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New wikipedia editor. I like to consider myself a scholar, though I do not get paid for it.

In probably thousands of hours devouring Wikipedia articles, I've come across many issues, only now I've created an account. Topics I read a lot about include history, history of ideas, religion, politics, military equipment, cryptocurrency, business, and probably many other things I can't think of right now.

I studied social sciences, and I am firmly of the view that it is not possible to be totally unbiased. There are always implicit interests- there are narratives that are conducive to our well-being and those that are not. Even those most dedicated to the ideals of objectivity will, at the very least on a unconscious level, never be able to live up to those ideals.

That by no means means that it is not worth trying. I like the concept of the user page, because I think that it can be a means of users to balance out each others prejudices and arrive at something closer to the truth.

Disclosure- I do own Bitcoin, Stellar, and a few other cryptocurrencies, and have been very much supportive of the movement for about 6 years.