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User:Locoluis/ASCII OTP

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The following is a proposed One True Pairing for ASCII characters.

!?      #%      &@      $_
"'      `^      ,.      ;:
()      <>      []      {}
+*      -/      \|      =~

-- Rationale --

  1. Exclamation and interrogation signs.
  2. The number and percentage signs.
  3. The commercial At symbol, and the ampersand which stands for Latin et.
  4. $_ is for Perl.
  5. Single and double quotation marks.
  6. The acute and circumflex are both accent marks.
  7. The comma and period.
  8. The semicolon and colon.
  9. Opening and closing parentheses.
  10. Less and greater than (XML, SGML).
  11. Opening and closing brackets.
  12. Opening and closing braces.
  13. Addition and multiplication signs.
  14. Substraction and division signs.
  15. Backslash and pipe signs (32 characters of distance, often at the same key)
  16. Equal sign and similar to sign (Tilde).