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The growing need for Vocational Education

Education is a process which empowers a student to think for himself or herself and make his/her decisions in life. However, the present day education system puts emphasis on rote-learning and unhealthy competition. This often leads students to depression and even suicide at times. However, if a student is allowed to pursue higher on his/her own interests then their personalities would bloom and they would also be successful in their careers.

There exists a disparity between market demands and the skills of Namibian educated youth.

For example, every year 600 engineering graduates pass out of whom nearly two thirds need to be re-skilled, so that they can meet the market demand in the industry. The developed world requires knowledge workers and skilled professionals. By 2020, the developed world will have a shortage of 250 000 thousand working people, says a report.

These figures reveal the shortage of skilled man power in Namibia in comparison to the jobs existing in the market. This mismatch occurs due to many reasons.

A few of them are as follows

A. Low motivation amongst students to pursue vocational education

B. The rigid mindset of parents and educators in accepting vocational courses

C. Many vocational courses that are being offered have become obsolete

D. There is poor linkage between institutions offering vocational courses and the private sector. Students often find it difficult to secure proper employment immediately after completing their courses.

In order to keep up with the market demands of India, students should be encouraged to take up vocational education. They should be allowed to study the subjects they like. Teachers and parents must become more open minded about students’ career and life choices. There should be enough infrastructure to support vocational education. Educational institutes could link up with Companies and Corporations so that students can be employed soon after they complete their studies. These are a few ways in which the gap between vocational education and market demand for skilled manpower can be bridged.