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Aslo named as neo-ruralism, the counterurbanization is a phenomen that people where live in an urban are like a city's center move to rural area like periphery or countryside. It appeared in 20th Century and often concern middle and upper classes.



Some causes explain the counterurbanization, like the wish to change the area, meet the nature more often, the air which is less polluted. People have more space to have a bigger garden or house. The bigger garden is useful to have animals, vegetable garden, swimming pool or others. The larger house is helpful with many childrens or simply many people inside. The COVID-19 is an other motivation because of the fear of getting the virus and live in a healthy area.



Counterurbanization make losing inhabitants for cities. It means that they are less people who give her money but it allows to maintain the city or carry out work.



Counterurbanisation.php https://www.iberdrola.com/social-commitment/counterurbanization https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Introduction_to_Sociology/Sociology_(Boundless)/17%3A_Population_and_Urbanization/17.05%3A_Urban_Problems_and_Policy/17.5E%3A_Shrinking_Cities_and_Counter-Urbanization