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User:MFontaine1/Joann Burmeister

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Joannes Burmeister ... Joannes Burmeister of Lüneburg (1576-1638 in *** ) was a Lutheran pastor in Gülzow, Germany, and an imperial poet laureate (poeta laureatus caesareus) of the Holy Roman Empire. He published a number of neo-Latin texts on biblical themes, some now lost. The most important among these are his 'sacred parodies' (parodiae sacrae) of Martial and Plautus.

His works include:

Parodiae sacrae of Martial’s epigrams (3 vols., Goslar, 1612/1613) Saturnalia Christiana (Goslar, 1619) Mater-Virgo (**, 1621), a Christian reworking of Plautus' Amphitruo. Aulularia (***, 1629), a Jewish/Christian reworking of Plautus' Aulularia.

