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Here is a timeline of the events in Emerald Eyes, and the Long Run: I also have compiled descriptions of some items from the book as a first step to using them in a role-playing game. I have not yet had the time to go back through the Last Dancer and update the timeline.

Lastly I did a sort of family tree for `project superman’.

THESE ARE THE TALES OF THE CONTINUING TIME: the fall of the American Empire

2011 — RING is programmed.

2014 — Sarah Almundsen (1969–2023ish) becomes Secretary General of the United Nations. With French and Chinese support she assumed control of the orbital laser weaponry, formed the United Nations Peace Keeping Force (PKF), and declared the United Nations, under her “Charter of Principles,” the sole legal government of Earth. China and France both signed on, followed by Brazil, and by the end of the year two thirds of the world acknowledged United Nations rule. Three notable exceptions were the United States, the Soviet Union, and Japan. The Soviet Union is ‘carved up’ with orbital lasers and tactical nukes. Japan is subjugated with a full scale nuclear strike.

2016 — The Unification War reaches America.

2018 (summer) — the Treaty of New York

2019 — Spacebase One “Peaceforcer Heaven” is constructed by a consortium of SpaceFarer Companies known as the L-5 Development Co.

2024 — Suzanne Montignet graduates from the College of the Camden Protectorate with high honors in genetics.

2025 — The PKF assumes control of, and expands Spacebase One. The SpaceFarer’s Collective maintains its independence of the United Nations.

2030-09-18 — Carl Castanaveras is born. He is the first success of ‘project superman’ under Suzanne Montignet and Malko Kalharri. This success was engineered by a time traveling descendant of his. Carl was mentally unstable.

2035-04-18 — Jane McConnell born (using clone technique)

2036 (late) — Johann MacArther brought to term

2037–2042 — Six more “genies” brought to term. The ‘project superman’ genies are slightly stronger, have a greater endurance, abnormal speed, infrared reception, faster reflexes, and are genetically perfect. The de=FFNostri genies (human-cougar hybrids) are much stronger humanoid cats.

2040 — Darryl Amnier becomes Prosecutor General to the Unification Council.

2042 — Carl hits puberty, and becomes a telepath. He let Unification Councilor Jerril Carson know. By ‘45 Carl has put a scare into Carson (who by then was the Chairman of the Unification Council to supervise the Bureau of Biotechnology Research) who caused the death of Shana de Nostri.

2046 — Spacebase one begins processing PKF Elite at a rate of approximately fifty candidates every six months.

2047 — (early) Jane hits puberty, she has the gift too.

2048 — Carson becomes chairman of the Peace Keeping Force Oversight Committee in the Unification Council.
Suzanne Montignet is removed as head of “Project Superman.”
The first Official Secrets Act is passed.
Forty-three Castanaveras children are brought to term.

2049 — The colony on Ganymede is destroyed.
Seventy-three Castanaveras children brought to term.

2050 — Eighty-six Castanaveras children are brought to term.

2051 — Twenty-five Castanaveras children are brought to term, before the assembly-line program to produce telepaths for the Peaceforcers is terminated.

2051-05-09 — Trent Castanaveras is brought to term.

2052 — Amnier becomes Secretary General of the United Nations.

2053 — Twins, David and Denice Castanaveras, are born to Carl and Jane.

2053 — The [_____|Excalibur Series Two] dual frequency short laser rifle is released

2054 — The second Official Secrets Act is passed.

2060 — Spacebase One is again expanded by the PKF.

2062 — Emerald Eyes:

2062-03-08 — Eighth Amendment to the Statement of Principles is passed, it frees the genies (telepaths and de Nostri)

2062-03-09 — Carl audits Gerold McKann’s story on the Genie Bill. Peace Keeping Staff Sergeant Emile Garon begins to go after Trent a.k.a. Ralf the Wise and Powerful. Carl and the telepath elders meet with representatives of private corporations (Belinda Singer, Tio Sandoval, Marc Packard, Randall Getty Cristofer, and Francis Xavier Chandler) to discuss employment. The telepaths could read minds, look inside closed objects or behind closed doors, find oil with 100% confidence in little time, manipulate small objects from dice to subatomic particles. Assuming a knowledge of physics one could induce hydrogen to fuse.

2062-03-10 — Carl buys a Chandler MetalSmith Mark III.

2062 May–June — The Unification Council continues to harass the telepaths.
Carl meets with F. X. Chandler.
Trent is not a Telepath, but he is possibly the best [[_____|player]], his [[_____|image]] is named Ralf. Trent goes to live with Suzanne.

2062-06-15 — Emile Garon leaves Earth to become a PKF Elite.

2062-06-22 — McKann interviews Carl a second time.

2062-06-23 — McKann is killed by Peaceforcers in an attempt to frame Carl. Althea dies of a snakebite while in the employ of Sandoval.

2062-06-27 — Carl, Jacqueline de Nostri, and ex-PKF Elite Chris Summers move on Sandoval, get him to confess to killing Althea at Councillor Carson’s request.

2062 June/July — Assassination attempt on Carl and Malko. Success prevented by Carl’s time traveling descendant Chauki November.

2062-07-03 — The twins are kidnapped by Carson.
Malko is killed as Trent and Suzanne are arrested. Suzanne kills herself while in PKF custody.
Crowds storm the Chandler Complex and many are killed before the stun field comes on-line. Telepath children repel Peaceforcers with their lives.
RING frees Trent. Carl goes after Carson.
PKF Elite Sergeant Mohammed Vance orders a tactical nuclear strike on the Chandler Complex. As they die the telepaths destroy the minds of a quarter of the population of the state of New York.
Carl kills Carson, before dying himself from a wound inflicted by Carson. David and Denice kill Carson’s Peaceforcers and escape.
An Elite dies as Trent escapes.

2062 July — Secretary General Darryl Amnier commits suicide.

2062 July — The Peaceforcers consolidate patrols to the area around Capitol City and Manhattan. This leaves the rest of the city to the underfunded and underequipped American Police allowing it to degenerate into the fringes, hiding Trent.

2063 — Charles Eddore becomes Secretary General. The Unification Council outlaws manually operated vehicles. The speedfreaks hold a protest long run and are slaughtered by a storm over the Atlantic, the survivors are executed for treason. Emile Garon returns, a PKF Elite, in September.

2064 — The Fizzle War, Eddore has Space Force shoot down a SpaceFarer flagship over Free Luna, then backed down from full scale war. The full-blown Gift of the House of November unfolds in Denice Castanaveras.

2060’s — Over the decade SpaceFarer technology becomes more common, monofilament fineline and room temperature superconductor become everyday reality, and over half a million people become juice junkies.

2068 — (December) Trent and company leave the fringes for the patrol sectors.

2069 — The Long Run:

2069 January — Trent, Jamos “Jimmy” Ramirez, Jodi Jodi, and bird set themselves up at Kandel Microelectrics Sales and Repair Shop.

2069-04-30 — During an attempted boost of CallyTronics Trent bumps into Denice just before being arrested. Emile Garon is there. He is later released by the gendarmes, and finds out that Police Chief of New York City, Maxwell Devlin, is a Johnny Reb.

2069 Summer — the Tau-Ceti probe sends back images of two Earth-like planets and a large orbital facility. see pages 66-69

2069-08-08 — Three Peaceforcers led by PKF Elite Emile Garon arrest Trent on various charges. They hold him for four days, and question his identity.

2069-08-13 — Very early in the morning Denice and Jimmy break Trent out of holding, beginning the Long Run.

2088 — Processing of PKF Elite is moved to Spacebase fourteen at Saturn.

2094 — F. X. Chandler dies.

2103 — Spacebase One is destroyed in the Peaceforcer Rebellion.

3018 — Alternities Press, CU:110.00 Zaradin, publishes the Name Historian’s Looking Backwards From the Year 3000.



Chandler MetalSmith Mark III (Emerald Eyes page 91 & The Long Run page 111)

  • hovercar (10–40 cm above ground) circa 2060’s
  • outer skin may change color as owner desires
  • canopy, hinge forward
  • soft brown leather interior
  • seats 4 (6 if friendly)
  • top speed 440 kph (with six seventy kilo occupants)
  • six fans underneath for ground effect
  • row of three rear turbojets for flight
  • retractable wings (skips at 180 w/wings, 220 w/o)
  • airscoop and rocket brakes
  • airscoop fed ramjets for flight
  • stabilize with wings and fans
  • driver optional gyroscope system (hard to flip over)
  • carcomp w/ infochip and 260-page printed manual
  • class C autopilot
  • cannot climb straight up, but can gain 300 meters in a two-square-block diameter loop.

Excalibur Series Two: dual frequency short laser rifle circa 2053 (Emerald Eyes page 147)

  • MASER (a semicoherent beam for close-up antipersonnel work). It can fry a small roomful of people almost as fast as a true flamethrower, and is much more portable. Against delicate electronics or flesh, or any object with a reasonable degree of water in its makeup, it was as lethal as an auto shot—and lasted longer in an all-out firefight. Against waldos the maser is less efficient.
  • X-laser (a true coherent laser, emitting a continuous, invisible beam of X-rays). Almost nothing can halt the X-laser; the beam slices through metal and flesh, stone and water, with equal efficiency.

PKF Elite (cyborg) (Emerald Eyes pages 138,205; The Long Run page 22)

While the subject is still young (under thirty-five), they are taken to Spacebase One at L-5, Peaceforcer Heaven where the Peaceforcer Elite were created. Surgery that is impossible under Earth gravity is just barely feasible when performed in the free fall of L-5. Peaceforcer gengineers and surgeons take them and changed them; injected them with transform viruses designed to strengthen their muscles, and to speed their neural reactions by better than forty percent. Changed by the transform viruses, doubly changed by surgery and cyborging;
  • Their cyber eyes can sample at over a thousand times a second, and see in infrared and ultraviolet as easily as a normal human distinguishes between blue and green.
  • Beneath their right shoulder blade is a power source good for six months.
  • A secondary nerve network laces itself through the first, fused to the one they were born with; the network and all of the Elite hardware it controls is controlled in turn by a combat computer implanted at the base of their skull.
  • Carbon-ceramic filaments wind themselves through and around their muscles, joints, and ligaments, reinforcing their bones; this, the direct work of the transform viruses, enables the Elite to withstand acceleration that would quickly kill any normal human.
  • Threads of room-temperature superconductor are woven into their skin; they barely notice most lasers. Their cyber skin will turn a knife, and their hair will not burn.
  • There is a multi-frequency radio in their head.
  • They have a laser built into their right forearm.
  • They weigh in the neighborhood of 200 kg.
  • Some also have an inskin at their left temple.

Trent’s place (The Long Run pages 21, 43–50)

‘Project Superman’

  • run by Suzanne Montignet & Malko Kalharri
  • 2030 — Carl Castanaveras
  • 2035 — Jane McConnell
  • 2036 — Johann MacArther
  • 2037–2042 — Six more Genies (one a year)
  • 2048 — 43 more Genies
  • 2049 — 73 more Genies
  • 2050 — 86 more Genies
  • 2051 — 25 more Genies, including Trent Castanaveras

 Carl             Jane
 Castanaveras ─┬─ McConnell
  │’53           │’53              ‘30
 David          Denice           Douglass
 Castanaveras   Castanaveras ─┬─ Ripper, Jr.
                _____      _____
                Ripper ─┬─ November
                Chauki         Chamber
              November       Tremodian
 ______________________ __,-='=====____  ================= _____=====`=
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   `------'---.___ -  _ =   _.-'
From: d.moran8@genie.geis.com
To:   continuing-time@umich.edu
Sent: 1994-12-30
Subj: Comments about List, Part 3
 Michael Burrage has the same bug I do; the desire to analyze and chart
and measure.  He posted a remarkable piece of work, a timeline, to this
list that was fascinating.  I haven’t compared it with my timeline line
by line yet, but I probably will.  What kills me is that he did this by
[TIMELINE OF EVENTS (Heavily Edited by the Author) is now in file timeline]
 I started off to write a page or two of my reactions to your thoughts,
and got a little involved. Two years worth of conjecture and discussion
boiled down into about two or three hours of reading.  What an