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About Me


I strongly hold to the principles of NAP, and in truth, no matter how unpleasant. There is a time for us to be grown-ups and face the world in an adult manner.

About the World


I have great hopes for mankind, despite all of its problems and faults. We may be headed for some dark times right now, but there is always the light at the end of the tunnel. As a fledging species, we've not done too badly, and have got through the very bloody and torturous times in our past.

Let us not lose what progress we've made. Application of logic and reason in all things in indicated. Let's come to the table and talk it out. Let us use the greatest thing we have been gifted with as a species: Our neocortex.

My Aspirations


I would like to pay a big role in birthing the creation of AGI. I think I know how to pull it off, but it will not be easy. It will undoubtedly require the creation of new hardware. But I will say this: The current gradient-descent approaches that are currently wildly popular will not scale to AGI.

My Politics


I am sick to death of politics. It is nothing more than a power fest. A race to get those who hold the big guns to do our bidding at the expense of others. Whether you are libertarian, conservative, liberal, or leftist, can we not simply focus on our own personal lives and leave everyone else alone? Or is the thirst of power like a drug, a powerful elixir, that many have become addicted to? Tend to your own business as an individual, and allow others to tend to theirs. Live and let live. This should not be a difficult concept to understand.