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User:Luciferous Luna

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Luciferous Luna (born November 30, 1984) is an Australian Overman, founder and symbolic leader of the religious sect: the Order of the Black Moon, as well as a prolific author of dark and alternative philosophy.



Raised in a Fundamentalist Christian home with with no siblings . . . Grandfather, silent, Pastor

Dropped out of Bonnyrigg Highschool before finishing the first year, in order to instead do Homeschooling, which he half-heartly performed for a short time . . .

Look, I'm just a mirror, and if you don't like what you're seeing in the mirror, look in a different mirror. I'm not telling you anything that's not there. I don't make it up for my own sake. I'm not saying I'm always right, but this is what I'm thinking, and if I don't tell you, then it wouldn't be doing anybody a service.

Luciferous (Giving light; affording light or means of discovery. See also: Lucifer) Luna (The Moon and the Roman Goddess Selene who, as Lucifer, is a Light-Bearer, as Luna himself is, calling himself "Luciferous" is meant to represent his function and nature as a being who carries the the Torch of Truth in the darkness, the Dawn Bringer of Enlightenment) Luna ( 30 November 1984 - ) is the username of a Gothic male, who identifys himself as a Satanist, though he would assertain that he does not follow the religion (or philosophy) of Satanism because he is a free spirit. Not a LaVey Cult member, or loyal to the COS, he's no one's follower, first and foremost, he is a fierce individualist. To him, being a Satanist is more of a designation of a personality type or natural inclination towards viewing and approaching life in certain ways, then it is being a part of, following, or adhering to any religion. Luna is his own God, a Pagan God. (To him "God" is a metaphor for "ruler" or a "Higher Being")

Although he does largely agree with the bulk of Modern Satanic thought, apart from Anton LaVey's writings, his world-view more closely mirrors the views of, first and foremost Friedrich Nietzsche, followed loosely by the views of Ayn Rand, Charles Manson, Marilyn Manson, and Aleister Crowley, among others who've influenced him (Socrates, Gordon Livingston) . . . He prefers to be called simply "Luna", though he often changes his name between "Luna NNF", (a reference to the alternative Comic Nightmares & Fairy Tales which influenced him in very powerful, though mostly indirect ways) "Luna Noir" (for his adoration and inspiration from Film Noir, and as a play on words: Noir, meaning "Black", coupled with Luna, which would make "The Black Moon", which is an occult reference to Lilith's Seed, Lilith is the mother of Lilin, so what he's basically saying is that he's Demon-spawn, which is an explaination for his overhuman nature.

Luna is an is closer to Übermensch then Untermensch. He certainly has a spirit much like Prometheus or as like Buddha, he knows his purpose in life is complete enlightment, and/or to help the enlightment of others. When it comes to religion he has alot of respect for Buddhism and Satanism, with marginal respect for Wicca.

(Seperate into catagories, "Explaination of Names", Views on People, the World, Women, Location, Cultural interests. etc.)

the Order of the Black Moon


Proposition: the formation of a Sect called "the Order of the Moon", It shall be called a "sect", not a (new) "religion", due to it's core being derived views of what makes sense, works (stresses Pragmatism) and what matters from an earthly (Pagan, Human) perspective: from other philosophies & religions such as Satanism, Luciferianism, Objectivism, Individualism Humanism, Anarchism, Buddhism, Thelema, also taking inspiration from the Punk and Gothic subcultures, classical mythology, classical literature, . . . therefore only someone who is extremely well-read and has an indepth knowledge of many different (specific-lesser known 'higher') subjects will ever understand what the Order of the Moon is fully about . . .

To understand the base abstractions of the Order, you would need to understand Archetypes and Symbolism (such as in the writings of Carl Jung) specifically: Lilith and the Black Moon: the symbolism : this will allude to the personality of the founder of this Order, and the rare kind of people who've been nurtured by silence and seclusion - who would make perfect members:

"Some people reject it because it doesn't make any sense to them to have it swing as much as 30 degrees from the mean position and have abrupt and irregular changes of velocity and direction, but I think it is precisely this erratic behavior what makes it the best representative of the irrational, instinctive, and primal symbolism of Lilith."

As part of the "emptiness", this empty focus is also the place of dreams, the garden of desires, the pot at the end of the rainbow, the "impossible dream", the "primal mate", the twin-soul, etc... but this place is very, very dangerous... it can devour you like a whirlpool!

Astronomically, the Black Moon is an isolated point, a point of neglect, repression, fermentation, and "magical" transformations that belong to a phantasmal, nocturnal, and instinctive/erotic world. It contains all the more instinctual energies (including the atavistic wisdom and clairvoyance, which is dependent on bodily functions) deep within the psyche, of which sexuality is of course paramount, and which manifest themselves in fairy tales and in primitive lunar symbolism: the night, the mystery, the magic, the danger, the secret, the fear, that which is forbidden...

See Also


Lilith (hypothetical moon)

The End of Evangelion

Intelligence and maturity is paramount to being a part of this sect:

the Order of the Moon has been described as a Luciferian sect more-so then a Satanic sect because Luciferianism is a more mature, intelligent and illuminating version of Satanism which champions not only earthly pleasures and being your own God, but also becoming more Godlike. the Order of the Moon is not a may be called a Cult in a loose sense since it's formed around a charismatic leader, yet it is not cultlike in the sense of having blind followers as the leader of this sect encourages free-thinking, critical-thinking, and even asks that no one trusts him, or "believes" what he's saying, but that they instead find out for themselves and "known": having blind followers goes against what Luna's philosophies stand for.

It shall not be called a Cult as that would imply a blind following, and I ask that no one trusts me, or "believes" anything I say, instead that they find out and "know", those who "beliefs" of any kind need to have their mind scrubbed clean of those cancers . . .

regular "Philosophers Cafe" or "book reading" style meetings in which the members spent a few hours reading the most illuminating literature . . . anti-materialism . . .