as the different authors are teachers, so they are clear that they are experts in the subject and their information is explained in an official and objective way.

Topic 4: Data and Metadata - These are also reliable sources because it mention the data and metadata topic in the books.

Topic 5: Reference Metadata - These reference can be used as a reliable source because it focuses on reference metadata in our society nowadays. The section is focused on talks about the advantages of Metadata which is exactly what this section will focus on.

Topic 6: Refworks - These are reliable source because they are useful sources for refworks. They are also at an appropriate level for the intended audience interested in learning about the topic.

Topic 7: BibTex - These source are reliable because are current about the topic and has functional links to accompany the information. The site are relevant because all of the information provided are about the topic. Topic 8: Wikipedia - These source are reliable because they have authority by contacting information for the organization which is publish.