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Expeditionary Education


Expeditionary education is often associated with adventure education, outdoor education, environmental education, or experiential education and refers specifically to learning associated with exploration and journey-based experiences or expeditions within these fields. Usually involving elements of challenge, adventure, and leadership, expeditionary education can take place in a variety of settings including wilderness, classrooms, and even virtual spaces (the internet). Participants in expeditionary education can be directly involved in the expedition, or may be linked to expeditions undertaken by others.





Webster's online dictionary defines expeditionary as "of, relating to, or being an expedition."[1] Expeditionary education is of, relating to, or being an expedition within an educational framework. Expeditionary education may be mistakenly defined as a subset of or synonymous to outdoor education, adventure education, or experiential education. While many expeditionary education programs of, or being an expedition could be defined under these existing fields (such as Outward Bound, or NOLS), educational programs relating to expeditions may take place in the classroom and not outside, requiring adventure, or experiential in nature are becomming more prevalent as explorers and expedition based researchers strive to connect educational content to thier projects.[2]


experiential education
adventure education
outdoor education
environmental education
environmental studies

Summary of Program Types


Expeditionary education can be:

1. An educational expedition one participates in (Programs of or being expeditionary education).
2. An expedition with educational agendas of various involvment levels for non-expedition members (Programs relating to expeditions).



The origins of expeditionary education could be thought to extend far back into early human history through hunting and gathering expeditions where traditional ecological knowledge was learned. Potentially one of the first formal applications of expeditionary education were the field trips conducted through Henry David Thoreau and his brother John's Concord MA grammar schhol in 1838. Later in the 19th century a summer camping movement was established in response to anxieties about urban and industrial influences on children.[3] During this time, expeditions into "nature" were combined with informal educational persuits. Scouting, a movement started in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell iniatiated widespead development of practical outdoor skills which often incorporated expeditionary componets like camping, backpacking, and canoeing and has grown to 38 million members in 216 countries 100 years after its inception.[4] By the late 20th century expeditions were being used as educational vehicles by many private and public sector groups and has grown into large groups such as outward bound, serving over 200,000 students in 2006[5] and National Outdoor Leadership School who have trained over 120,000 people. Various contemporary groups and programs are discussed in #Programs

Psychology and Philosophy


Expedition as a mode of educational persuit has its theoritical and applied roots in many soils. Many people, theories, and practices can be identified as influential.



Kurt Hahn: Founder of the Gordonstoun school and outward bound
Willi Unsoeld: Facillitator of outdoor, experiential, and expeditionary education
Paul Petzoldt: Founder of the National Outdoor Leadership School
Will Steger: Artic Explorer and educator
John Dewey: Philosopher, educational reformer and proponent of experiential learning
Henry David Thoreau: Philosopher, naturalist, transcendentalist, tax resister, surveyor, writer.
John Muir: Philosopher, naturalist, conservationist, inventor[6] writer and wilderness traveller.



Experiential education theories
group development theories
The outward bound process model[8]
Stress, optimal arousal, comfort zone, and Flow (psychology) theories
Psychoevolutionary theory and the Biophilia hypothesis



Research has been conducted on various aspects of expeditionary education. Correlations between a controlled exposure to challenge and psychological resiliency have been found by researchers James Neill and Katica Dias in their study of young adult Outward Bound participants.[9] In a review of 150 research studies conducted between 1993 and 2003, general findings of positive impacts from outdoor learing[10] In another meta analysis, focus areas such as self concept, leadership, and communications skills were shown to have positive gains during the educational experience, and in contrast to many educational interventions, significant ongoing gains in follow up reviews.[11] While these and other studies point to positive results, the difficulty of drawing causality between psychologically gained elements and these programs in empirically based studies exist in the number of variables to control for and the strength of experimental designs.


  1. ^ [1] expeditionary. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/expeditionary
  2. ^ See: Educational programs related to expeditions
  3. ^ Michael B. Smith, "'The Ego Idea of the Good Camper' and the Nature of Summer Camp,," Environmental History January 2006 <http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/eh/11.1/smith.html> (30 Nov. 2008).
  4. ^ see scouting para. 3-4.
  5. ^ Outward Bound International (2006)OB Annual Report.Retrieved Nov. 30 2008
  6. ^ John Muir's Inventions
  7. ^ cited from outdoor education
  8. ^ ,Walsh V., & Golins, G. L. (1976).The exploration of the Outward Bound process. Denver, CO: Colorado Outward Bound School.
  9. ^ Neill, J. & Dias, K. (2001). Adventure Education and Resilience-The Double Edged Sword Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership. 1(2) 2001 35-42
  10. ^ Rickinson, M., Dillon, J., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Choi M. Y., Sanders, D., & Benefield, P. (2004, March).A review of research on outdoor learning. Shrewsbury, UK: National Foundation for Educational Research and King's College London. pp. 2000
  11. ^ Hattie, J. A., Marsh, H. W., Neill, J. T. & Richards, G. E. (1997). Adventure education and Outward Bound: Out-of-class experiences that have a lasting effect. Review of Educational Research, 67, 43-87.

See Also


Progressive education
Educational philosophies
Alternative education




The Outdoor Education Research and Evaluation Webpage



Programs Of and Being Expeditionary Education


http://www.elschools.org Outward Bound Expeditionary Learning Schools

http://www.salish.org Science Expedition in Puget Sound

http://www.iwls.com/courses/cascades.html International Wilderness Leadership School

http://www.lesley.edu/gsass/audubon/index.html Lesley’s Audobon Expedition Institute

http://www.projectexploration.org/sereno-dinosaur-expedition.htm Paleontology expeditions

http://www.oceanicsociety.org Natural History Expeditions with Oceanic Society

http://www.earthwatch.org/aboutus/education/edopp/edfelfund Teacher education fellowships with Earthwatch expeditions

http://www.expeditions.com/Education514.asp expeditions for teachers and kids from Galapagos to learn EE from National Geographic


http://www.explorapoles.org International Polar Foundation

http://www.globalwarming101.com Education interactive with expeditions in the Artic

http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/modules/welcome.html NOAA

http://seagrant.wisc.edu/digitalgreatlakes/ A geography companion to the children's book Paddle To The Sea with Google Earth. Note: you need google earth to run this link.

http://www.polarhusky.com "adventure learning" connected to Artic expeditions

http://www.hawaiianatolls.org/research/NWHIED2005/index.php Hawaiian Island Tolls Ed Expedition

http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/lewis-clark/ A standards based guide for the Lewis and Clarke Expedition from the governments National Archives

http://www.seaofcortez.org/seaofcortez_teach.html Satellite/Expedition Research in the Sea of Cortez

http://www.jason.org/public/home.aspx Virtual Expeditions with the JASON project Some schools ask a Antarctic research vessel some questions and do some stuff on their own