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User:MJF2000/Detailed plots for The Simpsons episodes/Bart the General

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Detailed plot for The Simpsons' Season 1 episode, Bart the General.



Lisa bakes a batch of cupcakes for Miss Hoover's birthday. At school, one of Nelson Muntz's cronies, steals Lisa's cupcakes and eats them. After accidently punching Nelson instead of the crony, Bart is to be beat up by Nelson at 3.15pm after he made Nelson's nose bleed. After his fight with Nelson he says he is to be beat up the next day. At home, Bart tearfully asks his dad Homer for help. The next day, he gets beat up yet again and Lisa suggests he go to Grampa for advice as he is the "Toughest Simpson Alive". Grampa can give Bart no advice, so Grampa goes to his friend Herman, owner of a military antiques store. Herman suggests that Bart go to war with Nelson, but he will need an army. Bart and his army teach Nelson a lesson.

Detailed plot


Homer and Bart try to get Lisa's cupcakes for Miss Hoover's birthday. Later, on the school bus, Bart tells Otto that Lisa won't give anyone a cupcake. Unbeknownst to Bart, Lisa baked an extra one for Otto. Bart asks Lisa for a cupcake and she says no, making Bart call Lisa names such as "butt kisser". After a apology on the school bus, Lisa gives Bart a cupcake, but again unbeknownst to him, the cupcake fell on the bus floor when the bus jolted and Lisa puts in in Bart's mouth. Bart eats it, not knowing where the cupcake has been.

When Lisa and Bart get off the school bus, Lisa offers Jamie a cupcake when one of Nelson Muntz's cronies steals Lisa's box of cupcakes and eats them. Bart says that they are Lisa's and the crony steps on them. Bart attempts to punch the crony when Nelson picks him up by his T-shirt and Bart punches Nelson instead. One of Nelson's cronies spots out that he is bleeding, which Nelson refuses, because he thinks that it is someone else's blood splattered on him. Nelson releases that it is his blood and tells Bart that "you made me bleed my own blood!". Bart takes it as an accident and asks the other children. No-one answers while a cold wind passes. Nelson tells Bart that he will get him after school. Principal Skinner tells the children it is time to go into school, while Bart tries to tell Skinner what Nelson is attempting to do to him.

Bart dreams through the day what is going to happen to him when Nelson beats him up. He dreams of being attacked and eaten by a giant Nelson and Nelson hurting him so badly that he died and dreams of what happens at his funeral. Milhouse tells Bart to tell the principal, but Bart said it would violate the code of the school yard. At 3.15pm, the school bell rings and Bart tries to hide behind objects until he gets to Nelson and his cronies. After beating him up, Nelson and his cronies put Bart in a dustbin. Nelson tells Bart that he will get him tomorrow as well. One of the cronies asks if 3.15pm is good a time for a beating again. Bart replies "No". The crony says that it will have to be at that time and pushes the dustbin with Bart in out of sight down the pavement.

At home, the dustbin arrives and Bart, getting out of the dustbin, is badly hurt and then coughs out his hat. He walks in and Marge asks what happened to him. Bart states that he tried to help out his sister and Homer states that he hoped Bart won the battle between him and Nelson. Bart goes into the bathroom and climbs into the bathtub groaning. Homer peeps through the door telling Bart that Marge thinks that he is upset about something. Homer slows down, when he realises that Bart is crying. Bart tearfully tells Homer "Dad...I need help...please". Homer doesn't want Marge to see Bart in that state so he blasts a hairdryer in Bart's face to dry his tears. Homer then asks Bart what the matter is and Bart states that he has a run-in with a bully. Marge bursts in, surprised and worried and she suggests that Bart tell the principal. Bart thinks that he can do that, but Homer refuses stating that it would again violate the code of the school-yard he would rather have Bart die. Marge states that Homer is out of his mind and talks to Bart about Nelson Muntz. At the end of the talk, Homer takes Bart downstairs and states "Thank you, Mrs. Manhisini Gandi". Marge growls.

Downstairs, Homer tells Bart to punch the punching bag that Homer got. Bart weakly punches the punching bag, as he is tired. Homer shows Bart what he supposed to do, Homer jumping on the punching bag and grabbing the outer material in his teeth. After showing Bart what he supposed to do with Nelson, he insist Bart fight dirty. Homer also states that Bart should kick Nelson in the family jewels, put a blob of mud in Nelson's eyes and hitting him when his back is turned. Bart thanks Homer.

The next day, Bart has to fight with Nelson again, but Bart fails, even with help from a imaginary bubble with Homer inside. As, the dustbin rolls down to Bart's house again, Lisa has an ice-cream. Lisa tells Bart to go to Grampa because he is the toughest Simpson alive. At the retirement home, Bart tells the manager that he is looking for "Grampa". A number of old men pop out of their rooms. The manager states that there is loads of "Grampa's" in the home. Bart goes into more detail telling he is looking for "Grampa Simpson". The old men groan and go back into their rooms. The manager states that Grampa Simpson's room is on the second floor. Bart thanks the manager. Grampa is writing about old people being depicted on TV. He writes a list of words he never wants to hear on TV again (Family Jewels, Horny and Bra). Bart bursts in Grampa's room and screams. Bart tells Grampa about his bully. Grampa says that he always had trouble with bullies. Jasper arrives at Grampa's room and tells Grampa that he needs the newspaper and wants to do the crossword puzzle. Grampa states that he wants to do the crossword puzzle. Grampa and Jasper fight over the newspaper. Jasper wins the fight. Grampa says that he can't tell Bart anything, but he knows someone who can.

Grampa goes to his friend Herman, owner of a miltiary antique store. Grampa knocks on the door and Herman wants the secret password. Grampa states he want Herman to let him in. Entering the shop, Grampa asks Herman if the trousers Grampa ordered have arrived. Herman says they haven't and asks if he is interested in something else. Grampa refuses and introduces Bart to Herman. Bart asks if Herman lost his arm in the war. Herman states that if the teacher tells you to keep your arm inside the school bus, you do it. Bart frightening replies "Yes, sir...I will!". Grampa tells Herman that Bart has trouble will a local bully named Nelson. Herman asks if Bart has got some army members. Bart states that he has no army members. Herman says that Bart needs more and he needs to train them hard and he says that the key is Elm Street. Herman says that Greeks and Carthiginians knew it was the key to Springfield. Herman changes the declaration from the Franco-Prussian war from "Otto Von Bismarck" to "Bart Simpson". Grampa states that Herman is out of his mind.

The next day, a note passes on in class saying "IF YOU HATE AND FEAR NELSON, MEET AT BART'S TREEHOUSE 1500 HRS (3 PM)". At Bart's treehouse, the students are muttering where Bart is. Herman states that Bart should be there now and it is way past 1500 hours. Bart arrives at the treehouse, beat up by Nelson yet again, and coughs out his hat. Bart puts his hat on a hook and talks to the students about Nelson. When Bart says that he can't promise them victory and good times, the students leave. Bart, wanting the students to come back, says that he will promise them victory and good times. The students cheer.

Bart trains his army students. In one training session, the army has to pass a building guarded by a dog. One student is too afraid to pass the building, so Bart slaps him. Grampa slaps Bart back and states that you can't slap someone for some reason. Later, in the treehouse, Milhouse pops inside and says that Nelson is at the Elm Street Video Arcade. Herman shows Bart where the army is going to attack. Herman asks Bart how many water balloons they have got. Bart replies that he has got 200 rounds and asks if it is OK if they say "Happy Birthday". Herman wishes they would say "Dead From Above", but states that they will have to do. Lewis pops inside telling that Nelson is still at the Elm Street Video Arcade. Bart calls "Battle Stations!".

On Elm Street, Nelson and his gang of cronies called "The Weasels" chat about what flavour Squishees they've got. Bart pops out of the bushes with an army helmet on. Nelson says "Who's this?, little Bart Simpson." Bart tells Nelson that he is going to have to teach him a lesson. Nelson replies "Oh yeah, you and what army?". Bart states that he has got an army, and says "This one". The army students appear out of bushes, buildings and manholes. Bart signals the army to start the saturation bombing. The water balloons fall on the group, which passes the Simpson residence. Homer tells them to shut up, when Grampa throws a water balloon at Homer and says to Herman that he "Got him" and laughs. Homer says that the tall grey-haired kid (Grampa) to get down from the treehouse. Grampa then throws another water balloon at his son, making Homer go inside the house. Meanwhile, the two cronies surrender as "they were following orders", which makes the army throw water balloons on Nelson.

In the next scene, Bart and Milhouse are pulling in their red wagon a tied-up Nelson, with the rest of the army cheering in the background. Then, one of the army members goes to kiss Lisa, which then is taken as a photo. Lisa tells the boy to "Knock it off" and slaps the boy. Bart, at home, says that he is going to untie Nelson, but Nelson states that when Bart unties him, he will beat him to death. Bart states that if Nelson has that attitude he will not untie him. Nelson replies saying that he will have to sometime. Bart realizes that he will have to do it. Herman says he was ready for this "little eventuality".

More information coming soon.