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User:Ltomohara/Spiny turtle/Bibliography

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Baizurah, Siti N., and Indraneil Das. "Heosemys Spinosa (Spiny Hill Turtle)." Herpetological Review, vol. 51, no. 4, 2020, pp. 831-832.[1]

  • In this source, the authors clarify the diet of the Heosemys Spinosa, highlighting observations made regarding spiny turtles at the Kubah National Park in Sarawak. I plan to use this information to expand on the behavior section of my article to explain the Spiny turtles' diet comprised of mushrooms and also to describe their role as seed disposal agents.

Diesmos, Arvin C., et al. "Status and Distribution of Nonmarine Turtles of the Philippines." Chelonian Conservation & Biology, vol. 7, no. 2, 2008, pp. 157-177, doi:10.2744/CCB-0672.1.[2]

  • Diesmos et al. describe the natural history, exploitation, and research regarding the spiny turtle. This article starts from the first confirmed existence of the spiny turtle and ends by emphasizing recent exploitation of the turtle that has led to a need for conservation efforts. I will utilize the natural history section of this source to write about the spiny turtle's distribution in streams in lowland forests and how the consumption and trade of the turtle have contributed to the need for conservation efforts, clarifying that although the spiny turtle was endangered when this source was written in 2008, exploitation was not happening at a significant level.

Goetz, Matthias. "Husbandry and breeding of the spiny turtle Heosemys spinosa (Gray, 1931) at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust." Radiata, vol. 16, no. 2, 2007, pp. 1-15. Heosemys Spinosa. Mar 16, 2022.[3]

  • This source offers a detailed description of the spiny turtle's breeding conditions, diet, behavior, including clutch data for reproduction for four females in the years following 1995. I would like to use information from this database to identify aspects of the turtle's behavior, including the reproduction process, diet, and differences between children and adult turtles. Also, I plan to derive facts about the turtle's distribution and its conservation, expanding on its collection for consumption, use in traditional Chinese medicine, and its participation in the international pet trade.

Heosemys Spinosa. Mar 16, 2022, https://www.nparks.gov.sg/florafaunaweb/fauna/0/6/06.[4]

  • This website expands on the description, ecology, and conservation of the spiny turtle. I would like to use this source in the description section for the turtle's shell pattern, head, and limbs.

Herman, Dennis W. Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinosa) Care Sheet. Aug 7, 2000, http://www.chelonia.org/Articles/hermnspinosacare.htm.[5]

  • This page is a care sheet for spiny turtles and identifies ideal living conditions for them indoors and outdoors. It also highlights health hazards for owners of the spiny turtle to be aware of and includes basic facts about the species. I will use this database to add to the reproduction section of the spiny turtle article by describing how reproduction is triggered by a rain event, clarifying differences between reproduction in captivity and in the wild. Also, I want to add details about health hazards for the turtle.

Myers, P., et al. Heosemys spinosa Spiny turtle. 2023, https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Heosemys_spinosa/classification/.[6]

  • Myers et al. describe the classification of the spiny turtle on this website. I plan to utilize this source to contribute to a taxonomy section of the spiny turtle article to list how it fits into the largest classification of the kingdom animalia to the narrowest classification of the species heosemys spinosa.

Platt, Kalyar, Steven G. Platt, and Thomas R. Rainwater. "First Record of the Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinosa) in Myanmar." Chelonian Conservation and Biology, vol. 13, no. 2, 2014, pp. 257-260. Agriculture Science Database, Environmental Science Database, ProQuest Central.[7]

  • This source reports the first confirmed record of the heosemys spinosa in Myanmar, and how past assumptions of the spiny turtle's existence were correct. I would like to incorporate facts from this site to add a part to the distribution section about its existence in Myanmar, explaining that the spiny turtle was seen in streams of the coastal region in Myanmar as opposed to the wetlands where it is usually found. In addition, I can add to the behavior section by clarifying that the turtle exists near fruit trees due to its feeding on fruit, and I will use this information to explain in the conservation section that the greatest threat to these turtles is the conversion of natural forests to oil palm plantations.

Rouot, Simon. Spiny Turtle. Feb 28, 2019, https://www.turtleconservancy.org/news/2019/2/species-highlight.[8]

  • Rouot includes some details about the turtle's distribution and its appearance, highlighting important steps readers can take to help conservation efforts. I plan to use this source to add a physical description of the turtle's features to the description section and clarify its habitat. Moreover, I plan to list out some conservation steps that have been taken and can continue to be taken.

Spinks, Philip Q., et al. "Cryptic variation and the tragedy of unrecognized taxa: the case of international trade in the spiny turtle Heosemys spinosa (Testudines: Geoemydidae)." Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 164, no. 4, 2012, pp. 811-824, doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00788.x.[9]

  • Spinks et al. incorporate facts about the spiny turtle's variation and phylogeny. I would like to use this database to explain in the taxonomy section the revelations about the turtle's evolution and species classification.

Spiny terrapin. https://www.ecologyasia.com/verts/turtles/spiny_terrapin.htm.[10]

  • This website includes a detailed description of the spiny turtle's physical features. I am implementing this source as a citation in the description section regarding the turtle's keel and head. I also want to use it to describe differences between adult and juvenile spiny turtles.

Spiny turtle, https://web.archive.org/web/20170406032656/https://www.torontozoo.com/ExploretheZoo/AnimalDetails.asp?pg=694.[11]

  • The Toronto Zoo site covers the description, distribution, habitat, food, reproduction, adaption, and threats to survival of the spiny turtle. I am planning to use this site for the reproduction section to describe the formation of the hinge in the female before egg-laying.

Spiny Turtle, https://tnaqua.org/animal/spiny-turtle/.[12]

  • The Tennessee Aquarium site explains spiny turtle hatchlings bred in captivity. I would like to implement the description of these spiny turtles to add to the description section to clarify the purpose of the turtle's spine and also cross check the reproduction information contained in the Chelonia article.

"Spiny turtle hatching is first for UK." Western Mail, 2013, pp. 13. ProQuest Central.[13]

  • This source describes the first spiny turtle hatching in the UK at the Chester Zoo. I plan to utilize this source to add to the conservation section and explain that even though the turtles are facing extinction in the wild, the new hatching at the Chester Zoo has given conservationists hope.


  1. ^ Baizurah, Siti N., and Indraneil Das. "Heosemys Spinosa (Spiny Hill Turtle)." Herpetological Review, vol. 51, no. 4, 2020, pp. 831-832.
  2. ^ Diesmos, Arvin C., et al. "Status and Distribution of Nonmarine Turtles of the Philippines." Chelonian Conservation & Biology, vol. 7, no. 2, 2008, pp. 157-177, doi:10.2744/CCB-0672.1.
  3. ^ Goetz, Matthias. "Husbandry and breeding of the spiny turtle Heosemys spinosa (Gray, 1931) at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust." Radiata, vol. 16, no. 2, 2007, pp. 1-15. Heosemys Spinosa. Mar 16, 2022.
  4. ^ "NParks | Heosemys spinosa". www.nparks.gov.sg. Retrieved 2023-04-06.
  5. ^ "Asian Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinosa) Care Sheet". www.chelonia.org. Retrieved 2023-04-05.
  6. ^ "ADW: Heosemys spinosa: CLASSIFICATION". animaldiversity.org. Retrieved 2023-04-05.
  7. ^ Platt, Kalyar, Steven G. Platt, and Thomas R. Rainwater. "First Record of the Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinosa) in Myanmar." Chelonian Conservation and Biology, vol. 13, no. 2, 2014, pp. 257-260. Agriculture Science Database, Environmental Science Database, ProQuest Central.
  8. ^ "Turtle Conservancy — Species Highlight". Turtle Conservancy. Retrieved 2023-04-05.
  9. ^ Spinks, Philip Q., et al. "Cryptic variation and the tragedy of unrecognized taxa: the case of international trade in the spiny turtle Heosemys spinosa (Testudines: Geoemydidae)." Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 164, no. 4, 2012, pp. 811-824, doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00788.x.
  10. ^ "Spiny Terrapin - Heosemys spinosa". www.ecologyasia.com. Retrieved 2023-04-06.
  11. ^ "Toronto Zoo | Spiny turtle". web.archive.org. 2017-04-06. Retrieved 2023-04-12.
  12. ^ "Spiny Turtle · Tennessee Aquarium". Tennessee Aquarium. 2020-05-07. Retrieved 2023-04-05.
  13. ^ "Spiny turtle hatching is first for UK." Western Mail, 2013, pp. 13. ProQuest Central.