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User:Louis Shum 2

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The following is a lampoon, for comedic purposes only


Vital Stats

  • Name: Louis 'H' Shum
  • Country of Origin: No longer exists
  • Species: Nanomachine-enabled Hybrid Zombie
  • Date of Birth: Unknown
  • Political Preference:Libertrian/Occasional Fascist

Louis Shum


Louis Shum, is known to the locals as "The Invisible Dragon", given his Chinese ethnicity and incredible stealth skills. He is also known As 'Lannibal Hecter' and as of 2006, this individual has assumed the form of a 20 year-old human male of Asian ethnicity.

It is believed that this individual is the product (or perhaps bi-product) of a Shadow Global Government/Majestic-12 experiment in alien hybrid research and/or nanotechnology. The exact circumstance of his/its creation , or intended purpose, is unknown. Records of the operation have long since been destroyed, but a recent discovery in the province of Hunan, China, has shed some light. In scriptures found in a mountain cave, a mysterious "Mao" talks of a child of "broken insides (sic)", whose "nonsensical ramblings" led men to suicide. This accurate description of Shum leads few Scientists to doubt the authenticity of the writings.

Resulting from Louis' experimental 'birth', his ability to pass off as perfectly human is sometimes not entirely effective, he has been known to exhibit profoundly robotic behavior including environmental scanning and frequent pauses, suspected to be caused by stack overflows and memory leaks. It is believed that the Louis kernel is frequently updated.

Louis' abilities to blend into the local populations make it difficult to track his movements, but latest intelligence reports place him in various locations throughout Australia. Some claim have seen him training in various other locations, including Lebanon, Syria and North Korea.

Selected Quotes

  • "NOT AN OPTION!!" - Followed by meaningful look
  • "Beam me up Scotty!"
  • "See you in Hell!"
  • "Hippie Pig!"
  • "Does not compute."
  • "Negative!"
  • "Affirmative!"
  • "Shut Down!!" (an ironic and somewhat humerous version of "shut up")